
Their air forces was almost equal to theirs even if they didn't have star ships but what shocked cdf the most was earth using nuclear weapons as a last resort.


An Introduction

To be used on their star ships, to be used on their war fronts, to be forced to rape our own world for what materials and energy could be torn from it for them.

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Beyond the Next Sunrise

Read the end it has a twist of an ending deep within the heart of a great star ship, that now orbits a planet not unlike our own with the same problems we are experiencing today.

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CotJ II: The Last Stand Act III Part I

More and more of the valor and former khaos star ships were torn into pieces from the much more powerful infinite weaponry that cut through the heaviest of hull plating like a hot scimitar through butter.

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The Beloved Pet Ch3

He talked in detail about how his species had spread throughout the centuri cluster with the use of primitive ftl star-ships and had even visited the planets of the my solar system, with the exception of earth.

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Final approach: Jewels of Remorse, Heat Issue 11

She whistled contentment through her teeth and sendris stroked her ears as the star ship's bulkhead rumbled next to them. korall clutched the raccoon's damp flank. "break thrust?"

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**Galaxy at War**: Prologue

This advance led to the creation of star ships that did not need mana or magic to travel the stars. 50 years ago the humans returned with a massive fleet. they had also made a shady alliance with the zadarake.

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Dramatis Personae-Capt John (Ericson) Vidja

With the star ship fleet, the air force was convinced by the navy that they should use navy ranks aboard these craft. so they did. i'm thirty-five years old, seventy-four inches tall and one hundred ninety three pounds. pure muscle all of it.

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Dark Desires Chapter 4 of 25: Sibling Lovers Part 3

Rebekah wilson the star-ship caption of the uss columbia in her street tight fitting black t-shirt with a matching skirt. james can't help but smiles when he sees the ship's commander approaches the bar.

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Legacy of Hunters chapter 2

The only thing in sight was a large star ship, though it was only large enough for a few people. it was a solid, metal black, and it's shape resembled a wolf's head.

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Krystal, Rogue and Renamon - Our new pet

She was in a dark room which looked like a prison cell but by the rumbling around her and the slight movements in the chair, she knew she was on a type of star ship in the brig.

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Chapter 1. Confusion

While he was continuing to his sanctuary he was startled by avin, the only other wolf on board the star ship they were hurtling through space in. "hey, morning gryphon, sleep well?" avin asked, a friendly smile on his face.

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