Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 5

But i'm also not stupid enough to let you go parading around with lily like you two are mortal teenagers on a quest to overthrow the evil empire."

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Assassin of Syssath

Sssurely your 'evil empire' cannot consssume the people of the world. he will be ssstopped without ssyssan asssissstanccce." she turned her head to the other three northerners who shrank away from her like mice beneath her hungry gaze.

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Bolt Out of the Blue 2

And i built an evil empire as my achieving crooooown! i swore i'd take the world! and i started with the tri-route area! i'd show them all what i could do! wow them leave them whirled! i was ready to take them all by stooooooorm! ?"

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By the time they knocked off work, scout had decided that senates were for evil empires and parliaments were for evil bureaucracies. _we'd be senators_, scout opined. whatever.

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Destiny (A2,B3,C9)

It would be difficult to have several kids if we die in a fight against falcon and his secret evil empire. and now you know why i've had a cavalier attitude about falcon as of late. i know we live, so it's pretty easy to conclude that we must win."

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V12- Invasion

Kovu knew this already, "i don't want to be part of this war but we might be the only ones who can help these people fight back against this evil empire that has claimed so many lives and so much of their land."

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Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 3 - Prowlers of the Rooftop

October had delivered a devastating insult to the ruler of a grand and evil empire that he was sure would shake it to its very core and they had leapt over the battlements to race down the tall castle walls and into the valley cliffs below, to make good

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Sniper Ballad

No non-chechen would have seen what the snow leopard did; not even a so-called russian expert on the dangerous, breakaway region of what had so righteously been called the evil empire.

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The Myth and Legend of a Monster: An Assassin in Drewen- illegal Sex Party

He did terrible things, such as having forests of impaled victims raised up around him during his reign over the evil empire reagen, which is said to have ruled over tigris and most of the world.

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Thunder Spirit- Chapters 1-14

"the fanes fear war and death and will suffer this injustice, this evil empire. i intend to stop them." "one 'corn and his colt against ten thousand elves?"

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