Consequence of magic

Story by Starlight Nova on SoFurry

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#1 of Requests

Here we go. Story commission for Night_Spore426. Idea is his, work is mine. This was going to be a story/art trade, but after I finished the story, he seemed to vanish. I don't really care about the art, he was going to make a banner for me. It had been some while since I had worked on this. He loved the story but thought the ending was lackluster. Just to let you know, it did not include chapter seven. The last part of chapter seven was originally the ending to chapter 6, but I felt bad so I added another part, making this story 78 pages long with 38,984 words, the longest, single story I have done besides my main series which is a collective 151 pages and 74,893 words altogether.

This took a month or two to do, working on it a bit at a time. I hope you guys like it just as much as I do. Here is the general outline of the Story:

Setting: guy uses a magical spell that can merge things together. At the end of the story he accidentally merges the next door neighbor's male dog, which he hates, with his Wife, who is wearing sexy lingerie and distracts him. The resulting merge then rapes his ass. Earlier he merges the dog with the mail man, just to test it out no sex though. The year is 2012 in Omaha, Nebraska.

Other than that, comment, vote, fave and watch me if you liked it. If you want a commissioned story of your own, don't be afraid to PM me. Just look at my likes and dislikes if you want to know what I will and will not do. If you can be patient for long periods of time, then I will be willing to hear your idea. Just remember, the more it appeals to me, the faster I will write it. The most I have done in a day is 15 pages, give or take.

I will also be creating some art for this story, placing it at certain points. I have a Wacom tablet and a free Mypaint program to draw in. While I may not be the best artist, the things I will be doing will be simple. A book, some symbols, and maybe some other things. I hope you like it, and don't forget to feed you dragon, give it plenty of love and affection and water those flowers. Cheers!

Chapter One: Just a bloody bad day

"I can't believe this happened to me again!" John yells in frustration while entering his home before slamming the door with a resounding boom. "I got fired...again!"

John's wife, Sarah, looks at him through the kitchen door. "Maybe you are just having a bad day love?" Sarah says compassionately while cooking up one of his favorite foods, Lasagna with extra onions.

"Well, I can't seem to have any more luck with Game co. than I did Delson or communications help," John says as he drops his expensive coat on the floor near the coat rack and stomps off to sit on the couch in the room to the far left of their home.

Sarah just nods and smiles while continuing to cook supper. "Honey?" She says.

"Hmmmm?" John replies, flipping through channels at a breakneck past before settling onto his favorite show,

"I am going to be gone for most of tomorrow for an important meeting. I have made you breakfast and lunch until I get back." Sarah says, closing the fridge after pouring some milk.

"What about supper?"

"I will be home before supper, hopefully if it doesn't take too long." Sarah explains before turning off the oven and getting the Lasagna out to cool with oven mitts.

"Man, you're going to leave me alone when that beast is outside our home, yapping away?" John sighs in irritation.

"I seriously don't know what you don't like about that dog. He is just the most adorable thing you could find for a malamute."

"Yes, I know, but he hates me, and I hate HIM! It's as if we were made to despise each other until the day we die." John says exasperated.

"I bet you will be fine. Remember the dog you used to have? I think his name was...?"

"Rigne, cute, miss him." John says curtly before shutting off the T.V. to head to the kitchen as his wife prepares the table.

Sarah looks at her husband with sympathetic eyes while the Lasagna cools. "I know you liked him, but there was nothing we could do to save him."

"Except move away." John mutters in disgust as he sits down at the round table, room for three.

"Oh, don't be like that John." Sarah replies, removing her apron to lean against the open door leading into the spacious kitchen, black hair flowing lavishly down her back.

"Why shouldn't I be? My jobs hate me. The world hates me. That DOG hates me. Do you see the look it gives me? Some days it ignores me, sometimes it barks when I pass by, but most of the time it growls and lunges at me like a savage beast!" John says, throwing his hands up in anguish.

"Well, maybe we can have a talk with the owner to see what we can work out."

"Fat lot of good that is going to do." John replies distastefully, slinking down in his seat while his wife gathers the food and places everything on the oak table.

"You sure do make excellent Lasagna though hun." John says while cutting himself a slice and folding his napkin. He may be lazy and bitter, but at least he is polite in some things.

"You are welcome. Perhaps you can go into the attic to browse old pictures while I am away?" Sarah suggests while serving her own piece of Lasagna and light soup.

_ ~~~~~Overview~~~~~ _

The two eat their dinner while the sun sets on a gorgeous day in Omaha Nebraska. The neighbor's dog, Max, an Alaskan malamute is the cause of John's trouble. John and Sarah used to live in a small town in Springfield Illinois before their dog, Rigne, passed away from old age. They decided to move somewhere else, somewhere peaceful to forget the old memories and start anew.

Actually, Sarah was offered a job by a big company. She is an IT manager, and is gone frequently over a span of a few days, leaving John alone at home, next to the dog that dislikes him just as much as he dislikes the dog. It is not clear why the dog does not like John, malamutes are known for their energetic and loving personality. But, to those who might not know, they become territorial and aggressive to unknown dogs...Who knows.

Another thing that we should explore before this day is over is John and Sarah's relationship together. They are both married, Sarah more so than John. Although he does appreciate the things she does for him, besides bringing home the dough to pay for the house and car, he is a general sourpuss. He does have friends, though they are far and in between. Sarah, on the other hand, only sees the good in him. She knows he has potential, but what that is will have to remain to be found out.

One of John's rare friends, who will become important later on sooner than you think; his name is Bill. He is the town's mail man, and a very friendly guy. Instead of being his normal, robust self, John and Bill actually have a common understanding. Even though we might not know what that is either, something about Bill softens John's heart just a tad from what it was before.

Bill, in his own case, is a special guy. He loves to volunteer and help out at local communities for children and such. Bill is the guy John goes to to talk about his feelings, mostly regarding the malamute owned by their neighbors. The neighbors are friendly in their own right; it's just the dog that gets him down.

Now, you may be wondering, well, what's so special about their relationship, about this setup? Why are you telling us all this. The answer will become apparent soon enough, as in the attic in their house, there is an old book that has been passed down through generations of families, landing in John and Sarah's attic to stay and gather dust for decades.

As night falls, the married couple goes off to bed. John immediately falls asleep in their lush king sized bed with violet purple and red colors, facing away from his wife, but Sarah stays up for a few more minutes, watching her husband sleep. His hair is a dark ash black, toned with lines of silver. His eyes, though she cannot see them, are a wonderful hue of burgundy. His sides rise and fall to his steady breathing, eventually decreasing as he drifts off into a deep sleep.

As is well, she should be going to sleep too, she has an important meeting with an important client that will help bring more money into the household and maybe, a companion for her John.

Chapter Two: Magical Findings

The sun shines through the shutters of the closed window as a new day arrives on the sleepy town of Omaha Nebraska. I groan as a small ray of light escapes the blinds and dashes onto my closed eyes. The sun momentarily shocks me before I roll over and slowly start to rise out of bed.

"Another day, another dog." I mutter sleepily, yawning while rubbing the drowsiness from my sleep encrusted eyes.

I get up and walk groggily over to my dresser, grabbing a pair of pants, a shirt, some underwear and undershirt before going off to take a shower. No better way to wake up to than a nice cool shower. I place the articles of clothing on the rim of the sink and turn on the faucet to get the water running. I then discard my night garment and hop into the shower to truly wake myself up.

After the relaxing shower and getting dressed in casual clothing, I head downstairs to have some breakfast. On the refrigerator is a note:

-Dear John,

_ Out on an important business meeting if you didn't forget. You can either have cereal or some waffles. I will try and be home before 7, if not, why not give your friend Bill a call and see if he would like to go out and get something with you._

_ -Love you_


Once reading the note over a few times, I huff in remembrance, flicking the note into the garbage before settling down for some cereal. While I pour the milk and scoop up some cheerios, I think about what got us all the way over here in Omaha Nebraska in the first place. To start off, Rigne dying didn't set the mood off right, that Chihuahua was my lifelong friend. It was only after he died that I became who I am, although Bill, the town's mailman, brings out the best in me. That does not take into account the neighbors big, ninety pound, 25 and ¾ inch Alaskan malamute. I do not even know how old he is, but I would expect he is a young adult at least for his great size.

The last thing I would suspect from coming to a new country where my new wife's job is, is to be harassed and practically beaten into submission each and every time I cross the neighbor's lawn to go on a casual walk. My wife had said it was not good for me to sit around all day, I would get fat. Well, I can't help it if I get fired from a job that hates me as much as I hate that blasted dog. The moment it can smell me, it barks at me like I am some kind of stranger. Who am I to know what is wrong with that animal? I don't know anything about malamutes, only Chihuahuas.

Well, better make something of today rather than lope about thinking of ways to get back at that dog. That dog...Gray and white with ash black fur covering most of its body. More like Satan coming to try and convince me to join him. As if.

Thinking well, I rise up after I have finished my cereal and deposit the bowl into the sink. Not wanting to miss the best time of the day, and possibly most stressful, I stride out the door after I put my shoes on to meet my best friend.

"Bill!" I shout enthusiastically while holding my arms out before he can go too far down the sidewalk. He stops shuffling through the pile of mail he has in his hand to look behind him and spots me, practically skipping down the driveway to meet him.

"John! How are you today?" Bill replies just as joyously in a light western accent marked with Spanish influence. "You look rather happy this morning?"

"Eh, don't spoil it. As long as that dog doesn't do anything I'm good to go." I reply merrily, putting my hands into my pants pocket while looking around.

"Well, that's good to hear. I did not see him out right now, probably still inside." Bill responds, wearing the typical blue and white mail man attire with a loose shirt and pants along with his satchel.

"That's good," I say casually. "Oh hey!" I pip in, forgetting what I was going to say, the other reason why I called his attention before he strolled away.

"Yes John?" Bill replies.

"My wife may not be back in time for supper, want to go eat something at a restaurant together?" I ask.

"What time?"

"Around seven?"

"Sounds good." Bill says before turning to head to the next house, a fine two stories like mine.

I turn back to head inside to find something to occupy my time. It is always a great start to my day when I see Bill in the morning. The connection we have is just...Special. I can't explain it. Maybe it has something to do with how he can attest to what I might be feeling about losing Rigne; the small, however heavy Chihuahua was just the same in cheering up my day. Both my wife and I had a job at that time, but he was starting to get old by the time I turned twenty-seven.

Anyway, better see what is up in the attic. My family always used to have a good time wherever we went. San Francisco, New Jersey, California, and 'that' was when I was still young, not yet a grown man. My parents are still alive, that is, they are just in a nursing home. I visit them from time to time, but I have not found the motivation to do so since Rigne passed away.

That memory still haunts me; it is like a dream that won't die. Maybe if I see him one more time, then I can try to do better, try to get a job, sustain one instead of just losing it a week or however long after. We certainly have a lot of family albums, including some weird junk in the attic that I have no idea what the use of it is.

With a heavy mind yet a cheerful personality, I make my way to the latter that leads to the attic. I lift it open and climb up into the dusty abode that is the history of our family...and then some. The attic is a typical attic, being slanted on both sides because of the roof and runs along the length of the house. Despite its cramped appearance, it holds a lot of old family photographs and memorabilia. Of course, with every attic, it is just as dusty, maybe even more so because of the heat with sunlight streaming in through shuttered windows.

Once I lift myself onto the wooden platform of the attic, I remain crouched, as it is the only way to stand up here. Well, not the only way, our house is like a T shape and at the end of the T on the bottom, there is existentially more room than there is anywhere else. Since I do not like cramped spots, I swiftly head over to the enlarged area, heading to the other side of our house, which also happens to contain most of the 'weird' artifacts in our family history.

Some of them I know while others I have no idea what they do. Old gadgets and lost gizmos lie in wait that have eroded with time, broken down and barely functional if at all. There are plain wooden boxes along the path to the bigger area in which I twist and turn nimbly to avoid hanging spider webs as well.

Finally making it to the more spacious part of the attic, I quickly brush off a wooden rectangular crate immediately to my right and sit down to rest for a bit. I gaze around the room, sniffling because of the heavy accumulation of dust in the air and around me. Fond memories come back to me while I sit and just relax in the dingy attic with a horde of broken and semi-useless objects.

I remember back at our other house, the attic was much bigger, something like a pyramid, and everything there was organized much neater. My parents would occasionally bring down an old book to read to me and my sister, who is off somewhere else, doing her thing as an actor.

I sigh in contention, all the good and bad memories warring within my mind. It does not take a second before I spot something that was not here before. Of all the times my parents let me up here; I have been able to memorize every knick-knack and doo-dad without fail even though the arrangement is different. I definitely do not remember a big thick book stuck in between some rusty old wires in a box and a contraption that I always thought looked like a microscope like the ones scientists used.

The book, which is fairly bulky, is a deep rick purple, almost black. The dim light makes it troublesome to see the details but I lean forward to squint my eyes to try and discern where it came from. I lean forward to get up, slowly walking to the old wooden and rickety shelf that contains various other things as well. I raise my left hand up and place it on my chin, contemplating what I should do with it.

Not thinking of any ideas, I foolishly reach for it, the surrounding dust stirring up clouds of rebellion to assault my nose, making me sneeze and trip. My grip on the book is strong enough that I pull it out of its spot, falling back to land with a painful 'thud' on the wooden floor. The boards squeal in protest but hold. I quickly set the book off to my right side to assess how much my ass hurts. Thankfully it is still intact, but it will sure leave a bruise in the morning to come.

Opening my eyes which I did not realize I had closed on impact with the floor, I reach to pick up the book again, getting up to retake my seat on the wooden crate before examining said book. It surely looks heavy but does not show it. The colors are a vibrant, deep purple with golden etched designs laced on the front and back. Strange writing is on the cover, of which I cannot vaguely begin to make out the meaning of.

I wonder what this is anyway, seems like the language is written in Greek, or even Indian. No matter, mind as well see what is inside, but that won't be possible with this horrendous lighting up here, better take it downstairs to inspect it further. Without further ado, I get up once again and carefully make my way back to the other side of the attic, crouching to avoid the randomly spaced crates filled with random things as well as the spider webs.

Once back downstairs and after I closed the door to the attic, I make my way to my chair, the one I usually sit in to watch T.V. I lean back comfortably, holding the feather weight book at a cautious distance from my chest.

"Mmmmm, haven't seen anything at all like this before. Unless it is something Sarah got and didn't tell me about, I have no idea where it came from. Looks to be pretty new too, barely any dust on it at all." I mutter to myself, lost in thought.

I turn the book over to inspect the back, the same symbols and color spreading to wrap the back of it in a hue of saturation. On the front are two circles that shape up to look like a Poke-ball. I set it on my lap and lean forward, wiping my tongue swiftly over my right hand thumb before opening the book and gazing inside.

"Still does not make any sense." I grumble, tilting the book at various angles to try and make any sense out of the beginning text. I skip ahead a couple pages and a few chapters until one catches my eye.

"What the?" As the rest of the text had been in some strange foreign language, this section seems to be in English, although a bit outdated it seems. "What is going on?" I question myself while scratching the back of my neck, holding the book firmly with my left hand.

I flip ahead a couple pages, still English text. I jump a few chapters, still English Text. _What is going on? It seems the first...five chapters are in a different language and the rest is in English,_I ponder while flipping through the rest of the book. Finely creased pages that smell practically new, just like a new car smell, rather three times better. Maybe that's not possible, but who cares.

This book, though it looks to be odd and unnatural in every way, seems to be calling me somehow. I flip back till I am a third through the book, stopping on a page that clearly says, 'transmutation, merging, and transformation.'

"Ok?" I think this is going a little too far. This sounds like a spell book to me, these words don't even make any sense.

"Sounds like sashaboowee to me. Tch. Go read something in the attic John, it will pass the day." I mutter, gradually getting pissed and angry for having taken my wife's advice at all.

"The dog would have been better than this."

Anyway, I close the book and stride disdainfully into the kitchen and grab myself something to drink, getting a quick look at the clock while I am at it. 9:34 already? Must have hit my ass harder than I thought to jar my brain. But that does not matter right now.

Returning with drink in hand, a can of fruit punch, I rest my head on the comfy headrest and set my drink in the cup holder. I grudgingly pick the purple and gold etched book back up; eager to see what other mysteries it holds. After a few seconds of skimming pages, I blink my eyes, confused.

"These words were just readable a few minutes ago?" I mutter, frantically going back and forth, vainly trying to figure out what any of this gibberish means.

Sighing in defeat, I turn back to the spot where I had stopped on the chapter containing 'transmutation, merging, and transformation.' Seeing as the text here is still in English, I begin reading it even though my mind is abuzz with what this damn book could be.

Chapter 29:

Transmutation, merging and Transformation:

Learning to change the world around you

Warning: Any viable actions taken by the reader are wholly subject to their own violation of endangerment. Use with caution, these are advanced spells and should only be performed by a high level mage, wizard or warlock.

Anyone caught cheating; lying or abusing the book will be subject to death.

"The first step to achieving your desired altercations is to have a will that will not break. A strong willpower is necessary to performing these complicated spells, as the consequence for doing them wrong might result in, but is not included to: Nausea, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, pains in your joints, fatigue, dizziness, trouble swallowing, weakness in the knees, impaired vision, hypothermia, coma, and death....

......Death...That was not what I wanted to hear. I just started to read this and it sounds like an instructions manual. Wait, it says something else in small print.

...Death is just an exaggeration, but seriously, over use a spell and you will pass out from the stress. Also coma is not real either.

"That is good to know." I say to myself, knowing that these spells are dangerous to use if used wrongly. Something I am surely not going to do.

"Ok, let's see here, changing an object, shaping a vase, molding the floor...Ok seriously, who came up with these spells? Ah, here we are, page 372, section 8, merging."

"To begin using the merge spell, you must have two viable objects at hand. They can either be inanimate or organic. Warning: Merging of organic matter takes more concentration and takes greater skill. Although it can be done, it is best used with caution or when properly prepared. To merge, recite these words over until the desired effect is achieved.

"Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali"

"Strange words for a strange book." I mutter, shaking my head while closing the book. This looks too good to pass up, maybe if I try it on something inanimate, I can learn how to do this spell without messing it up. It is like, what? Seven words? I probably have to pronounce them right too. Well, better things could happen to me.

Getting up and setting the book on a nearby table with a lamp on it, I browse the multitude of objects I have in my house, looking for something that neither I nor Sarah need anymore. After nearly ten minutes of searching, I come across two things that we could do without, my old flip phone and a broken game controller for the PS2.

Settling back down in the chair with the chosen objects in my lap, I pick up the book again and flip to the page I was on previously.

"To begin citing the above phrase, one needs to clear their mind of all distractions. Breathe in and out deeply to calm you mind. Let nothing distract you and nothing will go wrong."

"Sounds easy enough." With the instructions as plain as day, I move everything, the book, the objects and my drink to my bedroom.

I settle myself down on the soft mattress, placing my fruit punch on the nearby nightstand while positioning my old phone and broken controller next to each other on the comfy bed. First off, I take a deep breath, and then another one, and another, until I feel myself calming down. I pull up a picture of myself and my dog, Rigne, playing together in the back yard of our home, going back and forth throwing tennis balls as I slowly close my eyes.

I smile at the vague memory; it might not be much, but it warms my heart. The little seven ounce Chihuahua bouncing all over the place, dashing to and fro, running to fetch the ball and then bring it back to his awaiting master. All this calms me down as the open book, turned to the incitation page, begins to glow a faint white from its deep purple.

I take a few more moments to revel in the remembrance of my old friend, thinking of the times we had together while I slowly lay my hands to either side of my crisscrossed lap. Taking one final deep breathe, I recite the phrase after I open my eyes. Looking intensely at the two objects, I think of nothing besides me and my love for Rigne, his little form, hopping all over the furniture, his little bark, the way he ran, everything while I say those seven words out loud.

"Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali." I repeat it over and over until a enveloping white light, similar to the one covering the book, takes hold of the two objects and moves them together, forcing them to combine into something new.

I chant the phrase a few more times before stopping, starring in excitement and also envy and trepidation for the magic being used for the spell. The phone and the controller lose definition soon enough, looking like a mixed blob of numbers and plastic. The white light increases in volume from both the book and the merging objects, soon becoming too bright for me to stare directly at them.

It ends quickly enough as the light flickers out suddenly to be replaced by light trails of smoke. I uncover my eyes to look at the new creation I had created. At first glance it looks...odd. But on closer inspection I start to figure out a use I could have for, whatever it is. Or I could throw it away with my families other useless knick-knacks to rot in the attic for decades to come.

The general shape is somewhat like a controller but also looks like a keyboard. A portable keyboard I guess? Well, whatever it is, I may or may not find some use for it. Better keep this hidden from my wife for now until I can figure out what to do with it. That reminds me, I must also hide the book. She must not know I found this spell-book, if that is what it really is.

Looking at the book now, I can see it too was smoking a little but has now stopped. I carefully pick up the book to find it still cool to the touch, the same as it was before. Smiling, I suddenly feel thirsty, and grab my drink and drain it in a few gulps. I look back at the book, panting from the quick drenching of my thirst.

