Tatsuo's Adventure: White pt3
.- -he softly chuckled to himself as the male lead him towards the park that he enjoyed visiting, as he was lead through his eyes were wandering, looking over every shop and person that they passed then finally looked up to the empty sky, there were clouds
Draka Rituál
The male leads his child to the center of the main chamber, a place the young dragon has often played with the parents but this time there are numerous symbols written over the walls and on the floor.
Random Wolf
Though the male lead, steve, was not intended to be very muscular, the way i wrote him made him appear to be so to ekigyuu and bng, both artists who specialize in muscle fetish.
Hunter's Game-Chapter Two
They were capable of speech and rational thinking, shown by one of the males leading an escape while the other female had picked up the unconscious one on her back and fled the scene.
Not a Moment Apart - Kinktober 2021, Day 3
The chameleon knew him so well, knew his mind, his libido better in some ways than he seemed to know himself, and if that was the case then he was more than willing to follow the reptilian male's lead.
Anthro Sex Squad Story 2 - Winfred's Story; Chapter 2
The crowd gave chase then, with the grand male leading, and tore off after winfred, leaving her mother standing on the dais with her head hung in shame. they chased her as much as they could, but they were all still full, gorged from the feast.
Magick and Mystery - Chapter One - A Thief Caught
To all accounts and purposes, it looked like a pair of friends â€" the male leading the female, but the truth was far different.
Tauren Tale, Chapter 1
The boy lead the way and soon they had reached the basket - crushed somewhat from the impact, and laid over on its side. it had been woven from thin strips of wood and reinforced with bands of metal. "doesn't look too bad," sanja whispered.
Cast Me! Chapter 1
He's the male lead who is the female lead's tutor and eventual lover. it gets complicated," he laughed. "then i'll be fighting you for it," res smiled, "what grade are you in?" "i'm a junior," chad said. finally, the rhino called, "resplendence eden.
A Warm Welcome, part 2
In the case of xander, i just wanted to a create a likable male lead character. i decided to make him a wolf so that he'd have a degree of physical presence. but he can also be calm and charming as well.
Changed Forever 1
And that's what i did, remember i just wanted peace and quit let this guy lead us around no worries, right?
I'm Just A Laundress Ch. 3
Pouting the large male lead taylor over and sat him down on the bench beside him purring an arm gingerly around the feline's shoulders pulling him a little closer to him.