Something pony this way cums

I declare, walking away to take my next triumph; maybe the inverter. yeah. let's do the inverter and see if i can be held upside down without going totally fucking crazy from the fear. "you move like a horse."

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State of Mind

This is what i really look like, as opposed to whatever the hell i was in your inverted delusions." luke gives a bone-chilling laugh that penetrates chris's skull; it brings him to his knees, hovering over charlotte. inverted colours?

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An Aquatic Seduction

She began with having him stay stationary next to her by poolside and invert his body to access his abdomen - an extension of acquiring a urine sample except sue used a different behavioral cue so as not to confuse buster.

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Twokinds - A Dangerous Little Cheat

Not the show she was now putting on for him, inverted with her pussy scarcely three feet in front of his face. transfixed, he could only watch as she openly masturbated in front of him. not another soul in sight.

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Monkey Future Prologue : Downfall of Mankind

Because my dad had been around quantum singularities and black holes so much, its effects were carried on to my own reproductive system, leaving a vast, though small, patch of inverted space in my testicles twain.

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Treat Her Right

There was also an even rarer kind of copulatory tie, the "female lead inverted tie", where the female on top of a male would turn an inverted tie with the male she was stuck to.

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Dour Dolphin

Then a sharp, sudden sensation cut into his loins as his modest six inches of manhood forced itself back into his groin and inverted itself.

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Chapters 3+4

He had an inverted vatican symbol on the chest (confirming his status as a satanist cardinal) and inverted crosses on his arms and legs, with satanical hieroglyphs everywhere on his suit. his helmet was decorated with the words "fook u!"

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No Time For Caution

"life-support, prepare to invert positron and ion barrier charges on my order, set them to gyro and await my orders!" "aye, aye!" "captain, shooting solutions are primed, beginning solutions for starboard weapon systems now."

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Raiders of the Lost Clothing

Dropping past his ankles this time and leaving may dangling by the inverted garment. "sorry!" she repeated. "pull yourself up! quick! we need to get out of here before the front doors close!"

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Independent Study

Fidget gagged and coughed up the rump flesh, her saliva drooling out of her mouth and trickling down onto the lighter pink of eve's inverted cunt.

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When your girlfriend is a witch don't piss her off 2

It felt good in a way but also strange like i was going in reverse puberty it was as if my penis was inverting and my balls where shifting in a way i could not say for sure. but i had other things to worry about.

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