"Mmmm, maybe this is more dangerous than I thought. I should get something else to drink if I am to practice some more...But what to merge next?" I contemplate while eyeing the open can, seeing if I can get any more drops of fluid out.

I then get an idea; maybe I can use the junk in the attic for experimentation. That stuff has been sitting up there for too long, it is about time some of it got some usage after all these decades of gathering dust and mold.

With a content laugh, I stash the new object away in my closet and bring the book and empty can down. After getting a few bottles of water, I head back up into the attic to try some more, practice makes perfect is what they say. Maybe I can mold the final shape of the object with my mind. I was, not that I noticed, thinking about my laptop and how great it would be if I could only use one keyboard for everything. Hey! Maybe that can be one use for the new object I created. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try, would it?

Chapter Three: Unforeseen Circumstances

_ ~~~~~Three hours later~~~~~ _

"Man am I exhausted." I mumble to myself while slumping back in my comfortable chair in front of the T.V.

The magical spell book is off to one side along with a contingency of water bottles all in various stages of emptiness. It feels like I need to pee a waterfall but I don't have the energy to move. The book did warn me the spells would wear the user out. My bladder is bursting; I do not know how much longer I can...brrrp. Hold it. Excuse me.

"Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all." I complain to no one in particular, carefully rising up to slowly head to the bathroom.

After finally relieving myself, I take another quick shower, changing into a clean pair of clothing from all the perspiration gathered by my concentration. I had successfully merged eight objects to make four new and interesting gizmos. Of course, the weird stuff in the attic only made it stranger with the changes, not necessarily cooler or useable.

All refreshed and relieved, I head down stairs to get some lunch. Looking at the clock I notice that it is now 12:47 PM. I almost trip over my own feet I stop so suddenly, blinking in surprise. I had been going at it for over three hours? Well, no wonder why I feel hungry now. Hopefully Sarah made something good for me as I shakily trudge to the refrigerator, unnerved as to how I could let so much time pass without me noticing. Even though I am jobless and basically reek of manly odors for the times I get depressed when the dog harasses me, I always seem to organize my time efficiently while knowing how much time is left.

Shaking my head, I bring out a large tupperware container holding a few pounds of spaghetti. Yum. Moving over to the microwave, I take off the lid and warm it for one minute and thirty second while getting a nice big glass of lemonade. Taking a small sip, I place it down on the table and wait until the spaghetti is done heating up before grabbing a fork and carrying the whole thing to the table.

I scarf the food down, only coming up to breathe and take a sip of lemonade. As I am halfway through, I suddenly freeze in my motion to take a bite. Remembering the spell book, I get up and move the book which is still on my chair and bring it over to the table. I flip it open to the page of merging and continue reading it while eating at a slower pace.

"Merging organic matter takes more concentration than combining inanimate objects. Being fully hydrated and healthy help with the process of casting spells. The weaker you are the harder it is to cast a spell. If a spell is overused or you get too fatigued, you will be overcome by an urge to sleep. It is just your body saying it has had enough.

"Merging organic matter is different than combining inanimate objects. The process is slightly different but the results are the same. The new and improved object will have the best of both materials and sometimes exceed physical limitations. For organic matter, use this spell with caution. Unexpected merging can result in, and is not limited to: loss of limbs, heart attack, stroke, extra limbs, gender shifting, gender merging, and or aggression.

"There are three basic levels or merging:

  1. Inanimate with inanimate

  2. Inanimate with organic

  3. Organic with organic

"To pursue more advanced versions, you must either be a warlock, a high mage, an archmage, druid, an elf, or a dragon. To merge organic with organic matter, calm your breathing and repeat the phrase from above. Make sure to memorize your spells because mages are best recognized by their books. Even though it may seem easier to merge organic with organic, the strain is greater. Make sure to be prepared and be careful when merging intelligent life."

After I finish my meal, I put it in the sink and wash my hands, mulling over what else I have learned for today. It is still early and Sarah said she would not be home until before or after supper. Maybe Bill is finished and I can talk to him about what I found...Wait, it said that mages are best recognized by their books. What does that mean? Am I a mage then since I cast a spell? No, I can't be, those creatures are myth, legend, pure fairy tale. But, what if there are others out there?

No, I must not get myself involved. It will only lead to either me possibly dying or getting fired...again. Yeah, I should tell Bill about this, but only some of it. I don't exactly feel good lying to my best friend about a new discovery I made. Best friend. Is that what I think of him now? I used to have plenty of best friends where I lived last before the death of my precious dog drove me to near insanity. Maybe it was for the best. I got to explore a new side of me, even though that side may not be the way my friends wanted to see.

Anyway, I pick up the house phone and call Bill to invite him over. I know I said to him if he would want to go out to eat later today but, I am just feeling a little lonely right now. Being with that 'dog' even sounds like a nice idea to me...Gah. What is wrong with me! I HATE that do-

"Hello?" A voice questions on the other end of the phone.

"Hey Bill." I reply casually, walking over to pick up the book and bring it up to the bedroom for now.

"Oh, John, what do you want?" Bill responds in a curious tone, not at all filled with malice of being called possibly when he is working.

"I just wanted to see if you are still working." I answer, walking downstairs slowly.

"Yes, I am. I mean no, I am not. Why did you call me John? Did something come up and you have to cancel for tonight?" He asks suspiciously with a small raise in his voice.

"N-no." I stutter. "I...well. Do you want to come over, if you're not doing anything that is? I guess I am pretty lonely right now with Sarah on an important trip with a client of hers." I reply, unsure whether Bill would agree to come over so abruptly after having talked with him a few hours ago.

"Of course I would like to come." Bill said. "When do you want me to come over?"

"How about right now? If you don't mind that is." I ask in a disquieted voice.

"Ha, not at all." Bill says will slight laughter. "Just let me finish doing something and I will be over in fifteen minutes. Why don't you see the neighbor's dog while waiting." Bill responds cheerily.

"You know how I 'hate' that dog." I growl out in sudden frustration, not meaning to take it out on Bill. But Bill has known me for long enough to know my reaction to a request like that.

"I was joking. I will be over shortly." Bill replies before we say our goodbyes and hang up.

With nothing to do for fifteen minutes, and definitely not wanting to visit the neighbor's dog while I wait, I sit down and try to relax in my chair to watch one of my favorite shows. It seems like only a few minutes pass before Bill rings the doorbell. I jerk out of my trance, glued to the television and one of the shows that keep me entertained. Shaking my head, I get up while turning the T.V. off and head over to the front door to let Bill in.

"Bill." I say in a slightly raised voice.

"John." Bill replies the same way. "How are you?"

"Good, just thought it would be better to have someone to talk to instead of walking outside with that 'mutt' tramping about." I respond disdainfully.

"Well, I am here for you. Ever and will always be."

"Why don't you come in?" I reply courteously.

"Thank you." Bill replies as I move aside.

"Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Not right now thank you. I just had something for lunch." Bill responds. "Is there anything in particular you wanted to talk to me about?" Bill asks while moving to sit on the couch as I sit in my personal chair.

"Ugggh," I pause, trying to think if I should tell him of the new book I found. I did not want to feel like I was crazy, but I knew that Bill was one of the people I could trust. He may or may not see me as crazy...or mentally diluted, maybe just strange, but nothing else. "I found a new book up in the attic." I finally said.

"Oh? What is the title of it?" Bill asks.

"I don't know, it does not appear to have one the last time I looked. The text is also a little foreign up to chapter five. After that it is a good book." I reply, fibbing a little.

"Mmmm, can I see it?" Bill requests.

"Aaah, maybe later. I put it up in the bedroom for now."

"Oh, well, what is it about?" Bill asks.

"I haven't gotten that far into it but it seems to be a fiction story."

"Really? What kind?"

"With the usual. Magic...goblins...wizards.......dragons." I respond warily, giving hesitant answers.

"Is everything all right John?" Bill asks me while learning forward on the couch.

"Wha? Oh, yeah," I reply a little exhausted. "Maybe I should get some air after all."

"That sounds good." Bill replies as he rises off the couch to follow me to the front door.

We head out to the front lawn and I start to walk to the right, away from the neighbor's dog. Bill notices this but does not say anything. He increases his pace to catch up and walk beside me while we view the wonderful scenery around the town. We stay out for approximately forty five minutes, and on our way I see the neighbor's car drive past us to wherever they are going. I barely put my mind on the subject as I try to just enjoy the wonderful day that has dawned on me.

Not long after we start to walk back, green trees and lush grass sparkle in the gleaming sun under a soft breeze. Birds sing and cat's meow while dogs stay inside. Bill and I talk about inconsequential subjects, his job, my wife's job, my attitude, and some things about the book. I do not tell him much, but I honestly can't without flat out saying I am a mage of some kind. I do not know how Bill would react, but I know we would at least still be friends, I hope.

Once we pass my mail box and I turn the corner to my driveway to enter my house, Bill stops me and suggests we go over and try to get me over my fear of the dog since the owners are away right now. I said I don't like the idea of it but Bill would not relent. He said it would be good to come onto nice terms with a dog that causes me much discomfort and pain throughout the week. Boy I know that is true.

"Fine, just don't expect me to get near him." I grumble with my arms crossed, a good day rapidly turning worse.

"You will have to if you want to be friends with him." Bill replies as we walk over to the neighbor's front yard.

I see no sign of the Alaskan malamute until we go to the backyard. Their house is similar to ours, except it is shaped as half of an H. I can clearly see the dog playing and jumping around in the enclosed area bordered of by a sturdy wooden fence that is 10' high. Sure high enough to keep a human out for a while. There is an assortment of dog toys and a swing set nestled to the far right of the backyard.

Bill continues to walk forward into the backyard even as I stop in my tracks, groaning a little while lowering my arms to my side. Bill looks back and just shakes his head while chuckling.

"Come on." He urges. I shake my head in response, refusing to go any closer in case the beast decides to attack me. "Fine, I'll bring him over. MAX!" Bill shouts with cupped hands over his mouth after turning away from me.

My face turns into one of surprise as to the idea of that creature getting any closer to me than I am comfortable with. Max, the gray, white and ash black malamute at roughly five years old stops playing and turns to face the sound of the voice, panting.

"Come boy. Come here! Come Max!" Bill calls, clapping his hands to encourage Max to come to him as he kneels on the ground with one knee.

Without hesitation Max bounds over to our position, leaping over broken toys and piles of leaves while barking on his way. His enthusiastic personality is what gets me bruised up almost every time we meet on the field of battle. The energetic malamute comes charging up to Bill while he steadies himself for the impact. Malamutes may be adorable and playful as well as loyal, but they can usually overestimate their strength.

With the foreseen possibility, Bill firmly embraces Max as he hugs him in a tight grip. The malamute's fur is a double coat along with a thick plumed tail to protect them from the elements. Max's fur is soaked in dog sweat as he slobbers all over Bill as he wrestles him around on the ground. Max's fur is a general color. A white mask covers his face up to the corners of his eyes. Light, gray/black streaks separate the coloration from his maw to his wet nose. His fur rapidly becomes an ash black over the main course of his body with patches of gray and some white. His tail is a sable red with a white undercover while his underbelly is a white/gray that goes down to his legs.

Bill still plays with Max as I watch passively from a distance. good thing is that he is not growling or barking at me. I could never quite understand that. Every so often Max would just sit and stare at me as I pass by, neither growling nor tackling me if I stared back too long. I guess I will never understand what is wrong between the two of us. Bill looks up from his position on the ground, Max panting by his side, stretched out on his right flank. I sigh as I know what is coming.

"Join us John. See?" He says while vigorously rubbing Max's stomach as he tries to reach up to play and grab his hand into his maw playfully. "All he wants is someone to play with."

"I am coming nowhere near him and you know that." I reply, still unsure whether to trust him or not.

"He is not growling at you. I have seen you walking by on occasion. Most of the times he growls and barks, yes, I have seen that, but sometimes he doesn't, just like now. Come one, give him a chance." Bill tries to coerce me into joining him as Max gives up trying to pull Bill's hand into his jaw and lies down to rest while Bill flattens and straightens his fur.

"Not a chance," I respond. "There is no way I am coming near him. I am fine where I am thank you."

"Suit yourself." Bill says before jumping up and darting into the backyard. Max lifts his head and wags his fluffy tail while panting with his tongue hanging out. He barks once before getting up and following Bill at a leisurely pace, apparently worn out for now.

My posture stiffens upon seeing Max walk towards Bill who grabs a big bowl and fills it up with water from the hose connected to the back of the house. Max walks up and starts lapping up the water while Bill steps back to watch. I shuffle forward a bit to keep Bill in view as Max turns and starts to chase Bill around the backyard.

I lower my head and sigh to myself, why does he have to do this now of all times. Maybe I could just-, I suddenly think of an idea while Bill and Max continue to play. Of course, I would have to wait for them to settle down to do it, but then I could get rid of that dog for good. Yeah, it might make me tired, but I think I am up to doing it. I just need to wait...

And Wait I do for half an hour before Max calms down again and rests in the shade of an overhanging tree. Bill sits down beside him to stroke his silky fur. Not that I have petted him or anything, I just know the feel because of all the times Max has tackled me.

From my own sitting position on the ground, after I had gotten tired of standing, I quickly rise up to prepare myself. Oh, this is going to be good. Before any other thought can enter my mind to distract me I look directly at Max and envision him and the ground. Gone, forever. No more barking, no more growling, no more...Ahem. Yes, got to keep myself focused. Do not lose focus.

Beginning the chant, I mutter under my breath the phrase and spell for merging while pronouncing with practiced ease. "Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali."

The book at home flips open on the bed to the phrase on its own, slowly glowing in the same faint white light as before, only with a green tint to it from last time. Max and Bill, totally unaware of what is happening, continue to lay together in peace before Bill decides to speak to me, thus breaking my steady concentration.

"Hey John," He waves over to me. "Come on over. I can hold him down if you want, just come on over and pat him. He is not a devil; he just wants someone to hang around while his owners are away.

I startle out of my trance, briefly glancing at Bill while the white/green light glows brighter around Max and the book with each passing second. Max looks around droopily as his fur stands on end, inevitably cooling him off too. That second of indecision is all the time for the spell to change. Bill begins to glow the same white/green as Max and he seems to notice before being knocked unconscious as the spell is completed, unable to be broken.

"Grrrhhhaa! What tha!" Bill shouts before getting drowsy like being knocked out with a tranquilizer.

I stop chanting as soon as Bill screams out, hoping to stop the spell, but even then it is too late as the magic takes its hold. Both Max and Bill glow brighter, slowly merging together, fusing while they are unconscious of the change that is happening. I gape at the sight of my friend merging with the dog that I so loathingly hate. I shutter in repulsion as to how I could have even begun to conceive of doing such a thing. If it weren't for my intense hatred for that malamute Max, Bill would not be in this position he is in now.

I ultimately have to shield my eyes and turn away partly as the glow bursts brighter in a short intense wave before dissipating. Surely the whole neighborhood saw that, but no one came running so I did not think of it at the time. I grit my teeth as they threaten to crack, my dark brown/black shorts and light green shirt slightly singed by the quick blast of heat. I certainly dread to look back as to what I created, but I cannot let this go on forever.

I hesitantly turn back, lowering my arm as the small amounts of smoke on me vanish. The first sight I see is of the surrounding ground blackened with soot and smoke. It looked like a bomb was dropped right on this yard, except there is no damage or hole at the epicenter, only a figure that hopefully is still Bill. The smoke clears after some time and I take a few steps towards the smoking mass.

Whatever happened certainly has not gone to plan. Bill seems to be on his knees, face looking down at the blackened and scorched grass with both palms on the ground leaning forward. Maybe that moment of distraction canceled the spell? No, that could not be it; I saw Max and Bill merge together. It was unmistakable. I can feel the drain in my energy even as the smoke clears.

What used to be two separate entities is now one. Bill and Max merged together to create some kind NO! Bill is no monster. Max was the beast, not Bill. That...couldn't be him. There is no way this could have happened, I scream in my mind as I hear the new creation groan. The smoke now fully dissipates into the sky to reveal a man with fur all over his body, even his...gulp. Nethers. It looks like Bigfoot, yet I know it isn't because this is my friend Bill. Or, it was Bill until I...

The creature, no, man, whatever it is groans again longer as it reaches a paw? up to its head to rub a headache that is no doubt forming. My eyes go wide as it starts to rise up, or try to on new digigrade legs. It wobbles as it tries to stand up, flailing its arms to try and balance before righting itself. It has the same coloration as Rex, yet the same stance as Bill although slightly changed. I...wonder if he is a. He must be, I remember hearing about morphs on fantasy stories on the internet. I think they are called anthros? They have a general human shaped body yet exhibit characteristics of whatever other species they are. Dragon, wolf, dog, cat, lizard, the list goes on.

But, this couldn't possibly be Bill now. I did not mean to do this! I could not have done it, this is not fair! This is not my fau-.

"John?" The anthro, now definitely identified as Bill, whispers to me while I stare in shock, mouth and eyes open wide as I lean back with my one hand splayed out behind me and the other in front, ready to flee in an instant. I shakily move one leg backward in case anything should happen that would herald a swift retreat for me.

Bill looks at me confused, still rubbing a digigrade paw on his now canine shaped head. His shoulders are now more muscular, the skin simply packed with meat and tissue. His biceps are bigger too, not as big as weight lifters but still large enough to flex and be proud of. His chest is chiseled as well as his face and general features. His muzzle is extended to that of a canine with the same big teeth and ears. His almond shaped eyes of a malamute's stare at me quizzically as he tries to grasp what happened. His face curves into a frown as he stands fully upright while shaking his head.

"John? What happened? Where did Max go, and why do you look so scared. You look as if death has come for you himself." Bill says with seeming ease, unhindered in any way with his new transformation. He speaks in a rough tone, almost like a bark yet in between.

It sure seems like death is ready to claim me as I inch backwards, sweat rolling down my livid face in fear. What stands before me is neither Bill nor Max, it is a combination. I try to calm myself, to say it is nothing, but that would be a lie. I work my jaw muscles, desperate to say something, to say that Max headed inside to sleep, but I just can't do it. Whatever holds me prisoner seems to have taken a hold of my soul. The reality of what stands in front of me is terrifying.

Bill takes a sure step forward, his fluffy tail wagging in the opposite direction of the leg he uses. Before he can approach me, I trip over my feet, falling back on my ass again but the residual pain does not register. I scramble up so fast that my head whirls in dizzying colors. Bill looks startled and confused to see me in such a state as I dart off down the sidewalk and into my house, slamming the door before anything or anyone can follow me in.

After closing the door, I lean against the frame, sliding down as waves of heat and exhaustion pour off my frame. Images of what happen haunt me as I had just left my best friend, and hated dog, on the neighbor's back yard speechless, unsure of what to do.

"What did I just do?" My voice shakes, sharing the same fear and unease as my mind while my eyes go wide.

I wrap my arms around my legs, putting my chin onto my knees while rocking back and forth gently, trying to expel the nightmares. This could not be happening! This could not be happening at all. I also should have thought of what the neighbor's would have said if they did not find there 'precious' malamute back at home when they returned. I know Bill was only trying to help me get over my fear of the dog; he had been for a few years now. It all ended the same way, either with the dog chasing me, or sitting complacently, watching me curiously while I slowly back away to leave Bill with the dog.

My mind trembles as all the different thoughts gather as to what could happen now. I could be sent to jail for this if they found out. No, they could not find out, not unless they found my... Got to hide the book. I have to destroy it. It has already corrupted me beyond what I intended. That is not possible since I had no recollection or doubt that it could be evil. All I wanted to do was try it. What is the harm in trying something?


Everything is wrong with trying something out. Temptation. Greed. Lust. I have to fix this, I must, but how? I surely yet shakily rise from my fetal position next to the door. I stumble upstairs, determined to fix the mistake.


I can't fix it like this; I have to have Bill here in order to be able to do that. "Bastard, some friend you are." I growl to myself.

I pause on my way up the stairs to the bedroom. It would fix nothing to not have Bill here. He could have run off by now. I do not even know how he will act now that he is changed. He seemed normal. But, he is also part dog, or malamute to be precise. I can't let that get past me. I have to conquer my fear. I have to save Bill, I have to separate him. If I can't do this, I might as well be called a witch for my own good.

Sighing in defeat, I trudge back downstairs and out the door, hoping to find Bill somewhere close. I did not leave him for long, did I? It could not have been more than a few minutes. He could not have gotten into trouble by then. I can't let anyone else see him. I can't let this secret get out. I can't let them know I am a mage. If a mage I am, then a mage I will be. I MUST fix this before anyone finds me or Bill. It could mean life or death.

Startlingly, I spot Bill across the street on the sidewalk. I quickly glance left and right, checking to see if anyone is looking. Huffing in thanks, I dash across the street to Bill who is scratching his head and wagging his tail. Seems like some traits have caught on to him after all. Hopefully not all.

He suddenly turns around, no doubt smelling me even though I am some ways from him. I jog up before slowing down to stand a cautious distance away. Bill stops scratching and his tail slows down wagging from the absence of the presence of the feeling.

