Sarah and Josh 4 (part two)

As we drove to the store, I rubbed my legs together and tried to pull my skirt down. "This covers so little, why did you want me to wear this?" I asked Josh, making a pout face at him. "Oh shush, we won't be here long." he replied. Once at the store,...

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Sarah and Josh 7

You really are rather boring." she teased, sitting back in her chair. He smiled. "Oh hush." he replied. She giggled and glanced at the clock to be sure she still had time to be on the phone. "It's true! You're so- linear." "And what's that supposed to...

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Sarah and Josh 4 (part one)

I sighed heavily as I walked up to the door, pulling out my keys. It had been a long day for me and I was glad to be home where I could finally rest. Today I had been doing so much work, I was surprised to have been able to make it home without passing...

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Sarah and Josh (extras)

"Oh Master.." I softly whispered to him, leading a trail of kisses down his neck. He sighed with content and I smiled. With my legs on either side of one of his, I lightly rolled my hips against him as I continued down his neck, kissing and sucking all...

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Summertime Fun

We walked side by side down the moon lit path. Nobody ever comes to this park, so we truly were alone. Despite it being so late, the air was warm and welcoming. I closed my eyes a moment as I took in the summer air, rich with the scent of nature at its...

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College Fun

I looked at the paper once more, then up at the door in front of me. "This appears to be the right number.." For a moment, I hesitated. What if he gave me the wrong dorm number at that party and sent me to some random fur's room? I thought about...

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Surprise visitor

Henry walked in after a long and tiring day. "Four exams, three reports, and a lab all in one day." he sighed, tossing his shoes to the side. Today had worked him to the bone and he was exhausted. Without even bothering to turn the light on, he tossed...

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Sarah and Josh 6

![original_by_sugarundspice-d7pjoxi.jpg]( As I drove home, my phone rang. I picked it up and quickly glanced at it, then answered. "Hello?" "Hey Kitty." Josh voiced....

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Damon and Carla 3

She curled up to me on the bed, and I held her close. The past few weeks have been pretty different for us. One of Carla's friends found out about us. She was a little freaked out to say the least. Guess she didn't expect a girl like her to be a guy...

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![b79e9a7b09fb90d66939e0bd789c2148.jpg]( I softly hugged him, burrowing my face in his chest and taking in his scent. "You're hugging me as if this is goodbye.." he...

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