[Commission] Pokemon: The Erotic Leagues
Both pokemon started gently moaning as their trainers continued their post-battle pampering. lotus breathed heavily with each little kiss and lick, while homura squirmed sheepishly underneath her trainer's more frisky and playful technique.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 30-Stock Destruction
After we were all clean,we were sent to the vet for a post combat evaluation. after that was done,we were allowed to return to our barracks. when i walked in,i stirred my family from their rest. "dad,ace said,your back."
Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 1
**timestamp: 5:11:53.09 canite group** aries and her group continue to explore and study the post combat but after a localized search it became clear of one thing.
Red Ambrosia
Zagreus shook the blood from the magical weapon and sheathed it, then turned to thanatos, his eyes shining with post-battle energy.
Raptor Rave
You're showing signs of xenophobia that did not show up in your post combat center's survey." "xeno..." hayes started, then shook his head. "it's not xenophobia.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 22: Transportation
Jeremiah thought back to his limited experience with post-combat triage and offered his two cents. "maybe he did it himself." the vixen shook her head.
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter3
Several scratches, cuts, nicks, and bruises dotted her weary limbs; both sets of arms and legs battered with post-battle damage.
Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 4
We request you come with to aid in post combat negotiations to limit confrontation." mila listens and nods. she tenses as she looks over her shoulder at the video which she taps with a flick of her tail to pause.
Torpedo Run Chapter 12
Walking seemed to help, his steps getting less wobbly with post-battle adrenaline as he went. when he was just a dozen steps away, jenny seemed to notice, and turned around.
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Three
"it's just post-battle shock. it'll go away in a couple hours." the master went on ahead, and ozzie allowed himself to be helped out of the tunnel. mortoph was going to destroy the entire sanctuary. would misty have time to make it out?
Carnal Combat, Part IV - Deception
He headed off to report this newest bit of news, stopping only once on the way to use a certain cheetah to relieve his post-combat erection. \* \* \* daichi was at the arena appointed for his fight, the aptly named hall of the gods.
The Fox General: Remember Yedder
I couldn't exactly blame him, considering all the lovely post-battle incidents that were occurring right now. it didn't help that we were hearing noises in the house next door that sounded very much like someone getting choked to death.