American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 10, "The Gauntlet Of The Century" - Part 1
It's the break of dawn. Host Ludwig Logemann stands in front of a massive military hangar as the sun rays blanket over the landscape. He's clad in a grey camouflage vest over a black shirt, dark combat pants with knee pads and leather boots. He turns...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 4, "Tooth And Nail" - Part 2
The whole group is huddled around the medical team assisting Crispin, the massive otter still passed out after losing his consciousness underwater during the team challenge. The contestants' faces betray extreme concern as Dr. Paul proceeds to...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 4, "Tooth And Nail" - Part 1
Ten mustelids walk into the Burrow's front door, led by an exhausted Arron - the honey badger immediately falling on one knee as soon as he gets to his bedroom, looking up in a mute prayer. The group scatters around the top floor, Eddie letting out a...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 3, "I'm Feeling Like The King Of The Burrow" - Part 2
The losing team plus the unselected otter make their way into their home's changing and shower quarters, eager to wash the sand and the grime of the day off their bodies. "I know this royally blows, but you all put your best efforts, and...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 3, "I'm Feeling Like The King Of The Burrow" - Part 1
_February 22, 2020_ _7:30 PM_ The eleven remaining mustelids walk into the Burrow, sporting a variety of expressions. From exhaustion to dawning, it was well marked all over their faces for what just transpired: the very first competitor,...
Luckiest Strike
**Luckiest Strike** _March 11, 2021 New York_ It was the average Thursday evening at the Lucky Strike, one of the best and most renowned gay sports bars in downtown New York City. Chayne Foley paced about in the employees' changing room, ready to...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 2, "What Are The Chances?" - Part 2
"COME ON IN, SAFE SIX!" Greasy Z holds the door for his teammates in an exaggerated gesture. The rest of the black team follows through, cheering deafeningly as they file into the changing room. "First big challenge around and I'm part...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 2, "What Are The Chances?" - Part 1
A tough-looking stoat dressed in a grey muscle shirt and blue shorts is waiting, paws on his hips, seemingly looking towards the horizon. Ludwig Logemann, the host of American Mustelid Alpha turns to the camera, giving a confident nod. "Forty-five...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 1, Part 2, "Steel Or Cardboard"
_February 17, 2020 Apopka, Florida 7:30 PM_ It's late in the afternoon. Most of the contestants are walking out, still celebrating having survived the first cut. Some look at the distance as the bus that brought them over drove away, carrying the...
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 1, Part 1, "I'll End Them Myself If I Have To"
**American Mustelid Alpha Episode 1, Part 1, "I'll End Them Myself If I Have To"** _February 17, 2020_ _Miami,Florida_ _6:30 AM_ It's the break of dawn. A number of burly mustelids, dressed in casual clothes, are waiting in a long line before...
American Mustelid Alpha - The Cast (Part 3/3)
**American Mustelid Alpha, The Cast - Part 3/3** _#31 Tyler G., Wolverine, Dockworker_ Tyler Gross, 38, joins AMA from Anchorage, Alaska, where he works as a docker. He holds the distinction of having one of the toughest jobs among the...
American Mustelid Alpha - The Cast (Part 2/3)
**American Mustelid Alpha, The Cast - Part 2/3** _#16 Declan, Ferret, Intelligence Research Specialist_ Declan McKinney, 34, joins AMA from Chicago, Illinois, where he works as an intelligence research specialist for the Drug Enforcement...