Corsair Gang Bang

The bosun smiled and drank all but a third of his wine. the sea rat then poured the rest all over his erect penis. "don't say it, show it!"

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Cabin Boy: Earning a Bed

"i'd love to, but maybe later, the bosun was clear we had to get that launch repaired today or he'd do us."

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Splintered Light, Chapter 5.3: At the Captain's Table

The bosun's smirk grew and he took a bite of bread. "he's got you there, will." the foreman snorted out the correction. "willem." the tiger set his glass down. "quiet."

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Splintered Light, Chapter 7.1: Salvaging Rights and Salvaging Wrongs

Tobias severna, the homebody-brother of the ship's bosun lingered near the edge, speaking with the first mate.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 4.4: Farewells and Salutations

Without another word the bosun simply motioned him to follow and started off across deck.

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Splintered Light, Ch 3.1: Triage

"bosun. where is the captain, if i may ask?" the elder of the two severna brothers was looking past her at tobias. despite where his attention was, the bosun still spoke to her. "you're earlier than i thought you'd be...

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Splintered Light, Ch 9.3: Pre-Planning the Post-Planning Planning

I have addressed those very topics... let me present my notes-- bosun, if you would clear the table, please?"

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Splintered Light - Prologue, Pt 3

Gustave, the ship's missionary was seated nearby with rolf severna, the bosun.

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The Good Ship and Crew

"probably," the bosun said. "i'll have someone scrounge up one for you, eric. good thinking, coyote." dev felt it was probably worth double-checking when he got the chance.

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Cabin Boy: A Kidnapping

His kobold sailors had to he even rarer than his bosun. the massive nine foot bulk of gnoll was holding the wheel nonchalantly in one big meaty paw as he regarded the crew.

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