Deck the Halls So Furry!
#2 of seasonal sung to the tune of deck the halls deck the halls with lots of furries, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la 'tis the season to be so furry, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la don we now our gay apparel, fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la troll the ancient
The Secret of Cetacean Ops
This story contains m/f/m sex between a trio of consenting adults, and features characters from star trek: lower decks.
Over the hedge: Heather's mistake
"fine" tom says pushing as deep as he can and wraps his arms around her belly and she digs her paws into the deck, bracing her self as she feels him starting to thrust faster and harder.
Mind Control Story: The Deck of Perverted Things
_heh, hopefully we find something just as humiliating for you, havok,_ he thought as he reached for the second card deck.
Missing In Action - Chapter 3 - Bird On The Deck
Chapter 3 - bird on the deck sadr city outskirts baghdad, iraq 0754 hours (local time) lieutenant frank farrel, callsign: scorpio, leant against the desert camouflaged hmmvw, a slight breeze making the fur on the back of the old husky's head
Redwall - Mariel and Dandin: Relief On Deck - 2016
His grip around her belly slipped when his body tried to arch his back and he fell down to the deck, wincing but still smiling up at his wife.
Fav Teacher Chapter 10: Deck the halls.
Fav teacher: chapter 10 - deck the halls character re-cap: citan: 19 year old grey wolf kraden: 21 year old lion. issac: 18 year old snow leopard.
The wolf stabbed his sword into the deck, deep where it wouldn't budge, and ran into off the deck, into the underbelly of the ship, only pausing to grab his cat, and drag him.
Unexpected Bet
She picked up her deck and sifted through her cards. "i'll add...uh...the right leg of the forbidden one to my hand..." she silently placed her deck back down after adding the card.
Bounzing Baby Boy (unfinished story)
Reaching into his deck pouch, he pulled out the deck spreading them out in his hand as he looked them over.
Yugioh Dark Duel Anthology: Chapter 3: A Duelist's Best Friend
Just like how loboron has his silver fang and adair has his dark magician, so to should your decks reflect your passion. seek out more cards, and customize your deck not so it just becomes another strong deck, but so that strong deck becomes you."
Zootopia: First Salvo part 6
Total below deck....