An Enchanting Relationship! The Lovebirds’ Story
Gosalyn, despite the lack of knowledge on the ancient sumerian language (thanks to some small, fine print english text at the bottom of each spell), read carefully the spell...
Latex Lore Chapter 2: The Ranks Swell
The text wasn't written in plain english text but was instead written in a font that he had only seen come from one other place. it consisted of symbols that depicted an ancient forgotten language belonging to the guardians of the planet.
Return to the Den (Chapter 7)
Instead of english text, or any other identifiable written language, the page was covered in a series of straight-lined glyphs and pictographs.
Partners in Crime
All turned out to contain science and engineering concepts and mathematical formulae beyond her comprehension, but the drawings and what she was able to glean from the english text and jin's description of the device in question made it clear which was the
Consequence of magic
I flip ahead a couple pages, still english text. i jump a few chapters, still english text. _what is going on?
Robin Hood: Why do you steal?
Behind them, a small gust of wind circling the lonely willow tree blew a tiny portion of soil away from the base of the tree, revealing a black granite plaque engraved with words and numbers in old english text, each word also painted with a specially chosen
Luna and Thief: Christmas Special
First the symbols for teacher in english... and then docente and maestro in english text... and then he followed with the word in hiragana and katakana. "i'd like you to copy what's on the board." "s - sir?"
Spammer [Story Collab]
Of course, as the drugs worked by overwriting information, not creating new information, this meant that marisse found herself stumbling slightly over her own english text.