Disbelief in Love and Life

clare : so you want to be a samurai ?

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A series of Lustful Events-1 The Introduction

The shark reaches out and says as she shakes his hand: "it's clare." "now clare, come on in, everyone else is already here. don't keep the party waiting!" ryan teases as he runs back down the hall and into the living room.

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Love since jacob was making love eyes at razor, and love eyes is something jacob has never donee, clare relized it right away.

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 20

clare bravely stuck her hand into toby's wound in an attempted to stop the blood loss. kari looked at her in shock. "what are you doing!?" she shrieked. clare said nothing as she managed to get the bleeding to slow down.

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Pranks Gone Bad

clare and mike should be easy enough, but getting neil back would be much more difficult.

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"i am william clare, district attorney. this is commissioner anthony decosta and keith maxwell of the fbi. thank you for coming. please, have a seat." dulion shook clare's hand.

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 27

Zoe gave her some just in case clare decided to play hero as she put it" "you knew?" tim asked. "yea, zoe's been trying to get clare involved with the supernatural community for years.

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Protecting Clarendala-1

"clare, we need to get the fuck out of here," draykan says, swallowing the lump in his throat. no response. "clare...?" the dragoness stands, staring transfixed at the hall leading back to the arena outside. she takes a step forward.

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Beta Version

clare responded jokingly. "in a little while," evan responded sarcastically.

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Little Drummer Dog (5)

I also give thanks to the lady that came up with the song 'don't talk to me about love' clare grogan and her band altered images. # little drummer dog. (5) ## by wolfie steel.

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Carefully Arranged Papers (Otherwise Untitled)

They had a wonderful wedding.", clare continued, "don't forget that all the flights are no-smoking, these days."

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Slaves we are not

"listen clare" tom said getting up and walking over to her. "were not working today! now don't get that cute red and black tail of yours all riled up.

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