"John, why did you leave so suddenly? Do you know where Max is? I have been trying to look for him. It would not be good for him to escape. I don't want to be the one that is responsible for the loss." Bill says in perfect English even though the structure of his face is changed. He still seems like the normal Bill to me, that is a relief, but I still can't take my chances, I have to get him home before anything else happens and reverse this.

"Uuuugh," I reply warily, backing up a few paces as he walks closer on agile digigrade legs, thighs flexing from the muscle contained beneath the fur and skin. He cocks his head in confusion at my strange demeanor but otherwise says nothing. A small inquisitive whine sounds before I say anything. "Max went inside after you took a nap." I answer hastily, not knowing if Bill would buy it or not.

"Oh, well why didn't you say so?" Bill replies in relief.

"Slipped my mind I guess." I respond before turning around.

"Hey," Bill says in a mild bark, catching my attention before I leave again. "I remember waking up and you were standing there scared stiff. What happened while I was out?" Bill asks curiously.

"Uuuuuuuuuuugh," I stall. "Something just caught my eye is all." I reply, trying to save him from finding out who is. Bill looks at me, crossing his arms and inertly flexing his biceps. The fur rolls around the muscle as he tilts his head while his ears pan forward, obviously wanting to know more as his nose sniffs the air furiously. His tail wags from side to side, either from irritation or complacency. "Come back inside my house. I will tell you what happened. Mostly." I answer his silent question, muttering the last part under my breath.

He no doubt heard what I said thanks to his enhanced hearing, but I do not know that. The only thing I see is Bill nodding his head in satisfaction before lowering his arms to follow me on his fleet digigrade feet.

The walk is swift and thankfully no one spots Bill on our way to my house. Once we enter, I stumble a little from fatigue. Bill catches me in his strong grip, course fur brushing my backside as he holds me steady to keep me from falling. My breath becomes erratic before I jerkily rip free of his grip. I turn around to see Bills reaction.

"What's wrong with you John? Are you sure everything is all right?" He asks, padding forward to try and place a paw on my shoulder consolingly. I walk back, turn around and head to the kitchen to get myself a drink.

Bill shakes his head as his ears flick backwards and heads to the couch to watch some T.V. while waiting for me. I fumble with the latch to the fridge before yanking it open; breathe heaving in gasps as I start to feel light headed. It seems the full effects of the spell are showing up now.

NO! I cannot show weakness at a time like this. My friend needs me. Bill needs me, even though he might not know it. I have to help him before my wife gets home. What time is it anyway? I think to myself as I close the fridge and chug down a half empty carton of milk. In no time I drain it and open the fridge back up to take some leftover lasagna. I hurriedly warm it up and go to rest in my chair with Bill watching a T.V. show.

His tail sits right between his legs, his ears relaxed as he listens intently to the show. As I sit down and place the lasagna in the tuppaware onto the table top, I glance over at Bill while his chest expands and contracts smoothly, his double coat fur rising and falling to each of his breathes. I inexplicable look down at his crotch or his sheath from what I can see. I immediately look away as Bill looks at me at the same time. He flicks his ears forward and readjusts his position in the chair to get comfortable.

"John, is there anything at all you want to tell me. You know I am here for you." Bill says as I begin to eat the left over lasagna to refill my strength for the task ahead.

"No, not now," I reply. "I am feeling a bit tired is all."

Bill nods while I eagerly finish my second lunch. My energy slowly returns and my breathing becomes normal as I rise to put away the container. When I come back, instead of sitting down and spending time with Bill, I anxiously creep upstairs to get the spell book to find a spell to change Bill back. What was my fault is something I will have to deal with. I have to change him back before too long. It does not matter if I exhaust myself again, I have to try. Before I can go halfway up, Bill's voice speaks loud and clear in a questioning tone.

"John, are you going to show me that book you found?" He asks. No doubt he will be able to hear my answer with his enhanced hearing even though I speak in a low tone.

"Yeeeeaah." I answer slowly, continuing my way up the stairs and to the spell book.

I rush over and grab the purple/black book and quickly settle down onto the violet purple and red bed sheets. I flip through all the pages that are still unrecognizable and arrive at chapter twenty nine. I skim through the rough hewn yet crisp new pages, trying to find some sort of reverse spell or transformation spell into a human again. No, that would not work, then Max would be lost and the neighbor's would get suspicious.

"This won't do at all." I mutter to myself while closing the book and bounding downstairs. Bill looks up a little startled, growling lowly but brightens when he sees the strange book in my hands.

"Is that the book you have been telling me about?" Bill asks, ears swiveling forward.

I just nod my head and quickly stride over to my chair to sit down. Bill turns off the T.V. with seeming ease with his paws and leans forward, ears at attention to listen intently on anything I tell him. I wonder if I should tell him. That is the least of my worries. I have no idea what Sarah will do if she were to find out. At least I have to try.

"It is actually a spell book. You don't mind if I read some of them to you?" I inquire inquisitively.

"Not at all." Bill responds, shaking his head.

I anxiously flip through the spell book to try and find a reverse spell for what I did. Bill waits for me evidently on the couch while I desperately search for something to cure this curse. This is not my doing. This is not what I want. Why isn't any of this text readable! I scream in my head as tears begin to pour down my face, washing away the sweat from my earlier exertions.

"Are you sure you are all right John. Why are you crying?" Bill asks uncertainly. He begins to rise to come over to me but I burst out, telling him everything; telling him of my mistake, my discovery, my pure hatred, and everything that has happened.

"I...I did not mean for this to happen Bill!" I sob uncontrollably, glistening tears rolling down my face to my chin to splatter onto the open spell book which remains unaffected. My face is locked in a grimace as I pour all of my emotions into this outburst. "Because I found this damned book, this has happened to you Bill. You have been my best frie...friend for so long. I have not ever remembered knowing this much fun being with you since I lost my Chihuahua Rigne. It is like you replace...replaced him." I continue to sob uncontrollably while desperately flicking through all the pages to try and find a spell to fix my current problem.

"I-I did not know you cared about him this much John," Bill says consolingly with a small whine while kneeling beside the chair to put a paw on my shoulder. His hind leg muscles contract and bulge with the movement, becoming outline against his broad gray/white fur. His canine face still holds that white mask as he comes closer to comfort me. His eyes twinkle sympathetically as he rests his paw on my shoulder.

"I will help you help me transform me back to what I once was. I do not understand this, but I will help how I can. My senses do feel greater than before and I do feel a little tired, but that won't stop me from doing what I can." Bill replies sympathetically. At least he understands the stress I am going through. I just hope this does not affect Max when they separate, that would be disastrous.

"I...I-I should have listened to you in the first place Bill. I should have tried to come to terms with him. Now he is a part of you as much as you are a part of him. I don't know what will happen after this, but I want you to know I will do anything to become friends with that dog." I respond, tears still streaming down my face to splash onto the vanilla colored pages.

The book does not seem to be affected; yet, it seems to glow an earthly brown/pink. As Bill is about to speak, the book flashes into a brilliant light show of colors, blinding us both, Bill more considerably than me. I close my eyes tight, leaning back in the chair to try and avert my gaze to the blinding light. The tears that are caught on the edge of my eyes reflect the light somewhat. Bill on the other hand writhes on the ground in stunned pain, grasping at his muzzle while rolling plaintively on the ground. He whimpers as the bright light show of colors dim to normal and then vanishes altogether.

I slowly open my tear stained eyes and cautiously look down at the spell book. Nothing appears to have changed, but I do not get to inspect any further as another short whine erupts from my friend on the floor.

"Oh, gosh, Bill!" I shout, closing the book and placing it hastily on the table top before rushing to his side. His form is still, slightly shaking from the sudden brightness of the flashing lights.

" eyes." He moans, turning over with his knees raised almost all the way to his muscle packed chest.

"Bill. Don't worry Bill; the glow will fade after a while. I did not know it would do that." I reply, trying to sooth him.

I gently place my left hand on his right arm, feeling the soft and luscious fur run through my fingers as Bill grasps at his eyes weakly, urging the flashing lights behind his eyes to go away. I can feel the subtle muscle under his fur flexing irregularly with startling spasms. The light show certainly affected Bill more than me. A dog's eyes are more sensitive to light than a human's. Even now, I have no idea what made the book shine...Maybe it was my confession? Maybe I was supposed to find the book? Maybe I was supposed to give into the temptation to finally rid myself of that beast...No, not beast, a dog. An Alaskan malamute named Max.

"Hold on Bill, I am going to separate you now." I say in a quiet tone. No doubt he could hear me even through his disillusioned state of blindness. His ears flick forward instinctively at the sound, and I take that as a sign I know he heard me.

Getting up, I walk over and pick up the book again, looking it over as I settle myself uneasily in my leather recliner.

"Please..." I whisper. "Please let me help Bill. Let me help my friend." I choke, laying a loose hand on the cover of the spell book.

The purple/black coloration flashes, startling me. It shifts, changing into a brighter shade. My eyes go wide as it changes from its original purple/black into a coalescent orange/green and then to a luminous green/blue. The faint glow fades as it stops on the current coloration of bright green and ocean blue.

"What the...?" I mutter as I remove my hand.

The poke ball shaped golden embroidery then changes to look like dragon wings with a body in the middle. I shake my head, knowing that this means something has changed. I open the cover cautiously, ready to close it in an instant should something happen. On the front page in elegant print is the following script:

Book of Enio

Property of Johnson D'amico

"This was not here last time..." I wonder while flipping the page to the first chapter. "Ehh! Th-this is...I can read it!" I stutter.

Chapter 1:

Basic Training and Foreseeing

"I-I don't have time for this." I blurt out. "Please...Please just show me how to reverse organic to organic merging." I crack down, crying once again while bringing my hands up to my face. "Please...Let me help my friend."

Bill still lies unmoving on the ground, although his breathing has returned to normal. He rests there, trying to regain his sense of sight. He unconsciously hears me cry again and begins to whine in empathy. The book rattles, shaking and moving as the pages begin to flutter in an unnatural wind. Soon the sound brings me out of my despair and I look down to find the book flipping through itself on its own. It stops roughly near the back of the chapter as it rests on a blank page. After a few seconds my tearing stops, words appear.

"Told you to be careful you fool. Instructions on how to reverse organic with organic matter merging below:

  1. Repeat the phrase for merging.

  2. Picture the most precious moment in your life

  3. Believe you can make your wish happen

  4. Chant: "Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav" Until you get the acquired affect.

"Warning: Same dangers apply to separating something or someone who is already merged. Use with caution. I mean it this time D'amico."

I stare speechless at the words written on the new pages. This definitely is not a dream. How does the book know my name? I know I am a mage, I accept that now, it is without a doubt a spell book. Whether it was meant for me or someone else, it is in the past now. What matters now is I have the way to fix my mistake.

I hear Bill groan on the floor, slowly starting to re-orientate himself. I look over to his furry form, gazing at his muscular yet agile physic. His double fur coat and lush tail. The veins of muscle and blood pulsing through his hide throughout his body to keep him alive. I hope this does not hurt at all for him.

"Bill," I say while getting out of the couch and kneeling next to him.

"Hrrrmmm." He moans, rolling to his other side as his vision slowly begins to reform.

"I found the way to unmerge you and Max." I reply opening the book wide, ready to start the steps to separate Bill and Max to their own bodies.

"Do it." He gets out before seemingly going still, yet only resting while breathing slightly heavy.

I nod my head, not that Bill could see it, but only to reassure myself that he is okay. I take a deep breath and get ready to recite the initial step and incantation. My body may not be ready for such a massive spell yet, but I have to do this. I need to help my friend Bill obtain his human form, and to get Max back home before anyone notices.

"Get ready Bill." I say before chanting the first phrase out loud and clearly. "Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali."

This goes on for several minutes until the light between anthro Bill and the newly decorated book burn bright yellow. I keep my eyes focused on Bill as he turns to his left side to face me. He opens his eyes gradually, peering at me with his almond shaped eyes and hopeful anticipation and forgiveness. A single tear rolls down my cheek and onto the book, further empowering the spell to its completion.

I continue to chant the phrase before the light nearly blinds Bill again. I stop, quickly moving on to step two, picturing the most precious moment in my life. I have had a lot of moments where I was truly happy. Receiving Rigne for my eleventh birthday, or when my parents took me and my sister on a trip to six flags. Better yet, the time I married my wife, Sarah. Now that was the best time in my life. It is time things changed around here. No more droopy me, none of it. Time to see myself in a new light.

Firmly envisioning the time I first met Sarah all the way to when we got married, I hold it strongly in my grasp, never letting it go. I close my eyes while picturing our honey moon in Vegas. My grip on the book grows, turning my knuckles white. The yellow glow turns green then blue then back to green before flashing between the two.

Bill becomes lost in the world of strobe lights. He weakly gets up to stand, only to fall onto his knees and resume the position of when the smoke cleared in the neighbor's back yard. He growls in discomfort, feeling something move within him, a primal instinct, an unfamiliar urge welling up inside him.

On to step three, believe I can change Bill and Max back to what they were. Believe... I have to...believe. I have to believe in myself that I can make it happen. Believe I can. I think I can. I know I can. I know I can. I believe I can. I know I can, I chant over and over before moving seamlessly to step four, chanting the original incantation backwards.

"Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav, Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav, Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav, Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav." I chant it over and over until the flashing green and blue light slows down and steadily changes to a low gray color.

Bill is still crouched in his kneeling position, face locked in a futile battle against pure canine instincts. I feel sorry for him, I truly do. I meant for none of this to happen, and now that is has, it is my job to fix it. I just hope what I am doing will not be discovered by anyone else.

I open my eyes after chanting the phrase for a good ten minutes more. My breath comes in ragged gasps, my body trembling with the exertion and struggle to maintain the will and strength to complete the spell. The whole room begins to grow fuzzy as I become light headed. NO! I cannot fail my friend now! He needs me, I must complete it. I can sleep later. Right now, I have to finish this. It is either now or never. If I don't, both Bill and max may be lost. A disgrace to all mages over the world even though I know there are none.

I watch as a gray light seems to merge with Bill, growing brighter and stronger with every second. Bill arches his back in obvious discomfort and some pain. His teeth are bared full and nostrils are open wide, panting for air. His tail flags from side to side inconsistently, stirring up the air. I breathe heavily as my body shakes from the exhaustion of the spell. I pray that Bill and Max will make it through this. I just could not take it if they didn't. I know Bill was only trying to help me get over my fear of Max, but my distain clouded my judgment in the moment I could have befriended him.

As time passes, the gray light encircled Bill, making him become invisible to me in a cloud of pulsing light. My breathe hitches within my throat, threatening to choke me. Gurgled and strangled sounds come from where I know Bill still resides, or are they separated now. My head spins as the separation comes to an end. In my last few seconds of consciousness, I spot Bill and Max, both slumped on the ground. They both appear still, but otherwise ok. Bill is back to his normal, human self, and Max is back to his canine, Alaskan malamute self as I drift off into a deep sleep.

From my kneeling position, I lean forward tiredly, hitting the carpet with bruising force as I lose consciousness with the book closed and off to one side. My last thought is: At least I fixed what I messed up. At least Bill is alright...I hope; before the darkness takes me.

Chapter Four: A Righted Wrong

Something soft and warm is nestled behind my head as I drift aimlessly in a sea of sleep. Dim sounds penetrate my foggy consciousness as I slowly wake up. My body feels stretched out and weary, no doubt from the overuse of spells. If only I could have stopped myself from...

"John." A voice calls through my dreary state, trying to wake me up. "John." It calls again, more insistently. "Come on John, wake up, I think you have had enough time to sleep already. It is almost five O'clock right now. You wife is going to be home in just a few hours. Come on John; don't make me get the water." He says, shaking me slightly in my sleep.

I groan in protest at the movement but otherwise stay still. The voice sighs before moving away. A few seconds later a liter of water is thrown carelessly onto my face. My eyes shoot open and I splutter in surprise, almost falling off the couch at the sudden attack.

"About time," The voice says relieved. "I thought you would never wake up. Not after you saved me."

Wait. Saved...Him? Bill! I shake my head, flinging water droplets onto the semi-expensive couch as I come back to full consciousness. I sit, er, lay on the couch, left leg off, right leg on and turn marginally to see Bill smiling happily with an empty water bottle in one hand.

"Bill." I whisper, breathing heavy as I eventually begin to remember everything that happened. Water casually drips down my head and onto my shirt, offering me much needed cooling as I start to get warm. "Your...Your...Normal?"

"All thanks to you." Bill replies, turning to briefly deposit the empty water bottle in the recycling. He walks back and goes to sit at the other end of the couch, in which I generously move my outstretched leg over the side of the couch and lean back to rest my spinning head. He somehow seems to be in the clothes he was wearing before he merged with Max.

"What, happened?" I ask hesitantly. I may know what I did, the horrible thing I did to Bill, but I have to hear it from him to know if it is true or not, or just a dream.

"I...believe you transfo...merged me with Max and then separated us in the span of a day. If I had to guess, it was very taxing on you." Bill responds a little wary himself.

"You think. Wait, max!" I shout, jolting forward and looking dreadfully at Bill. "Is he?"

"He's just fine. We, are both fine." Bill answers thoughtfully. "I took him home after you collapsed onto the floor and after I regained my senses. Whatever you did I will never truly understand, but I thank you for separating us. It was really weird to be merged with an Alaskan malamute. Most of the time I just wanted to explore until you found me. I had absolutely no idea what was going on until you told me yourself." Bill finishes.

I sigh in relief, lowering my head while lowering my voice. " really glad you are ok Bill...I-I did not...I do not know what I would do if something were to happen to you. You have been a truly grateful friend to me. Ever since my Chihuahua Rigne died, I had been sad my whole life. I am amazed Sarah stood up with me for as long as she did. I guess I should be grateful to her for not giving up on me." I reply downtrodden, staring blankly at my knees with my arms cross limply in my lap as tears start to form again on the edges of my eyes.

"Do not worry about it. Hey," Bill says to catch my attention. I look up at him, teary eyed while Bill just smiles, happy to know I am ok. "I am really thankful for what you did. Being merged with Max was the weirdest feeling. I could hear and sense him in the back of my mind stirring a few moments after you had merged us. He was just as surprised as I was. He soon took over to explore the surrounding area and our new...body." Bill said shyly. "But after you came to me, Max shrank back and I suddenly had control again. You probably did not notice anything out of the ordinary; it was me, most of the time." Bill says sincerely.

"No, I did not," I respond, wiping the gathering tears from my eyes. "I was scared shitless for what I had done. What kind of a friend merges their best friend with their neighborhood dog?" I shake my head and close my eyes before looking at him straight on. "To tell you the truth, I was even nervous and scared to come back to help you. But...I am glad I did. I would not want you to live a life where you would eventually be captured know." I finish hastily.

"Hmmm, I do know. I still do not understand what happened. Even more, I do not know what 'you' are. Are you some kind of mage?" Bill asks as he tilts his head and quirks an eyebrow.

"You could say that. I mean, that is the closest to the truth. I do not know how I am a mage, except that I am. This spell book I found in my attic has chapters on ancient, weird spells that I don't know what half of them do." I reply. "In fact, where is my spell book?" I ask.

"Right here," Bill says while rising to walk into a different room. He returns shortly to display my bright green and blue spell book with the golden embroidered dragon on the cover. "I must say, this is the craziest thing I have seen. I cannot read any of it. Not one bit. The language is so foreign it looks like gibberish." Bill responds.

"Maybe only a mage or 'magical' being can read it. I couldn't read the first five chapters when I first picked it up. Then after I found the chapter on transmutation, merging, and transformation, I could only read that part. That is, until just recently, I think." I reply while Bill hands me the surprisingly light weight book.

"It feels light weight despite its size. I wonder if that could be a magical property of the book itself." Bill returns to sitting down beside me.

"I guess I will figure this all out in time. But, I want to know, why didn't you growl at me while you were merged with max?" I ask, not even beginning to wonder what happened up in their combined minds.

"Ahhh, I guess it was your smell. I remember reading that malamutes can become aggressive towards unfamiliar dogs. And if I had to guess, Rignes scent still lingered on only 'some' of your clothing. So whenever you wore something with his scent, max got either territorial or something else." Bill explains. "To tell you the truth, once I was in your house, it did become slightly hard to resist the urge, but once I sat to watch T.V. the distraction seemed to relax me.

"Well that explains a lot." I reply, thumping the book with one flat palm before getting up on slightly unsteady legs.

"Hold on John, I believe you still need to rest. Did you do anything with that book before calling me over?" Bill asks while jumping up to put reassuring hands over my shoulders in case I fall.

"No, I am ok, I think. The book did say to not use spells too often. I probably should not have merged you in the first place. Unmerging you took a lot out of me it seems. And yes, I experimented by combining a few old nick-knacks in the attic. That did not take as much out of me as this did." I respond while beginning to walk upstairs to put the book away.

"John," Bill says exasperated.

"I am fine, I promise. If anything happens I will call you. You said it was around five O'clock now right?" I reply.

"Yes," Bill answers while sighing.

