Chapter 3:Growing Closer and Setting Out
Years of servicing his lord had left the bao with some impressive stamina and cum control, which he used to ensure halen was truly ruined before he was done.
The End of a Rivalry
 The humid air of the alien planet seemed to permeate Cozar's skin with its thick, putrid fumes. His helmet trapped his perspiration, making the experience an ordeal. He grunted, trudging...
Achieving the Impossible - Part 6 of Sunny's Storry
This was to such a degree that the lack of verbal response and the brief slip of facial control communicated the fact that jane meant less than nothing to him.
A Dragon and his Daddy part 2
Heavy duty bondage, cum control, limb restrictions.. hell i even knew, briefly, some guy who was into dipping his boys in cement and making them garden ornaments for parties.
Good Homes for Good Puppies
Jake, for his part, never really grew used to being kept sexually frustrated and strictly cum controlled but he did learn to make his peace with it, after a fashion.
A Place That Don't Know My Name
Looking down, i saw that the loss of facial control had allowed me to drool down my chin and shirt. i wrinkled my nose, at that, not liking so complete a loss of control, but it was what it was.
Legend of the Storm and Sun, Book one - Asyron’s war.
Mammals and their need of light to see...thaggeios's would have smiled had he had the facial control to do so. "they are coming my'lady." he whispered to kristae standing beside him. the other vono lay hidden as still and silent as stone.
Power Over Them
I was acutally surprised at her level of cum control! i heard her finally starting to grunt and she said "j..jamie..oh fuck..jamie, baby..i'm gonna cum soon! i..i can't take this anymore, i'm so hard i just can't stop fucking you!