The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 17

Your pleasure house has a policy of putting enchantments on slaves they sell to prevent procreation, but allow the full effects of a heat to be felt.

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Tales Of the Shadowswords: Vengeance Pt 3

By his own sense of reckoning, they were halfway to the inn when raven-eye spoke for the first time since they had left the pleasure house. "master, are you angry with me?" "for what, raven?"

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Long-Distance Breeding

"in pleasure houses," commented velen, his fingers stilled. "in pleasure houses for the lucky winners, the eyes-candies, or those whose names ensure a place. the others are employed elsewhere." it wasn't so bad of a deal.

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Goddess of Pleasure

"ssssh, little one, i'm not sending you to the pleasure houses. you cannot think of a task that you can serve me in performing, your primary drive being to aid your goddess' desires and ambitions.

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Stary Void... A space smuggler and pirate is reborn... in more ways than one...

When the cab swung around and dropped into the sky port of madamn winklars pleasure house. the old cabby glanced sharply back over his shoulder at me. "you sure this is the place ya want ta go?"

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LINKS - Chapter 18 - Sinda

"i don't suppose... you've ever been to a pleasure house, have you?" "n-no." sinda sighed again. "no... i didn't think so.

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Imprisonment Chapter 2 Training Begins

"this placeis a casino, hotel, and pleasure house stein, used by rich and middle class toget away and relax." he said as we entered the kitchen. i sawmultiple furs running about, wearing red shirts with golden aprons and blacktrousers.

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How To Become An Air Pirate In One Night

After that, it was only a matter of procuring the necessary implements, and slip noryu inside the pleasure house at the right time. and everything has now lead to this moment. "let's go, before someone else steals them from us," kaelyn signaled.

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"OverDrive" - Chapter 2

Bleek had acquired it from a scintian pleasure house, it would cause any nanos passing through the human's blood-brain barrier to prompt the immediate release of dopamine and serotonin.

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Weekly #1: Images

Of course, mikhaïl was well aware that filming people without their knowledge was highly illegal, but the black box was also a pleasure house, which placed it in a gray area of the law in any case.

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How many other orcish men and women were brought to the capital in chains, sold to pleasure houses and brothels? and were we to meet the same fate, all under the nose of our glorious emperor?

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The Heist 2, Part 1: Ambush

A town like dusand should have boasted as many pleasure houses and saloons as residences- but there was only one tavern, and it most definitely did not cater to the pleasures of the flesh.

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