Eyed Nine-Inch Hart

Despite being randy and aching for release, blake didn't mind too much when eric's mouth opened, his cock bouncing out as if it was being pushed out by the string of excited german words eric was moaning.

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Might Makes Right

The slide disappeared and a film began - it was black and white and grainy showed a german swastika, along with some german words. the film was grainy, except for a small portion towards the bottom that read "top secret in clear white."

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Judgmental (Act1, Book1, Chapter7)

"isn't your last name the german word _for_ 'judge' or something? that's not very original, michael." "i _am_ german. and you know what we did. i judged. nathan reaped.

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New Order of the Ages (A1, B1, C10)

It's where i learned a few german words, and it was hot. i had a bit of a girl-crush on lamarr, i won't lie." karla peered over the railing, adjacent to sinopa. "damn that's deep, huh?" chance brought his palm to his face.

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Fast Impressions

It's the german word for dice, as you could probably guess." he handed the bottle to robin, who examined it with curiosity. the glass was completely black, it wasn't just a full wrapper as he had thought, which impressed him.

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Ground Zero - Part 2

It came from the old german word for a certain silver coin - a sterlinc. renters who paid for their lease with such coins were referred to as sterlings, and it soon became an official name. "sterling it is then."

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Chai (Part 1)

He could tell i was about to justify such forgetfulness, and interrupted, "earlier this week i couldn't remember the german word for kindergarten." "kindergarten is german." i started laughing, and he seemed to laugh along.

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The Winter Wasteland: Caravan

"for the life of me i could never pronounce the title -some german word, i think. but anyway, the story was about a boy who lived with his parents, in some wasteland -sound familiar?" he flashed a smirk ron's way.

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One last thing discovered, was that several of the horses attempted, and successfully, to say some german words.

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