"Then I need to put 'this' away and take a shower. Maybe tomorrow I will take my wife over to see Max, deeming I find a pair of clothes that doesn't offend him." I say, holding the spell book up for emphases.

"I am glad for this change in you John. Please, do take it easy. I know you will become good friends with him in no time." Bill responds.

"That's to say he does not bite my face off first." I grumble while continuing upstairs with spell book in hand. Bill just chuckles and turns to go out the front door.

"Boy was this a crazy day. It felt so weird being merged with Max. Surprisingly, I wouldn't mind doing it again, if it didn't hurt so much." Bill says to himself while going back to his own house.

Bill returns home while John takes a shower and rests from the weary and frightening day. Sarah is still with her client, no doubt staying to try and finish her work. Max, the unmerged Alaskan malamute is greeted by his owners when they come home a few minutes after John regained consciousness. The spell book is safely tucked away in a drawer under some of John's clothes.

John still does not hear anything from Sarah on the phone as the time nears 6:53PM. Rationally thinking, he calls Bill to come over so they can get something to eat for dinner. John is not worried about Sarah; he knew she would not come back today. She usually stays multiple days with her clients to help them with...whatever. Today is just the same. Although the same cannot be said for John as he browses through the channels while waiting for Bill to arrive.

Sarah will probably be home tomorrow...sometime. In the meantime, John and Bill go out to get something to eat at a restaurant or something. The night is fairly decent and Max rests in his own bed, wondering what happened to him today. Being fused with someone other than his owner sent a strange feeling through him. He would be very unhappy should it happen again.

As the night sets on the wonderful town of Omaha, Nebraska, Bill and John return from their dinner out. Bill constantly assures John that Max looked and seemed ok when he brought him home. A lot of things float around in John's mind as the day comes to an end. A magical spell book found, a terrifying merging and a heartbreaking friendship all in one day. At least tomorrow couldn't be any worse right?

Once John bids Bill goodnight, he gets out the spell book one more time before going to bed. John flips through the pages and reads a few pages of certain chapters to see what else he could possibly do, not that he would be doing any of it anytime soon anyway.

Chapter Five: Adoption and, Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me

"John!" A distant voice called in the far reaches of his mind. "John! Where are you?!" The voice calls again a little more insistently.

I mumble something incoherently about early mornings and work before stretching out across the length of our king sized bed under the comfortable sheets. Sarah must be home, that could only be her voice. Knowing I will not be able to or feel like replying until I fully wake up, I grudgingly get up and slowly move to get changed. Sarah calls out to try and find out where I am, but knowing me, she probably figures I am still asleep.

It does not surprise me when she walks up the stairs and into our lavish bedroom. Well, maybe not exactly lavish, but well decorated considering the amount of income Sarah receives for her job.

"John, how was your day yesterday?" Sarah questions while I fumble around to get my shirt on.

"Mmmm, good." I grumble back while picking up a comb to straighten out my hair a bit.

"Did anything interesting happen. Did you go with Bill to eat something?" Sarah asks inquisitively.

I stop what I am doing and slowly put down the comb. The clothes I have on are the same as what I wore when Bill was around, a plain blue shirt with a collar and dark blue jeans. I gradually turn around with a slight panicked look on my face. Could she know what I did? No, she could not have met Bill when coming home, he would not have told her anything.

"No. Nothing out of the ordinary. Dinner was great. We went to Longhorn steakhouse." I reply, calming down as Sarah drops her purse on the bureau and goes into the bathroom to change and freshen up.

"That's good to hear. I am glad to see you well. Did you find anything interesting in the attic? Any old toys you might have recognized?" Sarah implies after closing the door to take a shower and change clothes.

My breath hitches in my throat when she says if I found anything interesting. My fear quickly passes when she says if I found any toys from my youth. And no, I did not. I was too busy experimenting with the merging spell...

"Uuugh, no, nothing interesting." I lie. "Just some old pictures of me and my family on various vacations.

"Oh, well, that's good. I have a surprise for you honey. I know you wait for me every time I go out for a meeting. I feel like you get lonely around here all by yourself. I got something that might cheer you up.

"You do? I mean, what is it?" I ask curiously, leaning on the bathroom door to hear her more clearly.

"Oh, I can't tell you silly, otherwise it wouldn't be a secret. How about I show you after we go to the neighbors to try and work out something with their dog." Sarah replies incredulously.

My heart beats faster when she says to work something out with their dog. Well, I did say I would try and be friends with Max. The hectic day I had yesterday still floats in my mind. The thing I did to Bill, merging him with Max. I might as well try now, what better time to remedy past rivalries, settle old scores. Hopefully my clothes do not have Rignes scent, that's the first step to becoming friends with Max.

"Sure." I say simply, backing off to head downstairs as Sarah pokes through the door.

"Honey?" She says.


"Are you ok? You didn't exactly agree to try to reconsolidate with Max yesterday?" She asks.

"Well..." I respond turning around to look at her partially nude form. Only her curt breasts hang out through the door, her frame slender and sleek. "Nothing, Bill said the same thing. Might as well try if one of my best friends, and wife, nag on me to become friends with that dog." I reply before turning around again.

Sarah does not say anything for a few seconds, instead blinking at my retreating form. After some quick contemplation that nothing drastically changed with her husband, she goes back to start the shower. "I will be out in about ten minutes, and then we can go and meet the neighbors to see if we can figure out something with their dog." Sarah shouts out from the bathroom as I descend the steps.

I get a bowl and some cereal to eat while I am waiting and then go to watch some T.V. After some time the sound of running water from the shower turns off. I am not aware as I am paying attention to one of my shows. Shortly after, Sarah comes down dressed in a beautiful red and yellow shirt followed by burgundy pants.

"John." She calls for my attention which is attuned to the television.

I jump at the sudden sound of her voice and turn around. "Wha-!" I say in reply, watching as she giggles and walks over to me.

"Come on silly, were going to see Max, aren't we?" She asks while pulling my arm to get me to follow her.

Her course black hair streams down her shoulders and flaps up to tickle my face as she releases my hand to go to the door. My surprised expression turns into one of merriment. I smile, knowing that this could either be good or bad by visiting Max so soon after unmerging him with Bill. Hopefully he won't remember anything about it.

I walk to the door as Sarah opens it, surprising her in return by grabbing her slender waist as she turns around and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. I pull away after a second but Sarah catches the back of my head with her right hand and brings it forward to engage in a much more lustful and passionate kiss that lasts much longer than mine.

After we break apart, she slaps my head before laughing at my expression. "If you're going to kiss me, you got to do it right." She says before turning to head out the door.

I just stare at her confounded as she walks onto the driveway before stopping, waiting for me to follow. My brain catches up with my thoughts and I walk forward to join my wife on the street, closing the door after exiting our house, painted a lush dark green with a shade of blue. Ironic considering the spell book I have is Lime green and blue...

Once I join Sarah at the end of the driveway, I spot Bill far across the street down a few blocks in his mailman uniform. As I take my position on Sarah's right, I glance in his direction. Sarah and I start walking and I spot Bill waving a hand over at me. I cannot see him very well, but I raise my right hand for a brief wave back.

When I look forward again, I see a sign on the front of our neighbor's lawn, a for sale sign. "Their moving."

"Seems like it." Sarah responds as we move further down the sidewalk to our neighbor's house.

I am hesitant to knock on their door, but Sarah is certainly not. She rings the doorbell twice before we both back off. A few minutes pass before anyone comes to the door. When the door finally opens, a middle aged woman in her mid forties greets us. Her shining black hair only comes down to her shoulders. She wears a light green shirt with a multitude of flower designs. Her eyes are a deep brown as she studies us before answering.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" She says in a slightly aged voice.

"Hi, my names Sarah, and this is my husband, John." Sarah replies, curling her right hand around mine to punctuate the statement.

"That's nice. Is there something specific I can help you with?" She asks again.

"Yes. You see, we used to- I mean, my husband used to have a Chihuahua named Rigne while he was younger. He passed away from old age and his scent lingers on some of his clothing. Every time he walks down this sidewalk, whenever your dog is out he tends to growl at him." Sarah explains.

"Oh, well, yes. I have seen Max around your husband occasionally," The woman replies while steadying a hand on the door frame. "I am sorry for your loss, by the way."

"Thank you." I respond kindly.

"You see, we were thinking if we could spend some time with him, to get him more familiar with John." Sarah says.

"I think that is a wonderful idea, but not too long. We are going to be busy packing for a while." The woman answers sadly.

"Oh, where are you going?" Sarah questions, releasing my hand.

"South-West, somewhere near California. A friend of Carl's is having wedding. He is also offering my husband a job where he lives in construction." The woman says.

"Is Carl your husband?" Sarah asks curiously.

"Oh heavens," The woman exclaims. "Sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself. My name is kerrin, and yes, my husband's name is Carl."

"Can we come in?" Sarah asks.

"Of course. Make yourself at home. Take Max outside to play for a while if you want. It will be better than if you have to move when we do our packing." Kerrin says gratefully.

Taking the invitation, Kerrin moves inside while we follow. I had only said two words since arriving, and I already felt bad that they were moving.

"The only trouble is," Kerrin says while going into the kitchen. "Is that we can't take Max. We would if we could; it is just that Carl's friend is allergic to dogs."

"I am sorry to hear that." I say consolingly.

"Oh well, what can you do. I am glad to see you want to spend some time with him. MAX!" Kerrin calls out after grabbing a cup of tea. "Oh, would you like anything to drink dearies?"

"Nothing for me."

"Me neither, just had breakfast." I respond.

"Ok. Max should be here in a bit. Must be bothering Carl somewhere. CARL!" Kerrin shouts, putting down her mug while looking around.

"Yea!" Someone shouts back.

"We have visitors!" She replies.

"Who!" He responds, the voice definitely male.

"Our neighbors to our right. They have come here to spend time with Max!" She answers as Carl, yes, Carl comes down the stairs dressed in a tan shirt with blue overalls. His frame is decent, not muscular nor chubby. His head is bald except for a nice beard that is mixed with browns, reds and blacks.

"Ah, there interested in taking him?" Carl responds happily with a mix between a Mexican and Northern accent.

"No," Sarah replies. "John, my husband," She says, motioning to me. "Had a Chihuahua named Rigne. His scent lingers on some of his clothes even though he is gone. I have heard him complain countless times every time he crossed over to your house for a walk. It seems they don't like each other." Sarah finishes.

"Oh. Well, in that case, I wouldn't mind getting him down to try and become friends with you. Malamutes become unfriendly towards unfamiliar dogs." Carl explains.

"Yeah, my friend Bill told me that yesterday. I promised him I would try to come onto better terms with Max. Where is he anyway?" I ask.

"Upstairs, that big lout. I will get him for you." Carl responds before heading back up.

Kerrin goes back to drinking her tea as we shuffle to the living room with her. Not long after, Carl comes back with an excited Max. He wags his tail as Carl walks into the living room with us.

"Here you are, one furry canine to go." Carl says jokingly as Max comes to sit down next to Kerrin. She puts her cup on a side table and goes to pet him.

"He really is adorable." Sarah says leaning forward on the couch.

"They are cute when their small, but can become destructive when left alone. We usually put him outside to play with his various toys while we are gone to get supplies." Kerrin replies.

"How old is he?" I ask.

"Four and a quarter years. He is between a lively pup and teenage rascal." Kerrin says rubbing his fur aggressively. Max turns around to playfully swat at her hand before lying on the floor, staring at me.

"Could we take him out?" Sarah asks politely.

"Be my quest," Carl answers. "He hasn't had his time of playing yet. He should warm up to you in no time once he gets to know you."

Sarah and I rise up to follow Kerrin to the backyard with Carl getting Max to follow. Their house is quite large, but could prove troublesome once Max grows bigger. Not that he will grow any larger, it is just his energy could potentially destroy the house. When we arrive outside, Max darts between my legs to jump onto one of his chew toys.

"Careful. Malamutes don't know their own strength, so you got to be firm yet gently with them. Give him time to become accustomed to you before going to pet him. I don't think that would be a problem for you Sarah." Carl explains before they go back into the house to begin packing for their trip.

"He does seem to have endless amounts of energy." Sarah observes as we walk further into the back yard with max running from one toy to the next.

"He can also become hot if he plays too long." I reply, remembering Bill filling a large metal bowl for him to drink out of.

Not wasting any time, Sarah skips forward a few steps before kneeling and calling Max to her. Max stops investigating a pile of leaves and looks back at Sarah. He slowly comes over to sniff Sarah. While I stay standing, Sarah and Max get acquainted. She soon grabs a toy and begins playing with him, running around the yard with Max chasing after her.

I casually walk to the center of the backyard as Sarah whirls around with one of Max's toy in her hand. Turning around, she runs at me with Max on her tails. Before I know what happens, she shoves said toy, a long rubber worm, into my arms and backs off behind me as Max tackles me to the ground.

"Hey!" I yell.

Max doesn't relent and goes for the toy in my outstretched arms, putting his back paws on my chest, making me grunt at the discomfort like many times before. But this time isn't out of aggression; it is out of playful joy. Max licks my hand before grabbing the squeaky worm toy from my grasp and trotting off to Sarah. I get up with a groan and look accusingly at Sarah who is petting Max while he chews on his toy. She giggles seeing my frustrated look and just continues to pat Max.

"Come on over. Pat him, his fur is really soft." Sarah says to me.

I look nervously at Max as he continues to gnaw on his slippery chew toy. I slowly get up and move over to where Sarah and Max sit. My heart pounds in my head as the moment of truth is set upon me. After every time max has chased me, growled and threatened me with violence, this is the time I could make that all go away.

Time slows down as I gently lower myself onto the neatly cut grass. Max pauses in his efforts to ruin his toy and looks up at me with two cute almond shaped eyes; the same eyes that Bill had when he was merged with Max. I steadily extend my right arm to bring it palm down near Max. He tilts his head quizzically with a low noise as if given a strange new toy. Instead, he moves his head closer to my hand and readily sniffs me.

Sarah giggles as she sees Max start to lick my hand affectionately. My cautious frown turns into an elated smile as I move my hand to run through max's course fur. Max looks back at me as I pat him, staring into my eyes as if remembering what I did to him. He barks once before leaping up and sprinting away, obviously wanting to play some more.

"Maybe we should adopt him, take him in for Kerrin and Carl." Sarah suggests out of the blue as I shift my position to watch Max bound and leap, chew and toss his toys all over the grass. When Sarah speaks up, I am surprised she would want to bring Max, an Alaskan malamute who has growled and bowled me over every time he saw me whenever I wore clothing with Rigne's scent on it.

"You can't be serious Sarah!" I respond as I look back at her.

"Why not, you seem to be getting along well." Sarah replies.

"Yeah," I answer sarcastically. "It has only been a few minutes, and this is with clothing that does not have Rignes scent on it." I reply, lifting up my shirt with my thumb and forefinger before pointing at Max.

"Come on John, Kerrin and Carl will be leaving soon enough and there will be no one to care for him. Seeing as he likes you, why can't we take him in?" Sarah questions.

"Because!" I huff in exasperation, letting my shirt fall. "Once I put my other clothes on, I don't know how he will react to me." I reply as Max comes to a stop beside me.

Sarah does not respond, instead she looks at where Max is, prompting me to turn my head to see him.

"Well?" I ask the malamute Max. "Would you want to come and live with us?"

Max turns his head again and barks once before promptly walking onto my lap and settling down while my feet are outstretched

"Oomph. That is not what I meant." I say, lowering my gaze to watch Max.

I lower my hand again to just rest on his double coated fur, to feel the softness between my fingers. Max's jaw hangs open with his tongue hanging out, panting. After a few short seconds my anxiety of what would happen should Max come over to our house and smell me in other clothing slowly dissipates as I get an idea.

"We can get him, if Kerrin and Carl allow it, and 'if' you buy me new clothes." I request to Sarah, gradually moving my hand up Max's luscious fur to rest on top of his head. Feeling my movement, he lifts his head to look back at me.

"I don't see why that won't be a problem. Thank you John," Sarah replies, rising up to give me a quick kiss on my cheek before moving towards the house. "And your surprise will be that much more pleasant now in the mood you are in." She giggles at my contorted face of confusion.

I turn around, looking down at Max who looks back at me and barks. "Boy are you going to me a mouthful, you big mutt."

Max does not seem to like that as he barks again but does not growl. He eagerly gets up and walks back into the house, following Sarah as she goes. Sighing, I get up as well to see what will happen now.

"So you do want to take Max?" I hear Kerrin say to Sarah as I come into the living room.

"Yes," She replies. "I think John and Max will get along just fine, and I just love him, he looks so cute."

"I bet he does. I thank you for taking him. I do not know what we would do with him once the day came we had to leave. I just would not be able to bring myself to put him in a kennel." Kerrin responds.

As I come into the room Carl comes down the stairs with a few boxes filled with objects for the move. I sit down next to my wife and watch Max sitting near Kerrin again.

"When can we take him?" I ask curiously.

"Anytime you want. It would help if he were gone, or in someone else's hands right now, makes the packing easier." Kerrin explains.

"When he's around, one of us has to watch him while the other packs. And that's usually me while Kerrin watches him." Carl says once he puts his package down in the hallway.

"Thank you Kerrin, Carl, we will take good care of him. When should we come back for his food?" Sarah asks.

"Anytime dearie, take your time. Max still needs some time to play. He is still a pup at heart even though he is big for his age." Kerrin responds.

"I think we have the same size backyard as you do, if not a little bigger. Do you mind if we take him over now?" Sarah replies.

"Not at all. Here, let me give you a bag or two of food for now. You can come back to get the rest as well as his toys when you are ready or before we leave." Carl says, walking over to stand behind Kerrin.

"Sounds good," I respond. "I just hope he does not tear up my clothes."

Sarah just laughs at me before we take Max's collar and lead him home. On the brief walk back, Max tries to pull my arm out of its socket, but I hold on. "Man is he strong."

"Of course he is, he's playful." Sarah replies to my statement.

Once we get Max inside, he starts exploring his new home. Sarah carried the one bag of dog chow on our way back. Now I am resting on my favorite chair with Max strolling around the house, sniffing at everything he sees. I hope he does not smell Rigne, I know I promised Bill I would befriend Max, and I did. It is just that I am still slightly weary of what he will do should he come across a whiff of his scent.

By the way, where did Sarah go? I guess she went upstairs, although I don't know what she is doing. Getting my surprise ready maybe? Nah, too soon. I have to have some time to relax, and for Max to get settled into his new home. He seems to be doing surprisingly good at the rapid transfer. Sure likes to look around. Probably should put him outside to play. That should not be a problem.

Getting my mind back onto what Sarah might be doing, I head upstairs to see if I can catch her getting my surprise ready. What I see is Sarah holding my spell book, on our bed, flipping through the pages.

"S-Sarah!" I shout in surprise. She looks up startled at being caught in the act of doing something she should not be doing. "What are you doing?" I say as I come over to retrieve the book.

"Did you find this in the attic John?" Sarah replies, slowly closing the book.

"Yes, I did." I respond, slightly agitated she would go through my stuff. Well, I did say if we could buy me a new set of clothes to replace the ones with Rignes scent on them, but I did not expect her to start so soon.

"It has your name in it. The pages are weird, I can't read anything." She says in confusion.

"I know, I couldn't either for a while... I mean I can't." I answer hurriedly, not wanting to give away what I am.

"You can read it?" Sarah asks, hearing my hesitation clearly, turning her face up to look at me as I stare back down at her while she continues to hold the book.

"I...uh..." I respond, stuttering.

"That's ok, I just wanted to know. Maybe since you can read it, you can read me something from the book?" She asks, folding her hands in her lap.

"I-I don't think that is a good idea," I reply, gently taking the book from her grasp. "Besides, I think Max still needs some time to run around."

"Don't be a sourpuss. Max can wait a while can't he? Why don't you get ready downstairs while I prepare your surprise right now? Hmm?" Sarah responds tantalizingly while raising and eyebrow.

I open and close my mouth, gaping like a fish as I struggle to form some sort of reply. Whatever has gotten into her may be good or bad. But it has a surprise with it. How I love surprises.

"Oh ok," I respond reluctantly. "But no distracting me while I read. I mean it." I say in a serious tone. Sarah chuckles and replies courteously in a sarcastic manner that I don't catch on to.

"Oh, I intend to let you read. I will be down shortly." She says, winking at me before disappearing into the bathroom.

I sigh, figuring out how this could get any worse than it is. Knowing she will eventually know who I am, I find two objects I can merge together and head downstairs. I spot Max waiting patiently down at the end of the steps, looking up at me as I come down.

"What do you want Max?" I ask, passing him with spell book in hand. He just tilts his head again and follows me into the living room where I sit down in my chair again, placing the spell book on the table.

Max goes to sit near the couch, watching me as I browse through the channels, trying to find something to pass my time while I wait. Sarah seems to be taking her time to get my surprise ready, I wonder what it is. Max sits patiently in front of the couch, staring blankly at me who in turn is staring without seeing at the T.V., waiting for my wife to come down.

After eight minutes, Sarah comes down. I do not notice her until Max lifts his head and whines.

