The Changes Made
As he stepped into the room no one made any comment on his appearance just simply the normal ragging that is to be expected when showing up almost an hour and a half late for work.
A Star is Made
The coach was fastidious about eating and made his players eat well while traveling on pain of extra laps for every non-approved bite of chow they consumed upon their return.
Made To Match
Just the way he talked about women made leslie want to stop him ever getting to talk to another girl. and that was strange.
Made to Order
He wanted to tell her that they'd been made better, but he didn't know why. instead, he said, "you're...beautiful." if she blushed, he didn't know, but her tail lifted from its tucked position and wagged slightly.
Made to Fit
Not even the dragon's voice made kipp want to look back at him. he felt ashamed and used. the very thought of the dragon made his stomach turn. "it took longer than it should, though.
A Match Made
And that made him like the showman that much more. made him feel like he was someone like him. someone who had to work for the towns approval. the further the show went, he found himself more and more lost in it.
Made Of Moogle
It's 100% made of moogle! check out my patreon for goodies: if you don't like patreon, i also have a subscribestar!
Made To Be Mates
Her body worked so quickly she could actually feel the milk being made. her breasts got heavier and heavier, her nipples fattened and started to leak but she ate so ravenously she always made a mess anyway, so she didn't care.
Made To Order
Ase's cry made the drowzee yelp and jump, and all it took was one quick look to see who was coming after him to turn tail and try to make a break for it.
Made Over
And the conditioning i had received made me want to be that.
Not Self-Made
And made a 'bah' sound.
Made To Bear
It made her eyes look dull, lacking the spark of life that people had. blank. empty. none of that mattered, though.