Easter Six and the Deadly Dowsing 3

His black jacket, in addition to keeping him clean, had several silver threads through it that were meant as garottes, but there were other spells too.

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TLOSH Chapter 2: The Dome House

The blade out of her palm had shrunk down, pressed between her hands, held almost like a curved garotte against the sides of the raccoon's neck. "now. rachel. was that, or was that not, consensual?" "it was..." she swallowed.

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Aniversary (with audio)

He also takes the garotte too, and all my vials of poison. "oh, that's where i left those," i mumble, as he discards the tools in our shared dresser.

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Easter Six and the Deadly Dowsing 2 (Prequel)

Runes stitched into the insides of the sleeves, cufflinks that were engraved with different holy symbols, weighted silver stitches in the wrists to make garottes out of: their attire was built for allow for many different responses, but not for comfort.

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Cherry: Chapter 9 - The Cathouse of Daddy Stripes

._ for that night, i put on some discreet combat boots, blue jeans, a hidden boot knife, a throwaway phone, gloves and garotte wire.

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Becoming Queen 1: The Call

The princess wasn't entirely sure if the gold chain around his neck could have been used for a garotte, but she figured that he could improvise if it wasn't directly designed for it.

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How to Deal with a Rat

Dragunov whined briefly and made to protest but the sight of soren with a strap held like a garotte silenced him. the shark buckled his wrists firmly to the poles in the back of the hardwood chair.

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Taking the Tour

We have drowning baths, nooses, garottes, all that. the adults really get into it, plenty of them even preferring to do it with their bare hands."

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Episode 15: Retaliation

The officer said playing dumb, harry tightened the makeshift garotte he was not in the mood for games. "tell me damn it." "never." the officer choked. they didn't have time for this nonsense.

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Squad Goals - Side Stories - Ch05 - Game Story

._ a rope acting like garotte wire, daggers clearly doing more than daggers, depleted stacks, and a bar heading south fast. he blew his own cooldowns - time for nova phase, full force, and went full attack combo.

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The Ghost of Toronto: Part 1

Alongside this beautiful weapon sat more conventional armaments -a chinese pistol, an american kabar knife and a garotte.

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