"John." Sarah says seductively.

I start out of my trance of staring at the T.V. and turn to face my wife. She wears a dark crimson leather vest around her frame. I can barely see her breasts as nothing else covers her arms. Her legs are of a similar state, Sarah only wearing a towel to cover her extremities. The towel only extends halfway down her thighs. Whatever she has in mind must be something she has thought of for a while.

I gulp in nervousness, watching as Max lowers his head and comically covers his head with one paw while whining again. Sarah sashays over to the couch and sits down, crossing her legs and making herself comfortable.

"Are you going to read something John?" Sarah says.

"I...uh...mmmm...I." I sit confounded at what she is wearing, even Max seems to be embarrassed by this.

"What are you waiting for John? You will see your surprise in a bit. Now read." Sarah says, inching forward on the couch.

Shaking my head, I get up to retrieve the two objects I had gathered, a worn out headset and a decent useless T.V. controller. Setting the objects on the table I pull part way in front of me, I grab the spell book and open it up to chapter twenty nine. Sarah watches me with trepidation the whole time, wondering what I am going to do. She seems anxious as her feet keep moving, never slowing down.

"One last time, are you sure you want me to read?" I ask my wife to make sure she wants me to do this.

"Yes. The sooner you read, the sooner you get your surprise." Sarah replies, smiling deviously.

I do not notice her villainous smile as I study the words I had spoken, memorized, and calm my breathing before starting the spell. I focus on the two objects on the table, thinking solely on Rigne as I chant the words to begin the spell.

"Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali." I repeat over and over for a good six minutes. The book begins to glow the same white light as before, as does the two objects I have set my mind on.

While I was chanting the spell, Sarah had secretly taken off her crimson red leather jacket and towel, leaving her mostly nude except with some black lingerie with small diamonds strapped to her breasts and around her hips. She carefully rises off the couch and slides down to the ground to sit beside Max who is resting on his stomach, waiting for someone to take him outside. Sarah strokes Max's fur, feeling his hair through her fingers while I continue chanting the incantation.

"John." Sarah says, interrupting my concentration. I open my eyes to look at who spoke while the spell re-evaluates its targets.

"Wha-! Eee! Sarah! Do not?!" I start to yell but freeze as the spell reaffirms onto my wife and Max.

My eyes widen bigger than when I merged Max with Bill. Why had I listened to her and agree to read a part of this book. It was a spell book! Not a normal book! How could I tell her that! My mouth remains open in shock as Sarah looks around, becoming drowsy while Max follows suit. This is not good! This is sooooo not good!

_How could this happen...again! I am so stupid!_The spell now has a firm hold on her, and I do not need to recite it any more as the spell had been near completion before I had been interrupted. I shake my head, trying to desperately move, but my body feels like a lead weight. All the despair and fear from last time grabs a hold of me again as Sarah slowly merges with Max.

The spell book glows brighter as the light around Sarah and Max reaches a feverish peak. I have to squint to close my eyes and raise an arm as the same thing that happened in the back yard happens in my home. Wait, I did not see any scorch marks in the backyard when we were visiting Max. Could they have disappeared as time went on? I hope so; otherwise I am going to have one scorched house. Not to mention my angry wife once I...oh gods.

The light dims down enough so that I can lower my arm and gradually open my eyes. I a brief snap as the black lingerie snaps off of the combined form of Sarah and Max. What stands, or kneels before me is an anthropomorphic Sarah and Max merged together, just like Bill. I stare in surprise and total astonishment as Sarah/Max remains perfectly still. As the smoke clears, and thankfully there is no scorch marks, I see her form more clearly.

She seems to appear much bigger than usually, more so than when Bill was merged with Max. Sarah is 5'11" while I am 6'5", but right now she seems to be much bigger, and more muscular...and manly. For some reason, my eyes are drawn down to her sacred region where her sex is. What I see astonishes me even more while Sarah/Max begins to move, groaning as they, it, whatever, rise to steady themselves on new digigrade feet.

"John?" Sarah/Max whispers as she rises up to her full height, somewhere around 7' if I am not mistaken, although I could be.

I gulp in apprehension, sinking back within my seat to try and get as far away from this...creation I had made. My eyes stay wide open as my eyes inevitably travel down to her sex, which also houses a generous accompaniment of a male endowment as well above it. His/her fur is the same color as when Bill and Max were combined, except it has a slightly more glossy shine to it, bringing out the base colors in the sable red and gray.

I shake pathetically as Sarah/ Max pads closer to me, hir canine shaped snout and nose opening and closing rapidly to draw in my scent.

"Why did you do this John?" A thick, unfamiliar voice sounds instead of Sarah's sweet, cascading melody.

"Wh-What? Who are you? What do you want?!" I shout in fear, barely acknowledging as hir sheath, definitely a hermaphrodite, slowly starts to swell with unrestrained lust and greed.

"Who am I?" The voice says a mix between Sarah and Max. "I am your wife John. And also your new pet." Shi says, switching entirely to Sarah voice before switching back to a menacing growl which is no doubt Max's.

Max's voice is rough, unrefined compared to Sarah's. Hir mind must be warring between the two consciousnesses of Sarah and Max. Oh what have I done now! Bill did not have this problem. Although he did say Max was confused and knocked out for most of the time they were merged. Undoubtedly that is not the case now. Shi creeps closer, hir thick, furred canine sheath growing even more as just a hint of crimson red, a bit lighter than the vest she wore before all this, peaks out of its hiding.

"And you know what I want John." Sarah voice speaks clearly. "To punish you." Max's voice comes back with a vengeance, although they seem to be agreeing on something.

"Please, I'm sorry I did this to you." I plead helplessly as shi takes another step forward while I pull up one leg onto my chair to try and pull away futily. "This was an accident, please!" I cry, shaking my head as I extend my arms weakly.

Shi continues closer, a heavy, masculine tangy odor combined with a sour/sweet femininity that pervades the air as hir furry sheath exposes more of hir canine member.

"It is too late for that." The voice switches over to Max, well toned chest heaving slightly from aggravation. "You wanted to get rid of me. We both despised each other. You couldn't deal with me growling or tackling you while you wore the scent of another 'dog'." Max snarls out threateningly, creeping ever closer to my position while drips of pre-vaginal fluid begin to drip between her thighs to the carpet unnoticed by me in my horrid state of fear.

The vicious snarl scrunches up hir face briefly with hir ears pressed back against her head before I can find my voice again to reply. "Yes, I know that and I deeply regret it! I did not understand your kind as you normally are." I respond, eyes still wide with my feet fully tucked in up against my chest. "I am truly sorry for trying to merge you with the ground; I just couldn't stand being singled out any more. My whole life has been one horrible mistake the moment I lost Rigne!" I shout out the last few words, closing my eyes for fear of retaliation.

No strikes come as the beast, no, the anthro hermaphrodite Sarah/Max backs off a few steps. That does not keep hir sheath from swelling bigger, exposing more of hir canine cock that dribbles some pre-cum in earnest.

"I know he meant a lot to you John." Sarah says, seemingly herself again while hir canine ears droop forward in sadness. "I have looked past your faults, your grit, your tough exterior to try and embrace you heart for what and who you truly are." Shi says soothingly, looking at my feet in resignation.

I take a moment to relax as Sarah/Max leans hir head down, whining deep in the back of hir throat as hir ears swivel backwards. My breath hitches before I can breathe fresh air as I glare at hir body in more detail than before. I talk as I observe hir body and curves, the shape and size of her breasts and her new endowment.

"Do you mean that?" I ask tentatively, finally acknowledging hir body structure. Shi is much more masculine then feminine, although the size of hir breasts would make any women envy hir. They are the same shape but are covered in soft course fur that would not doubt be pleasurable to the touch.

"Yes, I do. I have watched you time and time again pass by Max. I know you only knew about Chihuahuas, but I do not know anything about malamutes either." Sarah responds sympathetically, ears perking up joyfully.

I take awhile to examine more of my wife, and new pet. Her biceps are enormous, but not too excessive to be a hard core body builder. I can see a few threads of muscle and veins traveling up each of hir arms, ending at hir dexterous digigrade paws, flexing at each subtle movement. The swell of hir chest is massive as well other than the size of hir breasts. Hir thighs are large and muscular like hir biceps, containing bunches of muscle tissue to keep hir on hir feet. Just like Bill, her digigrade feet is still covered in lush fur as she can no doubt move around quickly should she choose so.

"What was your...surprise, if I can ask?" I question wearily, fearing what the answer might be. Sarah was known to be quite amorous in bed after she went to a client meeting for a particular long time. Whatever stirred this mood up in the first place must be affecting hir new form as well, and I can say, I fear for my life as to what might happen.

"Your surprise?" Both Sarah and max's voice answer in harmony. Well, it seems they have one thing in common right now.

"Oh crap." I mutter, resting my arms onto the chair with my legs still tucked against my chest.

"Oh yes indeed. I was going to have some fun with you after we got Max and you read that mysterious book you found. I will tell you something very important after this, but right now, I think you deserve what you have coming for trapping me inside this female body." Sarah says as shi gradually changes to Max's lust filled voice near the end.

My eyes widen as I had been distracted from the main goal, hir sheath. Hir canine member is big, huge to say the least. Even at this proximity to Sarah/Max, I can tell it is going to be very painful. It is not even fully out of the sheath yet and it is bigger than my own member. It has got to be around 1' with a girth of about 3", and that does not even count the knot.

I panic, arms splaying out frantically to get a grip to haul myself out of the chair and away from Sarah/Max. Shi is too quick however as shi grabs me firmly and heaves me over hir shoulder. I struggle with all my might but her grip is too strong. I flail my limps, desperate to get free but fail to impact hir progress in any way as shi starts to climb the stairs to our bedroom. My thighs come into contact with her boisterous breasts, making Sarah/Max groan slightly from the rough stimulation.

"Ahhh! Help, Let go of me Sarah! Please, I can change you back, just give me time!" I plea as we near the top of the stairs.

"We are Sarax now." Shi says in a combined voice. Well, that didn't seem to take too long for them to come to terms within their minds.

"I don't care what you call yourself, you're still my wife. Now please, put me down!" I shout, slamming my clenched fists ineffectively against hir muscled back. It just feels like I am hitting a brick wall, I am doing nothing to impede hir.

When Sarax swings open the door, my feet briefly touch hir canine member. All my movement freezes as my mind freaks out over what shi is going to do. Shi slings me unceremoniously onto the plush bed and rapidly advances on me.

"No nonononono nononono! Please, Sarah, no! Stop this!" I yell, trying to get some sense into hir while keeping an outstretched hand and backing up.

I soon have nowhere to go and I look back in panic. I hit the backboard and Sarax grins, smiling devilishly as she lunges for me. I pull my hands back to my body, guarding my face and closing my eyes, but Sarax grips my clothes and drags me forward across the bed to the front. My eyes fly open, my suspicions confirmed as shi roughly removes my shirt then my pants by uprooting me so my legs are in the air.

"Be nice and play along. I will try not to hurt you as long as you don't struggle. Much." Sarax says, holding me firmly and forcefully spreading my legs with hir soft paws, claws lightly sinking into my flesh, making me wince as shi readies hirself for penetration.

"No! Please, At least wet my ass or your...cock before raping me!" I cry out in despair while I weakly hold myself up with quivering arms as my legs are splayed to either side of me.

"Oooo," Shi croons. "This is not rape. I am your wife, am I not? And what better way to lube up than a natural liquid." Shi replies, letting go of my thighs, hir plush fur brushing over my sensitive areas, making my own member grow erect as shi cups hir right furry arm around my back.

Shi brings my head up next to hir pulsing crimson member, smothering me in a mix of manly and feminine odors. I gag, revolted that my wife combined with Max would even conceive of doing this to me. I am ultimately forced to open my mouth or risk getting poked in the eye by hir erect canine cock.

I will back my tears as Sarax moves hir member into position with hir left hand, still maintaining a firm hold on the back of my head, not letting me move backwards to escape. I open my mouth wide just before Sarax jabs hir thick meaty cock into my throat. I nearly gag as hir cock tip suddenly hits my uvula and pulls back, only for hir to thrust forward again past my tongue and partway down my throat.

I close my eyes and whimper my own sad song as Sarax slowly puts more of hir foot long canine cock into my throat. I involuntarily swallow, tasting the raw flesh of hir, and probably Max's member. My undulating throat blissfully messages hir pulsing shaft, coaxing it to release some pre-cum into my throat which I am forced to swallow. The taste is not actually that bad, but I am in no state to think as Sarax takes a step forward to push more of hir member into my mouth. I can feel every detail on hir cock, the slight twitch of muscle and the ejaculation of pre-cum that flows into my mouth every so often.

Hir muscular thighs flex with each thrust, hir large breasts jump to each shove, and hir feminine sex drips copious amounts of fluids onto the side of the bed and carpet floor. I open my eyes when I feel a slight bump on my nose. They widen to saucers when I spot hir baseball sized knot. Or whether, a slightly smaller pair of baseball sized sacs that are slowly swelling with blood.

I try to keep my tongue away from hir throbbing meat while expanding my mouth to not hurt hir with my teeth, desperate for this to end so I can change things to normal. I doubt they will ever be normal again. Why does it always have to be me? Why do I have to lose my best friend? Why do I have to lose my jobs? It is not fa-acck! Fair, that Sarah has such a wonderful job. She is the one supporting us while I do nothing. If this wasn't for my hatred for Max, this all would not have happened. No, it was because of Rigne...His scent made Max bark at me, tackle me.

I struggle to breathe through my nose as Sarax continues to pound my face with hir canine member. Since shi probably won't stop anytime soon, I guess I can have some fun too. I am just glad shi is not thinking about thrusting that thing into my ass, hell knows how much that would hurt.

I am not quite sure how this is possible, but if I remember right, my spell book said something about the effects of merging organic with organic matter, correct? Hell, I can't think of that right now when I have a hybrid of my wife and a dog I am trying to become friends with raping me at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, or as deep as I can manage given Sarax's steady thrusting, I shakily shift my right arm and bring it to where I guess hir sex is. My wife being a hermaphrodite might seem strange to me, but at least shi kept her identity. As Sarax continues to pound her canine cock into my mouth, lubricating it further than necessary while hir knot is shoved against my nose, I tentatively press a finger or two into hir sobbing wet sex.

Spreading hir lips open marginally with two fingers, I hear Sarax hiss through clenched teeth, slowing down to clench hir vaginal muscles around my invading digits. The hesitation does not last long as Sarax speeds up faster than what shi was previously doing. I grunt at the force of the thrust, opting to retreat then thrust back up harder than before, spearing my digits into hir hot and searing vent. My fingers rub against hir silky walls while getting soaked in hir feminine fluids.

A cloud of lust seems to set on Sarax's mind, the only thought is to rut, to mate, and impregnate hir bitch with its viral seed. Sadly, that bitch is me, and shi swiftly stops thrusting into my abused mouth and throat before pulling out and quickly setting me into position again. I barely get to arouse hir more by my touch before shi shifts hir stance, bringing my thighs near my stomach and bending the soles of my feet against my ass cheeks.

I swallow to rid myself of any saliva that had built up over the time my mouth was forced open. I gag slightly as I taste remnants of Sarax's pre-cum mixed with my saliva. I shudder while Sarax positions my body for penetration, hir member jumping in lustful anticipation.

My ass is near the edge of the bed as Sarax carefully aims hir canine member before plunging forward. I tense up, and I guess I should not have as the initial penetration is a massive wall of pain. The ring of muscle protecting my intestines bulges inwards, hampered by Sarax's rigid and unrelenting cock. Hir fur brushes over the inside of my thighs, making me shiver in unrestrained pleasure as my own cock jumps at the initial thrust.

Sarax grunts before pulling back, growling at me in what I think would be a way to warn me to relax or this will hurt more than it should. Somehow understanding hir message, I breathe calmly, or try to through my sore mouth and relax my sphincter. Sarax smiles before taking a confident step with hir right leg and thrusting rather roughly into my virgin hole.

I cry out in shock as the tip of hir member penetrates my anus, making my ass throb in pain and discomfort. My cock pulses and grows firmer, slowly flooding with blood to stand painfully erect. Sarax wastes no more time as shi steps forward with hir left leg and widens hir stance, shifting between legs before pulling back and thrusting forward brutally again. My butt cheeks shake at the unrelenting force applied to my ass. My muscles complain at the intrusion my brain flaring with pain, bombarding my head with signals that all this is wrong and not meant to be.

Sarax speeds up, dragging my walls in and out with hir increasing thrusts, the pain fading to a severely discomforting throb. My body is pushed backwards across the bed with each shuddering thrust shi makes, plunging deeper into my ass while hir knot comes ever closer. I try to hold my frame up against the pounding force of hir thrusts, but instead go to hold my legs open to try and ease the immense discomfort given the size of hir member.

Sarax continues to thrust into me with almost savage lust as time drags on, changing hir hold to grab the bed sheets with hir claws fully extended while leaning over me protectively. Small hints of pleasure emerge in the constant flood of uneasiness in my smaller intestines. By now, hir knot has reached my ass and starts pounding at my entrance as well, bouncing with each successful thrust. I feel nothing but small jabs of pain followed by ever increasing spikes of pleasure as Sarax tries to force hir knot into me. Flashes of pre-cum squirt into my hole, thankfully lubricating the inside of my ass to ease the friction between hir cock and my walls.

Hir endurance seems to be wearing out as shi desperately tries to jam hir knot past my sphincter to join us both together. My mind is afloat with renewed pain as Sarax insistently penetrates deeper into my bowels. With each forceful jab, I let out a squeak of pain, hir knot barely squeezing past the vastly loosened ring of muscle holding my feces within my body.

After two minutes, hir knot finally pops inside of me with an agonizing spike of pain. I open my mouth in a silent cry of pain at the sudden penetration as my ass is surely stretched beyond repair and bleeding, although I only feel a soothing sensation that numbs the pain and gives way to an abundance of pleasure.

Sarax speeds up, delivering short, intensive thrusts, trading distance for increased pleasure. Shi reaches down, tightly gripping my neck within hir jaws while hir ears pin back against hir head. Shi bites down hard enough to draw blood, the pain barely registering to the amounts of new pleasure coursing through my body. I abandon holding my tired legs as Sarax leans over me, encompassing me so that hir waist naturally holds my legs apart. Hir massive breasts sway inches above me, covered in soft, sensitive fur while hir nipples leak a few strands of milk that drip onto my chest.

I move my hands up to embrace hir form just below hir shoulder, next to hir large breasts which jump and sway with each resounding smack against my ass. I can feel the muscle flexing and contracting with each thrust and every breath shi takes. My member throbs painfully, wanting to release its load before it explodes.

Sarax takes no time to achieve hir goal as a few seconds after knotting me, shi tenses up. Hir knot engorges with blood, stretching my sphincter even further, making my cock twitch and yearn for release. I grunt, briefly closing my eyes as shi groans and growls in lust fueled pleasure as hir canine member pulses the first jet of hot semen into my intestines. Hir hips jerk a few more times before coming to rest against the base of my thighs while hir masculine balls pull up against hir body and unload several pints worth of seed. Shi bites down marginally harder on my neck before releasing it to grunt and howl into the air.

Hir wet sex clenches rhythmically as hir feminine side also experiences a small orgasm, increasing hir pleasure. After a few shots of cum, hir member hits my prostate, making my member throb painfully before I achieve my own climax. Robes of semen spring forth to fall against Sarax's furry chest while a few strands land on my flabby abs. My stomach inflates imperceptible at the intrusion into my bowels.

We stay together for a few minutes before hir orgasm tapers off. Hir breathing becomes labored and hir weight dips down to rest partially on me. I straighten out my arms to try and hold hir, but it is like trying to lift a bag of heavy sand. Hir engorged knot keeps a slow and steady stream of seed pumping into my lower intestines while my climax had ended long ago.

Hir panting eases up as shi moves forward, straining the tie we share and causing me some discomfort. Shi lifts hir legs to climb onto the bed while I try to inch backwards, failing because of the bite wound to my neck. It is neither deep nor infected but still hurts. I can't escape now because we are tied, so I wonder what shi is going to do next. Shi brings an arm around my back to lift me off the bed while still crawling forth to the backboard, hir claws pricking my skin as hir masculine and feminine framing overshadows mine. Once there, shi deposits me on my side while shi lies down on hir left as we lie tied together.

My legs are held awkwardly against Sarax's body, wrapped around hir hips while shi slowly pumps a steady stream of seed inside of me. The warmth of the cum discourages and unnerves me that my wife could have done such a thing to me, hir husband. Well, Shi is not exactly hirself right now, and that is an understatement. The lush feeling over hir fur against my lower body and chest as shi cuddles closer to me, hir frame towering over mine is relaxing in an odd way.

If my wife was not merged with Max, I could learn to enjoy this. But that does not mean I can now, the smile on hir face as shi closes hir eyes tells me shi is done. What I am going to do once hir knot deflates is unknown as my mind goes blank.

