He Who enslaved a thousand souls
... This fan fiction is rated T for blood, gore, dismemberment, and suggestive themes. If you do not like the listed then do not read, I do not own Pokémon or associated Medias ... He who enslaved a thousand souls "No Anthony! Don't look at the...
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 2
I heard several pokemon from pidgeys to zigzagoon to the kalos' native bird, fletchling. i heard some voices ahead, so typhlosion and i sped up to see what it was. in the middle of the grass, there were three kids around 13 years.
In for a Penny
In the distance she saw a flareon dozing with his head on his paws; fletchling and starly wheeled through the air, chirruping playfully. nicky rubbed her stomach absently, watching pokemon just be pokemon.
[c] Partners, ch. 8
All six of her recent young were here: the brother-and-sister pair of axew whom she'd called tusk and honey; her fletchling daughter, arrow; her two litleo, brick and cinder; and her tyrunt child, duchess. "darlings!"
A shocking past
The following morning, garnette woke up to the sound of chirping fletchling, "this time i'll try talking to him.. yea" garnette said as she built up the courage to talk to the trainer.
Fighting-Types in the Forest
A flock of fletchling flew above. the noise triggered them both at the same time. pancham felt power surge in his fist, ready to deliver a sky uppercut. he ran at the pignite, sure that he had the upper hand once again.
A Catgirl's Hope
His sister never paid him enough respect to care much for her fletchlings. and the only reason he was even defending the young, fallen raven was because it managed to concoct a good excuse to tear another cat to pieces.
Y Serena?
Before i could even get my hands on the fletchling, it flies away! all i wanted was for him to drill me with that little beak of his, or hell, i'd even let him stick his tiny cock in me! i sighed, yeah..that'd really hit the spot.
Trouser Slug: Chapter 2 (Pokemon)
A fletchling from the kalos region sat on his shoulder and chirped. her name was pepper. "well i hope the next one goes better for you, mark. it's nice to see you as always." "you too, sir. have a good day!"
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 6
That combined with the elegant flowers around us and the soft chirps of fletchling made the area very peaceful. a part of me wanted to run freely through the flowers and roll around in them, but i stopped myself.
Eevee: Rhinestone Eyes
"i have a business trip coming up tomorrow and the daycare just told me they had to close down for the week after an onix ate somebody's fletchling," creak again.
A Day in the Life of a Vulpix (unoffical title, vore story) Part 1
The sun was shining, tailow, fletchling, and pidgy were singing, and the forest was lively! it looked more lively than ever this morning. vulpix hadn't known the forest to be this lively for a few days!