### 1 Hazel, Monday morning Hazel hadn't seen Jordan all day. At this point, she was convinced that Jordan was home sick and hadn't texted her about it. Hazel knew the rabbit girl would be more pissed about missing track practice than missing...
Tales from the Nexus: Sabre
**Tales from the Nexus: Sabre** _"Welcome boys and girls, men and women of all ages. This is the first instalment of_ Tales from the Nexus_, a collection of stories designed to entice, horrify, arouse, warn, shock, mystify and encourage feverous...
Family Fun
Sunshine filtered through the blinds, casting a light shadow on the slumbering vixen's face. She groaned a little, scrunching up her eyes to try and block the light, and failing that, turned away towards her husband. He broad chest sighed gently as he...
-- The afternoon sun gleamed through the open window of Master Torash's observatory, glinting off the silver of the tea service Jessie had carried out from the kitchen. She carefully laid out the cups and saucers, the teapot and the sugar bowl,...
A Gamble of Corruption Chapter 3
A Gamble of Corruption Chapter 3 For Magnus Strange and Norua By Draconicon The flames and magic of the other realm surrounded her again, Lykary almost managed to break out her lustful trance. Almost. The need for cock...
Fugitard Pt. 1
--0-- Julia huddled in the corner of the dark closet, the smell of powder and cleaning supplies overwhelming her sensitive vulpine nose. Her heart beat wildly inside of her chest, her limbs wanted nothing more than to run run run RUN. She...
Lost in the Silent Forest Ch. 4
**Lost in the Silent Forest** ** ** **Cast:** **Ruther -** Level 5 Wolf Barbarian. Superstitious about the supernatural and magic as whole. Hates all magic that doesn't come from his allies. **Calvin -** Level 5 Bat Ranger. Cocky when it...
The Royal Curse
--1-- The late afternoon sun glittered through the throne room's stained glass windows, casting a colorful display over King Iolite and Queen Amethyst as they sat on their royal thrones. They looked the very definition of regal as the sunlight danced...
Further World
**_[Readers, be advised: The following story contains mature themes not suited for all audiences, including but not limited to filth, weight gain and a somber tone.]_** **Further World** Written by Leo\_Todrius Anonymous Commission ...
Fugitard Pt. 1
--4-- The days passed by quickly, and before Julia knew it, she'd been there a week. Or was it ten days? It was so hard to tell, when her day was so monotonous, always the same routine without fail. Minutes blended into hours into days, and...
A Perfect Marriage
Sunlight streamed into the bedroom, slanting so that it formed a golden pool directly on a crib wedged up next to a king sized bed where Tanner slept. The crib was absolutely massive; its mahogany bars were four feet high, its length and width were...
Completely normal conversations (collab with Refireset)
No signs of intelligence loss, hyper-fixation, drooling or mindlessness at sight. that must have meant he was awake. "what do you think?" the alligator asked, going back to its position. his fancy tailcoat filled kenan's vision beyond the pocketwatch.