Just a day ago I had merged Bill with Max, resulting in an anthro. I had made a promise to Bill that I would become friends with Max after what had happened, and I think I have, although that is up for debate right now. The day after, I merge my wife with Max, and then shi proceeds to rape me. Well, I can guess that she wanted to have sex with me after coming home. I just can't help she knows something I don't.

"I knew you would like it." Sarax says as hir big breasts rub against my bare chest, eliciting a small shiver from both of us. Hir fur is so soft it feels like a nice wooly blanket that I could burry myself under all day.

Shi spots the wound shi made with hir teeth and gently reaches over to lap at it with hir abraded tongue. I wince at the initial sting but relax as shi rubs hir breasts against me. Shi goes on for a few minutes before shi is sure the bleeding is stopped. Hopefully shi didn't penetrate any vital arteries, but I do not feel any great pain other than a slow throb that pounds in my head.

"Did you expect anything different?" I reply in confusion, laying a hand weakly on hir side, hir member still spewing semen into me as mine shrinks. Hir soft fur comforts me in ways I care not to admit.

"No," Shi responds, pausing to think of something but decides not to say it.

"Why did you rape me?" I ask curiously.

"Because I wanted to have sex before you merged me with Max." Sarax replies, ears swiveling forward to listen to me.

I frown; apparently she isn't telling me everything. Even though I am not the nicest person, I know when someone is keeping information from me. "Do you want to say anything else?" I ask tentatively.

"No. Why?" Shi replies, pulling me closer, thus mashing hir big breasts against my chest. I grunt and squirm but fall still as shi licks my ear with her rough abraded tongue, calming me while twitching hir hips in the afterglow of hir climax. Hir fluffy tail wags up and down, happily banging against the bed.

"Nothing," I reply. "Today has just been a weird day, and yesterday since I found that book." I reply downtrodden.

Shi whines at my fallen nature and cuddles closer to me, ears pulling back a little while smothering me in hir embrace to let me know it's ok. "Do you mean the spell book?" Shi says with ease.

"Wh-what!" I gasp, pulling back momentarily, pushing against hir chest weakly below hir breasts but stop when I find shi has me tight in hir arms, not letting go. My ass throbs slowly in discomfort at the prolonged presence of Sarax's masculine canine shaft; it feels like I am constipated. My neck also pains me, but most of the pain has faded away thanks to hir soft and loving attention.

"It's ok. I know you can separate us John," Sarax speaks comfortably. "Why don't you get some sleep, you can unmerge us in the morning. My knot will have surely deflated by then. Sleep mage." Sarax whispers, nipping my ear and then my neck in comfort before closing hir eyes and promptly going to sleep.

While shi rests I stare at hir sleeping form in panic. Sh-shi knew I was a mage! H-how could that be! I did not tell hir anything. Shi could not have met Bill on her way home? Shi woke me up a few minutes before he would start his route. I did see him down the street, but shi could not possibly know. How! I rage inside my mind while my breathe trembles with fear. Is all...Is all the things the book said real? Is magic real? Is what I did magic? Are dragons, elves, magicians, wizards and warlocks real? Probably not elves, but that still leaves the other things it said.

My terrifying grip on Sarax's fur loosens as I try to calm myself. If shi knows, shi will surely tell me more tomorrow. The world is still a big place. Surely there are things that have remained hidden from ages long ago, even if those things are magical. Witches and demons. Ok, maybe not demons, but you get my gist. Tomorrow, I will have hir tell me what shi know, after I unmerge hir, or maybe before. I don't...*Yawn*know.

Is it late already? I can't tell. I am not in a position to move, especially since I am tied to my wife. Thinking of such, I look down at hir hip to see the narrow strip of flesh connecting hir fuzzy sheath to hir masculine canine cock. I slowly reach down with one arm, lowering a finger gently onto the flesh below the knot. The skin feels hot, warmer than a human's. Of course, dogs have higher temperatures than humans. The slick feel is unnerving and I quickly pull away before I stir my wife.

Finally deciding to go to sleep, I adjust my legs so my right leg is under and against hir left leg, while my left leg is hanging around hir waist. Hir luscious fur tickles my skin, soothing me from a rough and stressful day. I wrap my left arm around hir chest, pulling hir closer to me and pressing hir large breasts against my hairless chest. They certainly feel much hotter, like a water bottle. The feel of hir fur is certainly nice too as my nose picks up a faint scent of hir lustful aroma, weaving around us as I begin to fall asleep.

I slowly drift off, gazing into the canine features of my wife while gradually shifting my right arm that is trapped beneath me ahead of my head to rest on it. With a yawn, I give in and fall asleep. Hopefully tomorrow will prove less stressful...Yeah, can't count on it.

Chapter Six: Consequence of Magic

I stir slightly in my sleep, groaning as something dislodges itself from my rump before the bed shifts. I moan as a small tingle of pleasure runs up my spine before soft warm hands, or paws rest on my bare side. Small breathes of air rush over my neck before a rough tongue caringly licks it. I turn my head, trying to get away from the touch.

I hear a soft chuckle, between a human and a canine's bark. Seconds later I feel the bed depress as a heavy weight comes on top of it. It kneels close to me and gently rubs my side tenderly before deciding to speak.

"John," The familiar voice says. "John, wake up my love. I think it is time to unmerge me now."

I groan again and mentally furrow my brow in irritation before my mind lights up in recognition. Sarah! I then slowly move around while flicking my eyelids open rapidly to expel the sleep. My whole body feels sore, especially my mouth, throat and ass. Although, why does my ass hurt when...

Oh God. I did it again. Now I remember what happened yesterday, or is it night time? I think to myself while rising out of sleep. I weakly get up only to wince when I try to sit on my butt. Now I know it really did happen.

Finally thinking to open up my eyes, I spot my wife, no, Sarax standing or kneeling in front of me with a smile on hir face. I move an arm to carefully caress my aching buttocks as Sarax leans forward to embrace me in a hug. Hir soft, warm fur presses against my bare skin. I tense up at the initial contact but soon relax knowing my wife would never hurt me, knowing a few hours ago that is exactly what she an extent.

"Did this really happen?" I ask confused while enjoying the feel of hir lush fur on my skin.

"Yes, though I think it is time to unmerge me now. I think Max wants to walk around on his own. I am starting to feel an urge to play. If we don't separate soon, then I think he will take it out on you...again." Sarax says in a hint of guilt before moving back to stand on the carpet.

I lean forward, trying to prolong the contact but reluctantly let go. "Why did you, he, whatever, do it in the first place?" I question, throwing my arms up in frustration at not knowing what to call my wife while balancing forward on the bed to not put too much pressure on my rectum.

"We, or I am Sarax now John. And the reason I did what I did was because I wanted to have some alone time when we got home." My wife explains while hir tail wags idly, hir boisterous breasts lying still for me to gaze at them.

I shake my head to clear the distraction, slowly, ever so carefully moving to the edge of the bed to stand up. "And your surprise was to dress up in lingerie while having me read that book, let alone spell book? How did you even know what it was?" I ask in curiosity as I gradually place my feet on the carpet floor, Sarax coming over to steady me if need be.

"Yes, and no. Well, yes for the most part. I wanted to have sex with you after knowing you spend all your time alone at home with nothing to do," Sarax replies, lightly assisting me as I go to put on some clothes, or better yet, find some painkillers. "Seeing you being harassed by Max broke my heart, and I know how much you loved Rigne. I was planning on getting you another dog once I made enough money, but, other circumstances came up." Sarax replies hesitantly on the last part followed by a small whine.

Laughing a little in disdain before stopping when my side throbs in mild discomfort, I lean heavily against Sarax who gladly bears my weight. "That's an under...statement," I heave. "But you did not answer my question. How did you know that was a spell book, or even, that I am a mage?" I ask in growing anxiety and the need to know some answers.

Sarax looks uncertainly at me while guiding me down the stairs. Shi stays silent the whole time, contemplating on what the best thing to say is and how to say it. One wrong or misplaced word could spell disaster for hir husband's life. Once downstairs, Sarax gently releases me in my chair while going to look for the painkillers and something to eat. I try to settle comfortably in my seat but fail as my ass starts to throb insistently.

Sarax comes back shortly with some pills and a glass of water before sitting on the leather arm of my chair. I gratefully take the pills and water while waiting for my wife to explain hirself. Shi looks sad or distressed, tail hanging limp with hir ears drooping.

"Take your time." I tell hir, reaching an arm to rest onto hir muscular thigh while still trying to position myself to ease my discomfort.

Seeing my trouble, Sarax stands up again and faces me before lifting me off the chair, turning around and gently placing me on hir soft and furry lap carefully.

"What are you, eh carefuuuul." I cry out in surprise, only to sigh as hir warm and lush fur somehow eases my pain and discomfort.

I slowly press back against hir large breasts, compressing them against my back while making Sarax groan and twitch hir tail in a small jolt of pleasure. I pause before fully relaxing myself within hir grip. Sarax leans forward, nestling hir canine jaw lightly on my right shoulder. Shi flexes hir hips a bit, wriggling to get hirself comfortable. One thought escapes me as I forget shi is also a herm, and thus has a canine sheath with a fully authentic doggy cock and knot.

That does not bother me as I pay attention to my love, to the one I merged to our new pet Max. With a deep sigh, Sarax speaks, but says something completely different.

"John," Shi says tentatively. When I give a small tug of confirmation that I had heard hir, firmly pressing against hir chest while bringing hir digigrade paws closer to my chest, shi continues. "Can you unmerge me, us? Please?" Sarax says with a prolonged whine.

My smile disappears as thoughts pop into my mind. "Why?" I ask cautiously.

"You don't want a repeat do you?" Shi answers simply, pulling hir head back while stilling hir tail.

I look down involuntarily, gulping when I not only spot two well sized masculine balls behind furry skin, but hir firm, silky sex as well placed below hir large canine cock. My eyes go wide before I get a chance to respond. Hir muscular legs packed with muscle and tissue flex every so often with nervousness, testament to hir will to stay still.

"Uuugh, mmmm," I stall, gazing at hir sex and sheath, unable to look away before Sarax gives my uninjured shoulder a firm nip. "Ouch! Oh, yea, ugh. I need to eat something before I unmerge you. I need something for energy so I don't pass out; it is something the book said as a warning. Although I want you to tell me what you know after." I explain while carefully extricating myself from hir loving grasp.

Sarax just nods hir head and lifts me up before setting me down on the floor gently. Shi walks over to the couch and sits down, hir canine sheath swelling imperceptibly in the first hints of arousal while I dash, or waddle upstairs to take a quick shower and get changed.

The shower did not feel as bad as I had hoped, it actually soothed my ass instead of aggravate it. My left shoulder also appears to be doing better. It still hurts, but not as much as it did yesterday. After the shower I tediously pick out clothes that I hope will not get Max to become aggressive to me. If all is not well, theeeeen we will just have to buy me a whole new wardrobe.

Once downstairs, I quickly grab some cereal and a bowl along with a spoon and some milk. Sarax stops me however by going back upstairs to retrieve a strange container holding a red drink and some bread and crackers.

"I don't think this will fill me up, I need something more." I say as Sarax presents me the gray/white container that looks like the boxes you get for take-home.

"It will. I...may not have been truly truthful as to who I work for." Shi replies hesitantly.

After a few seconds I drink the red drink in a simple water bottle container which tastes like fruit punch and eat the bread and crackers. Soon after I feel refreshed and ready to unmerge my wife from Max, or unmerge them from each other, however it works.

I tell Sarax to wait one more moment while I turn to the page of the unmerging spell after retrieving the book from the table top beside my chair. I take a few deep breathes before starting the steps to unmerge Max and Sarah.

I first repeat the phrase of merging until the book and Sarax glow with a bright yellow hue. "Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali."

I then move onto the second step, envisioning the most precious moment in my life. Thinking my our wedding would not cut it, I dig deep into myself to find the most priceless moment in my life: The first time we kissed.

As the bright yellow glow turns green then blue then back to green before flashing between the two, I wish I can make it happen. I put even more willpower into this step, knowing if I lost my wife, I do not know what I would do. Even the loss of my childhood dog Rigne would not compare to it. I have to believe I can do it. I must believe I can do it. Believe I can, I know I can, believe I can, I know I can.

All this time Sarax had been waiting patiently in the middle of the T.V. room in front of me, doing so as I said to move into a safe position so shi would not hurt hirself during the unmerging. By now my face is covered in sweat and I feel like I had not showered for two week even though I just showered a few minutes ago.

Finally moving on to the last step, oddly enough, repeating the merging spell backwards. "Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav, Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav, Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav, Atiin Inay ogej epal oruv anhsid ilav." I chant it over and over until the flashing green and blue light slows down and steadily changes to a low gray color.

Sarax grunts in obvious discomfort and slowly lowers hirself onto the floor kneeling. The gray color gradually engulfs hir until shi vanishes from my sight. I do not panic, although my breathing picks up a few paces. The most crucial part, if this fails, then I fear for what the result will be.

The gray light expands slightly before pulsing. Sarax emits long groans of pain and nausea as the spell nears completion. Sarax seems to be taking this much better than Bill was. He was unprepared, and to top it off, my book had changed color, blinding him. I pray that shi can hold on. Hopefully I am better prepared this time to deal with the stress and aftereffects of the spell. If not...then, I do not want to think about it.

As the gray light slows down, my breathing becomes labored, a sign the spell is complete. I wait a few seconds while sitting in my chair heavily to see what the result is. It takes longer than I thought it would from last time, or maybe it has something to do with the more careful precision of preserving their identity, their gender. Finally, the light clears to reveal a prone Sarah and a slightly dazed yet unhappy Max.


Well, sort of. I am worried for my wife while also scared about what Max will do. I have now merged him twice, once with Bill and again with Sarah. Anyway, that should not be concerning me right now. What I should be paying attention to is my wife that is lying on the carpet...naked.

I get up from my chair, wobbling a little on unsteady feet, still recovering from the effects of the spell; I can fix that later. I close the spell book and set it on the portable table to my right before walking carefully to my wife.

Her skin is back to its normal tan coloration. Her legs and arms are sprawled out on the ground around her. Her frame is what I remember from many times before, sleek and gorgeous, not buff and muscular from her time combined with Max. I glance down lower to her ass cheeks; still round and plumb, pliable yet firm.

Max lies a few feet away from Sarah, eyes half-lidded and tongue hanging out. He looks to be zoned out, for now. Worryingly, I slowly crouch down, wincing a little as the discomfort in my ass flairs up in discomfort before I will myself past the distraction. Sarah lies partially on her right side and I can visibly see her flat stomach inflating and depressing with each calm breath she takes.

Thankful that she is ok, I reach forward with my right arm and gently rock her on her shoulder, urging her to wake up. "Sarah...Sarah my love. Wake up. Please, wake up." I say softly while leaning forward on one knee, still a little wobbly and light headed from the effort taken to perform the spell.

She groans, almost imperceptible but I catch the squinting of her eyebrows and the scrunching of her face. I sigh gladly in happiness. I shake her again, not as persistent but still enough to hasten her awakening.

"Ugrrh, mmm." She moans, rolling onto her back with a flop, her black hair spreading out in a fan on the ground. I lean back, butt muscles twitching as Sarah's eyes flicker open.

She looks up into my hovering eyes. I stare back into her lavender irises as we take in each other's hidden emotions. In all the time we have been together, I have never been as glad in my life as to have my wife back. Of course, I could not deny that she had something going for her while merged with Max but, that thought is out of the question.

The longer we stare at each other, mesmerized in old memories and laughter long forgotten, the sooner Max gradually comes to his senses, aware of whom he truly is once more. With a loud bark that shocks us out of our fond memoirs, we both look in the direction that Max lays, content to pant with his tail idly flicking to either side.

I turn back to Sarah as she struggles to get up, closing her eyes in muscle fatigue and wariness. I hurriedly walk over to her, kneeling down once more to put my left arm firmly around her back, ignoring any discomfort emanating from my posterior. Her skin is smooth and warm to the touch, probably an aftereffect on her part.

Sarah looks into my eyes again when I assist her into a sitting position. She smiles, eyes deepening in a show of love and compassion adopted from many years of intimacy. Sarah leans forward and embraces the back of my neck with both her delicate hands. She brings my mouth to hers before kissing me firmly and with much passion before releasing me.

I am startled by this sudden movement but nevertheless give in once I know what she wants. Even the distant or not so distant event that happened that ended up where I was...*cough* the word that is to not be named happened bothers me.

After our brief kiss, Sarah brings her slender legs against her body to stand up. I assist her again before we both move simultaneously to the kitchen to get something to eat. On one hand, I am dressed while Sarah is not and Max is still resting on the T.V. room floor quickly recovering from his experience.

Everything seems to go back to normal, but I know, things won't be normal ever again. I wait on my question of how Sarah, my wife, my love knows who I am. I am a mage. That is not simply said around a modern city with modern cars and electricity that powers modern inventions. Most, if not all of the government would have me wrapped up, gagged, and thrown in the back of a black van if they knew what I was.

I would be brought to a secret installation, no doubt area 51. I would be experimented on, questioned and interrogated, wait; those are the same two things, never mind. I would still be subjected to agonizingly brutal scrutiny and...what's the word? Used for discrimination against...yes! Discrimination! I would be discriminated by every American, Indian, and European, everybody who thinks I am weird, that is, if this was leaked out of what happened.

The government, nah, scientists would want to know how I get my powers. They would dissect me, only after or if I gave anything invaluable that they deemed unworthy. The whole world would be against me. If there are any other people out there like me, I would not know. I would be scared, more frightened than when I merged Bill and Max.

But no, this is not the time to think about that, this is the time to revel in the presence. To enjoy the time we have together, no matter how long or short it might be. Life is like the seasons, we grow, we age, we die. There is no refuting that. Even mystical or magical creatures die too, however long it takes them to get there.

But while Sarah and I enjoy our lunch, at least, I think it is? I have lost what time it is anymore. Maybe noon. Anyway, while we eat to regain our strength, a mysterious notice arrives at the post office.

Much later or what I consider to be...Never mind. It is pointless to keep track now. Sarah and I settle down in the T.V. room side-by-side. We have not done this in a while. Excuse me, should I say, in a long time since we moved and Rigne died.

Or rather, Max is in between us, comfy and fully rested from his ordeal. And that is something else, he did not growl, did not bark, specifically at me, or attack. He came up to me once Sarah and I returned, Sarah fully clothed in a loose plain pink dress and baggy blue yellow pants. Max trotted right in front of me and stopped before looking up. I did not know what he was thinking, and I was nervous as to what he was going to do.

To my relief, he sniffed me a few times, licked my hand affectionately in a sign of trust then walked into the T.V. room. When we sat down, he came to sit down between us, head near Sarah's lap. Nothing weird there. No sur. If there was anything left for chance, I would guess they both shared memories while bring merged. What made Max tolerate me in such a short span of time is something that is a mystery for me. Nevertheless, I won't turn down an opportunity to prove good on my word to Bill and become friends with Max.

I then decided to question Sarah on how she knew I was a mage, and if what she did was an accident or voluntary. I certainly know I would not want to be merged with a dog or any other animal. Humans and animals are too different to understand one another, but my wife was going to prove me wrong.

"What do you know about me being a mage? How do you even know I am a mage?" I ask cautiously, giving her plenty of time to answer as we sit on the couch, relaxing with Max between us.

She surprises me by answering right away, not hesitating to tell me what she knows. Maybe unmerging with Max and that quality time we spent after gave her time to think about what she was going to say.

"First off, your spell book gives you away, if it has not told you that already," Sarah replies as she looks at me from across the couch while I groan, knowing all too well it had said a mages book gives him away. "Second, I know you are a mage because Bill acted differently when I came home." She says, her black hair flowing with the movements of her head.

I freeze; petrified she had met Bill on her way home. "Ho-h-how did you...When did you meet him?" I hesitate, obviously not knowing what to say in a situation like this as new to me.

"I know a friend...I knew a friend who was a mage like you. That mage also knew Bill. As to when I met him, I simply went to the post office before I came home. I wanted to talk to him; I knew you would find that book. Even though it was not there before, that book was my friends." Sarah answers calmly while stroking Max's soft fur as Max rests with his eyes closed. The unmerging seemed to have taken out the energy he would have used to either ra...have fun with me again or run around after.

My mouth gapes open for a few seconds or minutes as I try to process the information. B-Bill knew a mage! Let alone my wife! How could I not know this! How did that book even get into the attic? Did it teleport? And this other there are others out there like me?

"I-I-uugh..." I scramble to try and say something, to try and get something out to make sense of this situation. "You knew a mage," I finally respond as Sarah nods in confirmation. "And this mage also knew Bill?" Sarah nods again as I continue. "What did Bill say to you?"

"I think that...Bill told me that you merged him with Max, and, me knowing a mage and that you would eventually find that book, I wanted to merge with him. Although I did apologize to Max for making him merge to someone a second time, it takes a lot out of you." Sarah replies, changing what she was going to say before sticking with something else. _ _

"So-(so many questions to ask) He told you?" I ask as Sarah nods, confirming my earlier fear that Bill did tell her. "You also said you 'knew' him? He is dead now?"

