Adventurer in Trouble - A Hrothgar Story
Patreon: **adventurer in trouble - a hrothgar story** night had fallen on thanalan and the two hrothgar brothers sat together outside their tent, a small campfire in front of them warming their fur.
A Different Kind of Triad
He looks at the hrothgar from a moment before he smiles, and a cup falls down on top of you. leaving you in total darkness. "how about a game to decide that?"
The Quest for the Holy Dildo #17
"i might just do that," faniel agreed, and stepped within the doorway to high hrothgar. | [!
Trial by Fire [PTRN][RWD]
A hrothgar taken to the bowl of embers to be tempered finds himself the victor of a fight for his life.
Island Animal Sanctuary
hrothgar lips to animal lipstick, animal tongue to hrothgar tailhole, all was right in the world for once.
Family Memories
Sure, you may not be as bulky and muscular as the many hrothgars you meet, but you're quite slim. it may be strange for a hrothgar to have a slim build, but you are still young and hell... you kinda liked the sex appeal!
Sons of Winter chapter 4: Snowfang
hrothgar's features remained stern. "it is the only way to become a snowfang. don't let your pride get in the way of doing what you must. what would your father say if he was here, in my place?" hrothgar was right.
Slutcat and Sworddog #27
Slutcat said as she strolled into high hrothgar, for all the world the essence of confidence. the four old men lived up to their namesakes.
Crossing of Paths, Vergence of Destiny, the Force of Change. Eragon Fan Fiction
When murtagh protested and reminded him of hrothgar's orders, jason reminded murtagh hrothgar had said brom was not allowed to train him. hrothgar had said nothing of jason or eragon teaching him.
Tales of Eorzea: Adventurers From Another World
The hrothgar slowly reached over and used two fingers to flick the lalafell on the forehead. "ow!" the lalafell shouted. "what was that for?" "that sure felt real, right?" the hrothgar grinned.
A Barely Legible Scrap of Writing Found by Beowulf
I didn't have the slightest bit of remorse left inside of my soul once i reached hrothgar's hall. grendel's arm was hanging from the rafters to the ceilings as if it were some kind of trophy for a courageous and heroic act.
Slutcat and Sworddog #26
[image](]( | | finally they came in sight of high hrothgar