A Joyous Interlude
Magic hung thickly in the frigid air around Market Square. Thicker even than the wreaths, garlands and baubles draped ostentatiously from every ancient balustrade, around every crooked doorway and within each frost-rimed window. String after string of...
Warm Hearts, Cozy Days: Chapter 3
Huffing and puffing, Finn grunted as they set down the box they were carrying, immediately turning around and sitting down on it to relax for a moment. Their back leaned against the side of the staircase as they breathed deeply, their eyes closing for...
Warm Hearts, Cozy Days: Chapter 2
Finn reached up and knocked quickly on the door to Vulcan's house, bouncing on their paws happily as they did. They'd sent him a text just a minute ago that they were about to arrive, so it was only a few moments before the door swung open, the large...
Warm Hearts, Cozy Days: Chapter 1
The two enjoy a cozy, padded day together as they get ready and plan for their upcoming anniversary.
The Man of his Dreams
Apollo gulped and moved his hands down cozy's chest. he felt each breath that cozy took. he paused around cozy's nipples. under all of the skin, he felt cozy's heartbeat. the gentle rhythmic pumping made apollo curious.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 27
Watch them, jolly," cozy hurried out of their home to the water's edge and dove in. "what're you doing, cozy?" jolly called a bit too late for cozy to hear before she was underwater.
Care Bears Baby Boom
Indeed, cozy's flat chest had bloomed out into two small a-cup breasts. cozy nodded, "no one ever asssked but i did.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 17
cozy asked. "of the mission?" take care looked back down at cozy, "a little...i've never been to cold heart's castle and i'm not looking forwards to bundling up to go there." cozy giggled, "i don't have that problem. i love the cold."
The Care Bears Regression Fair
cozy took amber's new wings in her own. "we're ssssorry we didn't tell you. but," cozy turned to look at daniel and the still changing samantha, "do you want to go back to your parentssss?"
Research Trip (Vore Story)
Collapsing against a thick pine tree. That was the last thing Tyrannus remembered before he completely blacked out. The tyrannosaurus had been on a research trip up high in the mountains, and unfortunately, he had gotten separated from his group when a...
"pretty cozy," the other fox said. "not as cozy as i'd be getting if you hadn't already done a fantastic job of getting me off, but pretty cozy."
Spontaneous Snuggly Snowstorm Slumber Party
"it's really cozy in there, but i guess you wouldn't know." he laughed quietly, blushing just as much while they reluctantly stood up off of him.