"Yes, long dead. I knew him when I was a child and to my teenage years. My parents knew a little about magic. They had to keep it a secret and as you could guess, the government also knew about magic." Sarah replies, stilling her hand briefly before standing up to get a drink.

I remain speechless while sitting next to Max. So the government 'does' know. I better keep this a secret. I do 'not' want this getting out. I can only guess at what happened to him. When Sarah comes back with a cup of water, she resumes stroking Max before placing the cup in the cup holder on the couch.

"Did the...did the government-"

"No," Sarah interrupts, knowing what I was going to say. "The government did not kill him. He died of old age. The government knows about magic, yes, but they forget what we are and what they/you can do." Sarah responds while looking sternly into my burgundy eyes.

"There are others? The book said there are even dragons?" I ask in wonder, not fazed in the slightest under her stare, seeking to know if that part is true.

Sarah shakes her head sadly before replying. "Nay. There are no more dragons that you or the spiritually connected; that is one name your kind has, know of that are in existence. If there are, they are keeping themselves hidden very well even in this age of technological advancement."

"Spiritually connected?" I ask.

"Yes. Or magic, magicka, energy. There are many different kinds of names for magic as well as those with magical abilities. Your line is just one of the seven great households of ancient magic that still survive today." Sarah answers, picking up her glass of water to take another sip.

"Seven? My line?" I say to myself while looking down at my lap, not realizing how important this all is.

"The Kurra (coo-ra), magical users or manipulators of the elements. The Cuojee (cu-oo-gi), or the magical users of the summoning. The Fhena (fae-na), magical users of the light. The Pivec, magical users of the shadows. The Gherlim (gur-limb), magical users of faith, spirit and wisdom." Sarah says, listing five of the seven major houses.

"Why did you not name the last two?" I question after raising my head to face Sarah again. "Which house is mine?"

"I did not name the last two because they are joined, in a way. They represent the creatures below earth, the ones that see and hear through sound and touch. And for your house, my friend was from the Cuojee, magical users that could summon companions and battle warriors to aid them. You look similar to him, but not overly different." Sarah replies, scrutinizing me before saying that last part.

"What was his name?"

"I cannot give you his name, it would reveal too much." Sarah says cautiously, urging me to pick my questions carefully now. I take the hint and think about what to ask next.

"...How did, the book get in my attic?" I ask after some time to contemplate what I thought was safe to ask and not.

"When a mage dies from any house, their book teleports to the closest mage from a similar house or relative." Sarah responds, biting her lip at after saying relative.

"But you said he died when you were a teenager. Rather, you did not say exactly when he died." I reply.

"He died when I was twenty three, a few years before I met you. It takes a while for a book to travel to its rightful owner. If none is found or if the child is too young, it waits in safety." Sarah answers, breathing an internal sigh of relief that her husband did not pick up on her slip of the tongue earlier.

"I see," I reply thoughtfully, remaining silent to think about everything that has been said.

Well, I can add this to the list of things that have changed my life, either for worse or better. I still don't know if this whole 'mage' thing is true. I know I admitted to myself that I am a mage and they may or may not be real, but for my wife to know about magic, to know a mage is beyond me.

"What is going to happen now?" I ask cautiously.

"Nothing. I said nothing that would endanger your life. There are others out there, others on the dark side that want to eradicate all magical creatures from existence. They are not part of the government; rather, it is a millennium old feud from long long long ago." Sarah says trying to tell me nothing will happen as long as we do not do anything to show that we or my kind exist.

"So we are just going to take what...'happened', and pretend it never happened?" I ask.

"We can't do that. What's done is done. We can't change the past. You have to know now that you must 'never' tell anyone else. Accidentally merging Bill was ok. He knew what happened after he went home. You just caught him by surprise." Sarah answers honestly.

I stare back in acknowledgement. Bill knew Sarah's friend, so he must have figured out I was a mage after I unmerged him and he went home. Of course, since Bill and Sarah know each other from our time in Omaha Nebraska, Sarah was bound to find out once Bill knew who I was.

_ _ "Earlier on, you said that you 'willingly' merged with max?" I ask, still not believing she would want to try something after hearing it from Bill.

"Yes. I am sorry I tricked you. I did want to have sex with you, but after hearing from Bill, I just knew I had to try it too. sorry if I caused you any pain, but Max wanted revenge for what you involuntarily did to him twice." Sarah responds, continuing to stroke Max's course fur while he sleeps between us. Time goes by as we sit discussing the events that happened over today and yesterday.

"Wasn't my fault the second time..." I grumble while looking away. "Maybe we should have Max...neutered so any...unwanted events could happen again." I say idiotically.

Sarah tenses up and reaches over to slap me in the back of the head. I cringe at the impact and quickly look her way. "What the?! Why did yo-Mfph!" A muffled yell is all I get out before Sarah slams her mouth against mine, carefully not to squish or disturb Max.

After she releases, she pats my cheek like a good little boy. "If you're going to kiss me, you got to do it right," She says before laughing at my thoughtless expression. "And no, we are 'not' neutering Max. I don't think his previous owners or he himself would like it very much 'John'." Sarah says sternly, glaring at me accusingly.

I stare back, mouth wide open. "I-aaa, uugggh." With nothing to say, I can't say I blame how Sarah reacted.

"Magic can't be used for everything. It can't be controlled, only guided. Force it to do something and it will blow up, or the spell will be ruined. There is no chance of you becoming pregnant because of this. If I promise not to rape you again, will you let me merge with Max again?" Sarah says, dipping her eyebrow in lustful anticipation.

Still confused and bewildered, it takes me a few seconds to compose myself. "Wha-ok...But, didn't you say Max was not very happy about being merged again?" I ask, unsure why I would do that again just to feel the wrath of Max. I don't entirely trust him, or my wife, having it been just a day and sometime after we became acquaintances, neutral friends.

"We got over that when you merged us. Yes, he was angry, but I reasoned with him. In the end, I told him my plans, and he liked them. I let him have his revenge and told him to be nice to you since the scent he smelled was from your dog that passed away." Sarah explains, smiling while resting her hand on Max's head, rustling the fur between his ears as he begins to wake up slowly.

"Should have known you would have done that, but that does not explain why he would let you merge with him again." I ask.

"Because he agreed to merge with me when he expected it. Both times he was unaware of what was going to happened, especially the first time," Sarah says, glaring at me intensely again. I look away before she continues. "And I said it might be a new experience for him to feel the other side, to be taken as a bitch the next time we merge."

"Ahhh, you're not saying the next time I merge you guys, if I agree to merge you, you will not ra-rape me?" Sarah nods in acceptance; even going to voice she will allow me to stroke her off should I want to do it. "I-ahhhh, I don't know about that. Having regular sex would be just fine."

"Suit yourself, but if you want to get better at creating spells and become more powerful, you 'will' agree," Sarah says threateningly. "There are few mages who we can visit safely from which the government will know nothing about. If you want to survive against the evil creatures, I suggest you agree, or else you will have no one to train you."

I gulp in fear, knowing I definitely would not want to be captured by the government or killed by...whatever. A trainer is the only possibly choice, even if that comes at the cost of having to merge Max with my wife again.

"Are you sure he is ok with that," I ask, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. I would absolutely not want to be caught for animal abuse. I would want to assure Carl and Kerra that Max was being taken care of.

"Yes, he is." Sarah replies. Max fully awakens from his sleep to catch the last bit of information and gives out a satisfied bark. "See?"

"O-ok," I respond hesitantly. "Just don't be rough should the roles be reversed ok?" I say to Max. He looks up at me and tilts his head, given a curious whine before getting up and getting something to eat.

Now that he is off the couch, I slide closer to Sarah, wrapping my left arm around her waist to embrace her. Max looks back briefly before carrying on to get something to fill his stomach.

"Now that that is done, what should we do next?" Sarah inquires of me while leaning into my arm.

"We should get the rest of Max's stuff from Kerra and Carl. They might be going any day." I respond, lowering my head to nuzzle her silky hair, inhaling her scent to know that she is mine.

"That is taken care of," Sarah replies. I lean back in confusion before she further elaborates. "I asked Bill if he could gather the stuff when he comes for his delivery."

I raise my eyebrow again, wondering what else she conversed with Bill but decide to remain quiet about it for now. "Is he ok with that?" I reply.

"Or course." Sarah responds.

I shrug and cuddle against my wife with a firmer grip, wrapping my right arm around her waist to encircle her stomach. She giggles at the affection, delighted to know that her husband is ok about everything that is happening.

"What time is he coming? It must be past noon by now if not later. Are you sure you said he would bring them when he did his rounds?" I ask curiously, pulling my head away from my embrace. It was without a doubt past that time. Bill must have delivered the mail by now.

Sarah nods her head before speaking. "Well, since I talked to him about you merging him with Max, I said for him to come back around 2:42PM." Just then, the doorbell rang.

If it was not for coincidence, I would say it was 2:42PM right now. A lot of time has passed since I unmerged Bill with Max, let alone with Sarah. Now it is time to see what Bill knows.

I stand up before heading towards the door to open it. Max raises his head to look at me as I pass. Sarah looks on from her seat on the couch as I open the door to greet Bill.

"Bill!" I say, throwing my arms out only to retract them, seeing as how he is currently occupied.

"John! How are you?!" He replies happily while juggling numerous amounts of dog toys and food with Max's bed on the ground as well as a plain white envelope.

"Why did you tell her?" I ask, sobering up to immediately find out why he did such a thing.

Bill straightens out as much as he can before grunting under the load. "Mages stick together. If you know one, you tell anyone else who knows them everything to survive." Bill replies, wobbling under the weight.

Sarah comes over and pushes me aside, relieving Bill of some of his load. He graciously thanks her with a nod of his head and sets the rest of the toys and food down onto the ground in front of the door.

"Still. Why all the secrecy?" I ask him, crossing my arms in a look of distrust.

Breathing heavily, Bill rights himself and walks back along the pathway to retrieve the bed and envelope. Without an invitation, he walks into my house, handing me the unmarked envelope as he passes. I unwillingly take it and stare back at him as he walks into my house to see Max.

"I see you have adopted Max from the neighbors. Have you got along well with him John?" Bill asks with a weird look on his face.

"Just peachy. You still have not answered my question." I ask again, not wanting to be ignored.

"Oh, I guess Sarah has told you almost everything about how she knows you are a mage." Bill says regally. Completely different from how he was acting before the merge. Very different indeed. I frown at his behavior before nodding, urging him to continue.

"Well, our friend was old, and old ways die hard you see. So he asked us to keep this all a secret. He told us, should any of his friends meet someone who acquires his book; we should not tell him about his heritage, his kind and all the like until the time is right." Bill explains, moving to pet Max in the kitchen.

I just stare in disbelief as Sarah comes over to join Max and Bill. I look down at the plain white envelope, slighter bigger than most normal letters. Nothing too suspicious I suppose. Finally having the decency to close the front door after moving the rest of the toys and food inside, I walk in the kitchen to ask Bill a question.

"What's this?" I say, holding up the plain white envelope. Bill looks up from his showered attention over Max to shrug.

"Don't know. It came a while after I made my rounds and decided to give it to you when I came to bring Max's stuff. The man said to bring it to this address, and since I knew it was you, I could only assume it was som- Ouch!" Bill yelps like a pup, rubbing his arm as Sarah elbows him and glares menacingly his way.

Point across, Bill resumes his speech. "Anyway, Sarah...I don't know what it is. But I would read it when I am gone. Man said so himself, and when you are alone."

"Ok." I reply, not at all weirded out by all this crazy happenings that started occurring the minute I found that weird spell book.

"By the way, would you happen to think of telling some chance, what color the spell book is?" Bill asks before standing up and walking with me to the T.V. room where I set the envelope on the spell book.

"What color was it before, or did he tell you?" I reply, being a little defensive in the information I knew.

"Its lime green and blue Bill." Sarah shouts from her position in the kitchen, probably organizing Max's food.

My mouth hangs open at her willingness to tell Bill the color of MY spell book. Well, what is said is said, and Bill certainly seems to be enthusiastic about the news.

"Great! So it changed color! When!" Bill asks, clasping his hands together in joy before sitting down on the couch, still uninvited.

"When I unmerged you. Don't you remember? The book blinded you before it told me how to undo the mistake I did." I answer.

"What! Oh, I don't remember much after. I did figure out you were a mage, but that was just formulated from bits and pieces of things that flashed in my mind. I had to come here to see if it was true." Bill says disappointed yet still happy, standing up to walk around while I stand beside my chair and the table containing the spell book and mysterious envelope.

"Is there anything else you want?" I ask, ready to head upstairs and open the letter right now, but instead decide to wait until night.

"Can I...Can I see it?" Bill asks, turning around and raising both his eyebrows hopefully in hopes I would show him the altered spell book.

Sighing, I reach over and lift the envelope before switching the parcel for the book. I hold it up for Bill to see. He comes over, eyes widening in the glorious site at the ancient spell book.

"Wow. A dragon. This must mean you are really special John. You would be in the- aaah! Hey!" Sarah interrupts Bill by throwing a canine bone chew toy his way with terrifying accuracy. Only by ducking down with seconds to spare does he go unscathed, the toy bouncing over the couch to land somewhere behind.

Sarah stares at Bill again before he gets the message. No more secrets are to come out unless necessary. I just stand flabbergasted, clutching my spell book in shock that Sarah would voluntary try to hurt, or hit Bill with an object. "Ok, I get it! I get it! Please, don't throw anything else at me!" Bill says in a desperate plea. He turns back to me, looking at the spell book with apt fascination before deciding to leave.

"Well, I think I have overstayed my welcome here. John, it is nice to see you safe and sound. I hope you have a wonderful day." Bill says formerly, cautiously looking sideways into the kitchen to try and spot and more incoming messages.

"It was nice to have you Bill." I reply, nodding my head before escorting him to the front door where he lifts his hat that I had not noticed he had on and leaves.

Once I close the door again, I raise the spell book to look at it again, wondering what else will happen now that I am a mage. Sarah comes over to me and places her arms onto my shoulders. I tense up a bit before relaxing, giving in to her gentle message.

"Don't worry about it John. Everything will be fine as long as you practice. I will tell you everything my friend told me about magic. We will help you. Just relax." Sarah says before going off to tend to Max.

All in all, a good days work. No? Well, all in all a good day of crazy events then. Yeah, that sounds more like it. Seven houses. Magical heritage. A mystical friend and a mysterious letter. Wonder who it could be from?

Better save it for when I have time alone to read it. I can't help but think that there is something greater going on out there that I am not aware of. All this new information is mind boggling. It will sure take some time to get used to, especially since I just agreed to merge my wife with our newly adopted dog Max.

This is sure going to be a fun life. What to do next. The rational choice would be to scream and yell 'The sky is falling! The sky is falling!' No? Oh well, would have made a great movie. But no, I have to keep my wits about me and hid in secret to survive and escape from being found out by the government and this evil, side thing. Whatever they are, they don't seem nice.

Anyway, now that it is night time, and I do believe it is almost night, I get ready for bed while Sarah puts Max's bed in our room. Just great. Two mortal or once mortal enemies sleeping together. A friend of my friend is my enemy or something like that. A friend of my wife's is my...acquaintance? For now, I put my spell book on the table counter next to my chair.

Meh. Now, to open this mysterious envelope and see what is has to say. But, if it is from another mage, do I really want to take the chance at being found out, potentially having someone find me who is from the government and take me away from my wife. No, I do not want that to happen. Although Sarah said her friend died from old age, I still am not going to take that chance, at least not now.

Still holding the large plain white envelope in my hand, I turn to look at Sarah who is sleeping peacefully, her black hair sprawled out on the pillow while her chest billows in and out to each breathe she takes. Closing my eyes, I reach forward to place the envelope on my night stand to read it some other time before going off to sleep.

Chapter Seven: A new day, a new mage

The new day dawns with a slight chill to the air. Low hanging clouds hug the ground with a blanket of fog. The mist persists into the early morning where all the natural inhabitants of the world slowly start to wake up. For one household in Omaha Nebraska, someone is especially chipper to get up in the morning to start her day despite the gloomy atmosphere.

Her husband sleeps soundly from a weary day of startling surprises and secrets. She decides to let him sleep, instead moving downstairs to pour some food for Max, the couples new Malamute dog, into his dish. Max scampers along shortly after, digging into the feast. It seems someone else is up and early for such a dreary day.

Sarah, the wife, hangs around downstairs, tidying up the house while finishing sorting out the dog food and organizing the dog toys. Once Max is done of his breakfast, Sarah leans in close to embrace Max in a hug. Sarah can feel his urge for release again, the pleasure from their climax not long ago still fresh in their minds.

He may not agree to do it so soon, but they can wait, but only for so long. Settling in on a plan, Max goes off to nap for a while, waiting till John is up and ready for the plan to begin. John, however, is still sleeping, snoozing heavily, quite worn out from the day's events and scares. Sarah has to revise the plan a little for it to work, but they still agree on it.

Now that the time is 10:43 AM, it is time for John to wake up. Walking up the stairs slowly as to not disturb her husband, she gently eases onto the bed to arouse her lover.

"John," Sarah says quietly, slowly rocking my frame back and forth with one hand. No reply. "John," Sarah says more insistently. She gets a soft groan in response. Every plan has to begin somewhere. "Wake up John; I think you have slept for long enough." Sarah says in a normal voice, more urgently pushing on his shoulder.

My groans turn into incoherent sentences before an arm flies out to stop the persistent nagging from my wife to wake me up.

"Mmm, errr, what do you want Sarah, just five more minutes." I ask in irritation, rolling onto my other side and away from her hands.

Not wanting to be outdone, she resumes rocking my shoulder harder with both her hands. "Come on John, wake up. You need to get up. I want you to do something for me, please?" Sarah replies, asking in an innocent voice implication to the plan she has concocted with Max through nonverbal communications.

"Why, what do you want me to do for you?" I respond, flopping onto my back and gradually opening my eyes to the sight of my wife hovering over me with the overall sense of a dingy and depressing atmosphere.

"I can't tell you. I think we can do it now, now that you know who you are." Sarah implies cryptically, swinging her shining black hair over her shoulder before hustling off the bed.

"Mmm, it isn't another surprise, is it?" I ask warily, blinking my eyes sleepily, knowing to be cautious after last time she introduced her 'surprise' to me. Another thing to be cautious about is the government finding me, but that is something I will worry about when the time comes.

"No silly, I will tell you once you come downstairs. Don't forget to eat something big, I don't want you passing out for what I have planned for us." Sarah teases, going downstairs to inform Max of her husband's awakening.

"What do you have planned for me? Can't be anything good, I don't think." I murmur to myself, finally getting the will to get off the bed and get dressed.

I get undressed before taking a nice cool shower, enhanced by the damp feeling created by the outside weather. Once I am finished, I dry off and get changed into something comfortable, or try to despite the humid air. I head downstairs to find a pair of red drinks and a heap of pancakes on the kitchen table.

Staring at the drinks, I walk over and devour my breakfast with an unseen appetite. Sarah watches from the T.V. room with Max napping peacefully, half awake on the couch. When I am done, I guzzle down the pair of drinks before going over to the T.V. room to join Sarah and Max. After seating myself on the other side of Max, I look at Sarah to see what she has 'planned' for us.

"So?" I ask, leaning back against the couch to get comfortable.

"Get your spell book." Sarah says, patting Max on the head, the sign that the plan is coming along nicely.

I raise my eyebrows, confused as to why Sarah is asking me to get my spell book, but I can only think it has something to do with teaching me what she has learned from her friend. And let me tell you, I was wrong, again.

"Now what?" I say, resting the book on my lap, ready to begin my lessons with Sarah, to find out how to become stronger.

Sarah does not answer for a while, content to sit and pet Max as he wakes up from his nap. Before I know it, both are looking at me with a lustful look. I am oblivious until Sarah tells me to open to the first spell I recited.

"Why would I- no, wait? You aren't thinking of getting me to merge you and Max together again are you?" I ask, inching away from the pair as Max looks back at Sarah and gives a short, low bark.

"I know you are hesitant to do it, but I did say we would not rape you. I promise. Besides, you want to train don't you?" Sarah replies, adjusting her positing while resting her left hand on her inner thigh as she continues to stroke Max who stares at me as I try to utter a reply.

"I, ugghh. I...Oh darn." I mutter, stuttering my answer before picking up my spell book and setting it to the side. Sarah tilts her head in confusion as I put my spell book away.

"Why did you put your book away, don't you need to read the spell?" She asks, getting ready to undress herself.

"I have memorized it already. It is quite a simple spell, when I think of it, easy to remember." I reply, asking her to stand up and move to the center of the room with Max.

Sarah nods excitedly, eagerly stripping out of her pajamas to reveal her nude body to me before sitting back down next to Max. It never gets old to see my wife naked in front of me, but it might be a little embarrassing to do it with Max around. I just have to get over that, I am afraid this will become a regular affair. With a barely suppressed sigh, tell her to stand in the middle of the room with Max while maintaining firm contact. Sarah complies and kneels down next to Max who gives an excited bark while I hold back a groan.

