Goldheart - Issue 0 - The Hero Begins
._ _the most unexpectable people masquerade as villains to tear apart the city..._ _and a hero known as goldheart battles the sinister forces..._ _i myself try to live a normal life.
The Rise of Serpens: The Reptile God Revealed
He watched chris tear apart his house and reform it into a habitat fit for a reptile. this amused serpens greatly. there were so many houses on this planet, so many potential dens and lairs if all humans were indeed as chris.
Curse of the Murphanza
Once they find it they will start to tear apart your ship's good sections to repair the damage. but the worst part is that you are carrying 2000 s-class androids. these are not service units, they are sex androids!
A change in the wind - Zero's Side
Zero wanted to so badly fight and tear apart the chameleon, but he knew that poisoned he would not be able to take out the chameleon.
Hypnovember - Day 10: Monsters
His mind was tearing apart trying to understand how a creature of that nature could exist in this or any other reality. he prepared himself to fight, pulling out the spheres from his leather bag.
Spiked Ranch (Anthro Dragon TF) [GIFT]
The changes continued downward as his feet became larger, tearing apart his socks. kari was now missing a few digits, his toenails much sharper than before, similar to his fingernails.
Recursive Cycles
Somewhere along the way you forgot to appreciate the breadth of nature and its vast collection of plants and people, the sound of an explosion as it tears apart a thousand lives or a newborn's cries at it comes to terms with existence, the odor of decay or
Chpt.9 Falling
Just after which anti aircraft fire began to tear apart the aircraft blowing one of ricky's legs of sam ran over to see to him while kyle came to me with a parachute asking me if i was ready, i vigorously shook my head. "what!?!?!?"
Young love
She was very ill in hospital, and his family was tearing apart because of it. a knock came at the door and ezra, a young female luxio peered round at him "are you hungry justy?" she said softly, worried for her cousin turned boyfriend.
Sonic adventures: Chapter 1 Warning: very sexual
I could feel it tear apart from the force from sonic and tails, it hurt but felt amazing at the same time. this went on until they came. they let knuckles and scourge do whatever with me. scourge went first. he gave me a blow job.
Tale of a Dragonborn - Prologue
The war with the dragons was tearing apart the land and destroying the well being of humans and dragons alike. it was clear that it needed to end. humans then made an alliance with the dragons. dragons were treated with the same respect as humans.
Orcish Delight
His zipper was soon to follow, tearing apart as his bulging cock surged forth. he heard a clunk against the desk from his pants button bursting from his jeans.