Magik & Myth; Falling of the Dusk: Blood Dawn (Chpt 5)

Being the oldest city in heldryn, breakwater was also the home to the only dawnlight temple in heldryn outside the ekos valley. the sole reason for it being built, was to house a book.

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Ayliith's Origin Story

Her tribe leader, dawnlight, a noble dragoness called upon her. this one was no longer a suggestion for what she should do with her life. she was outright ordered to become a servant.

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Preview of Retribution and Rebirth

Solarblaze has already given birth to dawnlight, and just recently sired firespot. now, shi was expecting a third.

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Portals - Chapter 2

In the golden dawnlight, the boxy factory complexes with their stacks of assembly line floors, and the recycling centers with their labyrinths of tanks and piping, had given way to increasingly strange experimental facilities with towers reaching into the

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All For the Love of Rose

The great buck's organ was firm a strong in the dawnlight, for he was always ready at the break of day. he took one glance at his yearling daughter and said, "you," simply. rose turned around and lifted her tail.

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Thirteen Tales (2019: First Tale

I dove to the bottom of a frozen lake to get the cloak of heroes, i found iron oak in by exploring the roots beneath the oldest tree and i learned the ultimate spell of dawnlight by tracking down the raven witch who lives at the end of the woods.

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The Ritual

Despite everything, he felt calm, just as the dawnlight winked into unconsciousness._ \*\*\*\* "i can't reach my hand--" sola stretched her arm behind her back, trying

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Jak & Daxter: Safety - Chapter Seven

Jak studied the glass through bleary vision and dawnlight. "how long has that been there?" a grin entered his smarmy voice. "i could give ya something else to swallow, jakster."

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Io and His Panoptes

Time and space felt frozen, suspended, like the dust-diamonds in the streams of dawnlight which filtered through the curtains. there was only the warmth of feathers pressed against the fur of his back, and the warmer smell of sun and grain.

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Finding Home (Chapter Five)

dawnlight outside was on the brink of transformation; from the deep blushing scarlet skyline, to the golden bows bordering the blue and white depths crouching over the planet like a painted visor of the gods.

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