Maybe this won't be so bad, I think to myself. I get to have sex with my wife...and dog, what more could I ask for? Releasing a big nervous breath, I close my eyes to concentrate on what Sarah and Max, Sarax looked liked before. The first thing that comes to mind is her large canine cock, a deep crimson red with a bulbous knot at the base to tie with a partner. The tip is pointed like a regular canines but everything is just, larger. Next comes her feminine sex. I really did not get to see it except for a few brief glimpses, but I think I can imagine what it would look like; tight, hot, rippling, pulsating with powerful muscles just waiting to squeeze the cum out of my...Ahem, yes well, I think I am getting a little ahead of myself here.

Before Sarah becomes impatient I start to chant the words to the spell. "Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali, Niita yani jego lape vuro dishna vali." A few minutes pass before the same white light envelops the book while surrounding Sarah and Max.

I stop chanting to watch passively while the spell merges Sarah and Max into one being, Sarax. The first thing I see are hir breasts expand through the bright light, becoming larger in size until they reach just shy of a watermelon. The light glows brighter and I have to cover my eyes to avoid being blinded. The rest of the process does not take long as the light dims gradually before disappearing, revealing Sarax as shi was before, a human mixed with a malamute.

Sarax carefully rises from off the ground to stare at me with those almond shape eyes, that glossy sheen of hir double fur coat reflecting the light around hir, making the sable red and gray stand out more. Hir two canine ears swivel forward while I gaze on hir muscular and charming form. Instead of being threatened like last time, I get a closer and more detailed look of what shi looks like. Still retaining those body builder biceps, abs and thighs, hir canine sheath lies just where I remember it with a hint of crimson red peaking out. Blushing but not totally embarrassed, Sarax smiles with hir canine muzzle, tail wagging back and forth happily.

With my hands resting calmly on my legs, Sarax walks forward on hir digigrade feet with no problem at all. The suddenness with which shi approaches, leans down and gives me a slobbery and very messy kiss stuns me into inaction. Sarax opens hir eyes seeing my surprised face before breaking the kiss and trailing a wondering paw down my chest to my inner thigh. Even though I know Max is inside of hir, being the same person, the touch excites me more than when Sarah and I usually have sex.

I give in there and then. If merging Sarah and Max will get me the training I need, so be it, at least I can get more pleasure out of being on top than being raped by hir out of revenge. Surprising my wife in turn, I grab onto hir waist while hir eyes fly open. Taking the opportunity, I stand up, using my weight and some of hirs to reverse the tide so shi is the one on the couch. Seeing the turn of events, Sarax leans to hir left so that shi falls onto the full length of the couch. With me on top of hir, breasts pressed up against my chest with sheath rubbing against my cock, I lean forward to give hir a passionate kiss of my own.

We don't break apart until I desperately need air. My hands roam around hir form, feeling the firm muscle packed beneath hir double coat of fur and hide. Hir canine ears swivel back while hir tongue pushes forth as we wrestle for dominance. Being merged with a malamute certainly gives hir an advantage as shi wraps hir tongue around mine, pulling and tugging on it, savoring the flavor of my saliva.

Sitting back suddenly, gasping for air, Sarax chuckles and moves hir tail to caress my inner thighs, coaxing my length to harden steadily. We look at each other lovingly, me staring into hir gorgeous eyes while shi stares into my beige irises. This time however, I make the first move and get off the couch with Sarax close behind. I run up the stairs, hastily removing my shirt and start to unbuckle my pants as I reach our room. Sarax follows at a more leisure pace but hir excitement can plainly be seen by the way shi moves her tail, creating a weak fan blade from the motion. Hir canine cock slowly emerges from hir sheath, splaying out more of its red length while the knot is still to be seen.

I open the door, hopping on one leg and throwing my shirt over to a random spot near the bureau. As Sarax arrives at the top of the steps, I hide behind the door and await hir entrance. Shi peers in cautiously, not knowing what I am up to. Soon enough though, shi walks into the room, turning her head left and right while using her superior nose to try and find my by scent.

With no warning, I lunge out from my hiding spot to tackle Sarax in the back. Shi lets out a surprised yelp before quickly turning into a pleased purr as I knock hir onto the bed. Shi no doubt did scent me from where shi was but showed no outward sign of knowing, shi simply lets me dominate hir, keeping hir promise that shi will not rape me.

Encouraging hir to move further up on the bed while I am still over hir, my hands roam over hir back, feeling the tense muscle contracting and moving beneath the fur and skin. When we reach the backboard, I motion for hir to roll onto hir back in which shi complies. I move my legs out of the way before hir tail whips up to lightly brush against my butt, making me shiver at the gently and caring caress. I go back down, moving my hands to grasp either side of hir head below hir ears while we share another lustful kiss.

Sarax's tail travels up, bending flexibly to touch and play with my lengthening member which hastens its progress. I moan before breaking off the kiss, my hands drifting down to lay on hir boisterous breasts in which I give each of them a firm squeeze. Sarax moans at the rough stimulation, my ass resting a few inches above hir sheath and emerging cock. Gripping the bed sheets tightly before changing and wrapping them around me, I continue to play with hir breasts, squeezing, rubbing and sometimes pinching hir nipples in which shi arches hir back in the first spikes of pleasure.

My member by now has grown fully erect; waiting to plunge into my wife's soaking sex to bring enormous pleasure to us both. The feel of my hands on hir breasts and the heat of hir cock beneath me excite me more than I care to admit. While Sarax lets out pleasured grunts and whines, hir sex begins to leak fluids as hir clitoris emerges from its hiding place. I lean down, scooting backwards as hir cock rubs up against mine before I lay on hir and start sucking on one of hir nipples.

Sarax gasps, hips squirming under the undeniable pleasure and sensual feel of my mouth sucking the milk out of hir breasts. Hir canine shaft is almost fully erect by the pressure of my stomach against the sensitive organ. Sarax pants, stomach heaving as I change to suck on hir other breast and squeeze the other one roughly while shi wags hir tail against the bed.

When I think I have had enough, I back off and Sarax, my wife looks up at me with content etched into hir face. I know that Max is there too, so I decide to move on to what shi promised. I move down hir body, touching and caressing hir soft form as I go until my head is in-between hir furry legs with hir sex right before me, maneuvering myself to avoid hir throbbing member. I take a brief moment to look up at Sarax as shi looks back down at me with a lustful smile on hir face.

Looking back down, I nervously move my right hand near hir wet folds, placing them on hir inner thigh just above hir sensitive clitoris. I hear Sarax whine at the subtle rush of pleasure, urging me onward. Knowing I should not be nervous when having sex with my wife even though shi looks different, I plunge two of my fingers into hir sex, spreading hir fold which makes hir gasp while hir cock twitches at the stimulation, releasing a few drops of pre-cum.

Hearing my wife's pleasured grunts and moans, I remove my two fingers before thrusting forward again, hir vaginal fluids flowing freely to ease the passage into hir powerful vent. I repeat the process multiple times, the pleasure rising inside of Sarax's loins while I squirm in discomfort of having to lie on my cock. I ignore it for now, wanting to please my wife until shi climaxes.

Shi is nearly there as I insert a third and forth finger, hir folds stretching to accommodate the intruders while hir vaginal walls begin to pulse and contract around my digits. Hir chest rises and falls rapidly as hir breathing increases. Hir tail starts to wag frantically while shi desperately thrusts hir hips back at me, wanting to increase the pressure inside of hir. I grant hir wish, momentarily removing my hand before balling it into a fist and plunging it back into hir tight sex.

Sarax howls, walls clamping down rhythmically as they try to encourage my fist to go deeper. Hir orgasm hits seconds after I enlarge hir passage, the stretching momentarily too much for hir as hir folds widen around my fists, trying to deny its entrance. I thrust my arm into hir sex until I can feel hir cervix which makes hir climax last much longer at the unexpected sensations. Hir cock on the other hand throbs painfully, not getting the release it wants just yet.

Sarax's climax lasts for forty five seconds before tapering off, leaving my arm and fist covered in a surplus of vaginal fluids. I slowly pull out, Sarax grunting at the pleasurable feeling across hir oversensitive walls. After I remove my hand and arm, I get up to my knees and crawl up the bed to my wife's head, hir fur pleasurably rubbing against my skin. Panting hard from hir enormous orgasm, shi wearily looks up while basking in the afterglow. I move to kiss hir hard and long, Sarax gladly opening hir mouth to accept mine.

As if reading my mind, shi bends hir hips, raising hir legs into the air to curl hir body on me as hir cock moves to brush against my ass, making me shiver at the heat emanating from hir organ. Sensing hir movement, I smile passionately at hir before giving hir a quick kiss between hir eyes and move back down to position my cock before hir sex. I tell hir to move backwards more in which shi does so readily while I take my throbbing shaft within my left hand which releases some pre-cum in preparation. Once Sarax has hir back against the backboard, I angle my member down, past hir pulsing canine cock and to hir wet and inviting sex.

I look back up at Sarax to see how shi is doing, only to get a swift nod telling me shi will not do anything that makes me uncomfortable. Smiling back, I lean forward, plunging into hir soft and unbelievably hot folds. Spreading hir open, Sarax pulls hir head back in a silent howl, hips bucking as pleasure courses through hir body while my member presses against hir oversensitive vent and clitoris. I take no reprieve in exacting my revenge, immediate setting up a fast and body pounding pace as Sarax shakes at the treatment.

I pull hir legs up next to hir chest while hir breasts bounce erotically. Hir ears fold back against hir head and shi clenches hir teeth in pure pleasure. Hir vent is so tight, so warm as it contracts, pulses and ripples sensually around my shaft, making me thrust in harder to achieve my release. I do not want this to end too soon so I ease up, going for long, slow thrusts instead of fast and short. Giving Sarax a breather from the intense action, hir breathing still labored, I reach forward and grasp onto hir right breast, making Sarax's eyes fly open in surprise.

Sarax moves hir hands from the bed to around my back once again as I continue this slow and pleasurable pace. The bed shakes from our lovemaking, hir tail wagging behind me while my arm is still soaked in hir vaginal fluids. Shi opens hir mouth to pant heavily, the pleasure getting to hir again as hir walls ripple around my shaft once more. Hir canine cock jumps, eager to release its load while the knot swells with blood in anticipation.

The feeling off my wife's vent contracting and pulsing around my shaft drives me to resume my violent thrusting, speeding up hir imminent climax while my shaft spurt some more pre-cum into hir vent, lubricating it to make penetration easier. It does not take long before Sarax puts pressure on my back, pulling me forward to embrace me in another lustful kiss. My surprise wears off quickly and I give into hir hold, my tongue frantically darting around hir mouth as shi does the same to mine.

In the next second hir climax hits, Sarax throwing hir head back to howl again. Hir rhythmically contracting walls finally get the best of me as I soon feel a familiar pressure quickly building up within my loins. A steady stream of pre-cum now slithers out of my shaft while my balls tense up, ready to expel their load of sperm into my wife's vent. Taking a few more good thrusts, I reposition my legs for a better angle, aiming to penetrate hir cervix. Hir cock meanwhile throbs painfully, making Sarax whine in discomfort but is too overwhelmed with hir current climax to ask for my help. My breathing increases as sweat drips down my face to soak hir soft fur.

I do not have the most well endowed member, but my wife seems to like it. Today in particular, it seems to be much longer than before, or is it because of my lust induced mind that pumps more blood into my cock to lengthen it just a few more inches? Anyway, as hir walls clamp down painfully around my member, the pressure within my loins becomes too much and my balls pull up against my body before release.

The force of the ejaculation is enough to send me into a deep comatose filled with pleasure. My hips jerk forward, suddenly burying my cock past Sarax's cervix to enter into hir womb. Hir cry of surprise prolongs hir already massive orgasm, causing hir to shiver under the added feelings. No pain is felt as both our adrenaline keep us from feeling anything other than immense pleasure.

My semen shoots straight into hir womb, hoping to fertilize any eggs that are waiting. Whether I know my wife is in hir cycle or not is lost to me as my mind is bombarded by oceans of pleasure. Sarax's breasts jump up and down while she bucks hir hips against mine, our love shared over the years intensified in this one blissful moment.

It takes us many minutes to calm down from the pleasure of our release, my breathing labored while my shaft settles down. Having lasted for approximately as long as Sarax's first orgasm, my member is positively aching in relief while I slump forward onto hir stomach and still aching member which dribbles pre-cum. My head rests on hir large breasts as shi purrs happily, relishing in the afterglow of hir climax. Sarax then brings hir head forward to nuzzle the top of my head, breathing warm air over my hair. My eyes are closed while my shaft is still imbedded within hir sex. A few dribbles of cum slip out, squeezing past it to land on the bed. I do not pay attention as I revel in the feeling snuggled up against Sarax, my wife.

When we do finally come to, neither of us are fond of moving, but we do to clean up the mess. Sweat is plastered to both of our skins as I suggest we take a shower. It was probably a bad idea to do it at the same time, but I did not want to leave hir side for one second. We never really did take a shower until after I took hir again, having hir on hir hands and knees while hir canine cock hangs below hir, aching for release. Going straight into hir oversensitive vent after going through three climaxes, Sarax grunts before howling, sex clamping down on my shaft, trying to bring it deeper inside.

With a fumbling grip, I turn on the shower faucet which sprays us with cool water which quickly warms up to steam the bathroom. Our passion never ends as Sarax climaxes three more times, shaking in ecstasy before I have my second orgasm, liberally coating hir walls with my semen. We restrain ourselves to lustful kissing and groping until our shower is finished. We dry off and move back onto the bed.

I look into my wife's eyes while shi is on hir back and I sit directly on top of hir canine cock, swollen and throbbing with need. Hir whine alerts me to that shi needs my favor in which I oblige. I do not mind touching my wife's cock now, for I am past hir actions that shi did, I am just glad I did not lose my best friend or my wife thanks to my stupid decisions.

Readying myself one last time, I move down hir body until hir throbbing member is directly in front of my face. I look at it for a few seconds before remembering that Sarax had me 'moisten' it for hir before penetrating my asshole. I shiver in remembrance but burry it in the back of my mind, taking my right hand to press a finger lightly on the side of hir member, teasing hir. Sarax tenses up, sex rippling as shi flicks hir ears back at the rush of pleasure.

Grinning, I suddenly grasp hir cock with my hand, quickly pumping my hand up and down hir foot long length while hearing hir grunt and growl in rising pleasure. My hand bounces against hir inflated knot which brings hir sudden spikes of innumerable pleasure. Hir tail twitches madly, bumping against my chest as I dedicate myself to bringing my wife to a glorious orgasm. As the minutes go by, Sarax's knot fully inflating, I bring my left hand and abruptly penetrate hir sex once again which makes hir climax around the invading digit but no cum escapes hir member so I continue on.

After hir orgasm fades, I increase my pace on hir member, hearing hir grunt and pant wildly at the pleasure and pressure rapidly forming in both of hir loins. Sensing that a duel climax is imminent, I speed up, my shaft growing painfully erect once more as I suddenly get up, changing my position while still keeping a firm grip on hir cock. I thrust into hir sex once more, hir folds expanding to allow my member through, hir walls pulsing weakly around my organ with gaining strength as hir canine balls start to tense up as well.

I put all my remaining strength into my thrusts and pumping of hir member, my breathe heaving out just as much as Sarax's panting. The pleasure becomes too much and shi orgasms, hir cock stiffening before hir sperm shoots out to land on hir chest and between hir large breasts. I move my hand below to grasps hir knot to keep hir climax going as hir sex spasms and ripples uncontrollably as well.

Sarax howls louder than before, arching hir back as hir tail thrashes around. Before I know it, a pressure in my loins builds up because of the painfully pleasurable force applied to my shaft. Still gripping Sarax's member, I exit hir vent and jack off, grunting before my semen spurts out weakly onto hir stomach. Tired and exhausted, I crawl forward and fall upon Sarax, releasing hir member while it still shoots sperm before coming to a halt.

I do not know how much time passes, but I must have slipped into sleep as I wake up to find Sarax in front of me, both of us on our sides on the bed which is clean of any of our last actions. I am still naked but Sarax's member is hidden inside of hir sheath. I give a weak smile and Sarax returns it, moving forward to place a quick kiss on my lips. Hir eyes captivate me as we just stare at each other, enjoying the company provided. Surely Max enjoyed this, I can't see how he could not.

"Wha-What time is it?" I ask groggily, raising and arm to rub my eye and yawn.

"It is about 3:52PM." She replies, flicking hir tail over hir muscular legs before moving it partially off the bed.

"Prrrr, What!" I shout, rising up quickly until I become light headed and have to lie down again on my back. Sarax laughs, hir throaty bark not bothering me one bit.

"We have been at it for a long time. I never knew you had such stamina. Whether you enchanted yourself to last longer or not, I love you none the less." Sarax says, also getting up to come over to me. Shi straddles my chest, lowering hirself down until hir luxurious breasts are firmly pressed onto my chest and hir thighs scrap pleasurably against my sides.

I do not struggle, having complete faith in my wife that shi will not take advantage of my in my weakened state. "I did not use a spell, and I have no idea how I did so either." I respond, smiling back at hir while leaning forward on shaky army to plant a kiss on hir muzzle.

"We should, or you should get something to eat to recover your strength. I don't think Max will mind being merged with me for any amount of time after that." Shi replies, dragging hir tail over my thigh, eliciting an involuntary twitch from me.

"Ok, sure, but don't you want to eat too? You must also be worn out?" I ask, shifting to let Sarax know I want to sit up. Shi takes the hint and backs off, turning around to stand up on the carpet before turning back to me.

"Yes I am. I can eat the meat we have stored since our metabolism has combined, allowing me a greater range of food." Shi answers, winking at me before exiting the room to go downstairs.

I just sit confounded before shaking my head and reason with myself. Magic probably is the cause for that, I rationalize but can't stop from imagining Sarax eating those crunchy pellets of food we usually give to Max. Instead, I get up and stroll downstairs to find Sarax cooking something up for me and it smells like Lasagna. My stomach can't help but let out a gurgle in protest and Sarax turns around to chuckle again.

I smile peevishly before walking into the living room naked to sit down and relax and watch some T.V. The rest of the day is relatively calm except for any cuddling and barrage of kisses we give each other. I do not believe I have been this amorous since I first took hir virginity. That night will stay forever in my mind; I could use that when I unmerge hir from max, now that I am confident I can do it with little to no aftereffect. Walking around nude does not affect me either as my wife smiles at me every time we look at each other.

As night finally creeps up on the dingy atmosphere hanging around Omaha Nebraska, Sarax and I get ready for bed. We have no talked about my book or me being a mage since Bill came over, and I like it this way, but there is still that letter I have to read, maybe tonight. As Sarax is in the bathroom getting ready for bed, I pick up the larger than normal envelop and flip it over, trying to gauge what it could be.

_If it is from some wizards, than I don't know if I want to open it, it could only bring me trouble, unwanted trouble to an unprepared mage, which could kill me. I do not want that, but I have to find out anyway._When Sarax comes out of the bathroom, I hastily put the envelope back on my nightstand, waiting until shi gets into bed and goes to sleep.

Shi stays up for awhile, peppering me with a few more kisses before turning hir back to me and going to sleep. I let out a sigh as I look over that the envelope before picking it up. I am cautious to open it, but nevertheless proceed. I quietly open the envelope and produce an old script of parchment paper. If these mages go by the ages, they must be living in the past because they have no style.

The old piece of paper is half a page, hand written in neat calligraphy. Who even writes that way anymore? Mages I suppose. Old school. No don't know how they evade the government and the, evil things...Shadow forces, yes, let's call them that since I have nothing else to work on.

I fully open the document and begin reading the letter. Seems like this is from a mage...duh. Who, I have no idea.

Dear Johnson D'amico,

_ I have handed this letter to a trusted associate. I believe he will get it to you in a timely fashion. But it seems he knows someone around your area._

_ Anyway, I am telling you that your training will begin soon. Being a mages apprentice is a series thing to consider. I am sure you have you spell book. Please inform your wife that you have to go on a 'vacation' or if she knows someone that is a mage, bring her along._

_ Since you have found out your powers, you are not as safe as you thought anymore. Not to make you scared, but I suggest you pack up what you can and head to this address._

Kerguelen Islands

_ I am sure you will be able to arrive there safely. If not, my trusted associate will find you and protect you until you have reached your destination._

_ For now, I must bid you farewell. Take care Master D'amico and be safe. God knows what might be looking in the shadows. And always remember "Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it. Racsha iromu. (Rock-sha ear-o-moo) Meditate and prosper."_

Meditate and prosper...Boy is this getting crazy. What have I gotten myself into? I think to myself as I drift off into an uneasy sleep.

Role Play with RavenStar18

**Starlight Nova:** ** ** _The day has surely been nice to me,_I think to myself as I lay sprawled out next to the glistening water of a nearby lake. _My training has surely proven to help me immensely with the fight against evil. \*Sigh\* I just...

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Fantasy Story Outline

- **Prologue: Dark Days, July 8, 2217** - 200 years into the future - Setting: Broken world, disaster and destruction everywhere - Colby and Lira (Mang) face off - Colby prepares his final move - Lira separates her brothers characteristics -...

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