The Road We Walk On Ch.6

nikoli started to laugh and smiled back at his brother. "hehe i kind of guessed you where big brother." nikoli said.

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Life in Yiggow Chapter 6

"hi nikoli!" said both the lizard and wolf. nikoli, after having poured his glass of milk hopped over to the kitchen table and looked both douglas and berkeley, in the eye.

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Transformation Roulette

nikoli's ball rolled down onto the protected roulette wheel.

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Life in Yiggow Chapter 5

Suddenly the shower doors open and in come nikoli and thunder. nikoli shut the door and snuck over to the left of berkeley and douglas. thunder snuck over to the right of them.

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Night at the King's Carnival

nikoli asked. "dunno," crestor responded. "well, go look for him then?" the leopard suggested. "going to," crestor shrugged. "okay if there's nothing else i'm putting the phone down," nikoli replied. "wait wait!"

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The Road We Walk On Ch 4

He turned to find his little nikoli sanding not 5 ft away from andrea. nikoli jumped and grabbed andrea by the throat and lifted andrea up into the air.

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The breakup

"what's wrong, nikoli" the wolf asked "how many times do i have to ask you to please call me nick, i can live with nikoli anymore, not after what happened, and really, its nothing" he replied.

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The Power of Love (Part 1)

nikoli fought his tears as hard as he could, but to no avail. he crawled out of the car, bloody and bruised. he had barely cleared the car when the engine exploded.

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Souls Eternal Flame CH. 2

A little put off, nikoli stopped and drew back a little. "well i'm sorry. it's not like i can help it." he said.

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Souls Eternal Flame Chapter 4

nikoli looked at sinra and said, "so where is this gustav, and where will we meet tomorrow?" he asked. "we meet here, and we head home."

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The Road We Walk On Ch.5

The wolf pulled him back and hauled him up to his feet as they both stared at nikoli. nikoli smiled happily and said. "they saved me....."

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