The Brood - Chapter 6

Unlike the patio the pool was as long as the house and was shaped like an elongated kidney bean. i sat in one of the plush patio chairs and buried my face in my hands for a moment. rubbing my temples a bit to maybe calm my nerves. it was no use.

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The Journey to Acceptance Pt. 3

I began making my way over to the patio doors, the outside world was brightly lit. the sky was blue and the animals seemed to be out and about.


A Package To Behold - Part 6

I had no energy left, i could only nod and smile as our bodies lay together on the patio.

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dead fur - chapter 1 starting over

Also had a basement and a patio on the second floor. i chose my room and set my backs down and walked upstairs and outside to the patio luckily it was summer so snowfall hadn't come yet except for all the snow i saw on the seward highway.

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The Sidewinder

Stepping back onto the patio. vic is smoking a cigarette, an amused smile on his face. "shut up". the patio door bangs shut behind me as i walk back into the bar.

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Weeds - Chapter 1 - Where there's smoke...

If you kids want to take a break out on the patio, i'll be done in a few minutes." everyone but jack, who had already wandered off again, walked to the house. jason noticed his duffle bag sitting on the patio and picked it up.

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Castle Maze 1

Central, por lo cual tome rumbo e ir al patio, me costo un poco de trabajo ya que, obviamente, no conocía el lugar, finalmente encontré una puerta y accedí al patio, ya en el centro alce la mirada y al ver lo que había no podía creer lo que estaba viendo.

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Clay and Josh (part 3)

Josh, this is rose, rose this is josh, from work" said clay as they reached a round table in the corner of the patio, nearest the water.

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Dragon's Heart Prologue

A shadow briefly crossed the patio, making laura turn her head to the sky. most people would have freaked out at the sight of the thirty foot long serpent that hung in the air in front of her.

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All Hallow's Fright

The ferret just smiles and closes his door leaving just a crack so the light will spill out onto the patio for the next kids.


Welcome Home ch 06

His panic did one good thing, though; it made him soft again, and he was back to his own self when tanya came back out onto the patio, carrying two bottles of cola.

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Lake Wallaway Part 1

Kip walked over to the patio. "hey!" his dad called out, "come on take a seat, grab a beer, how was your trip?" the older fox gestured to the cooler sitting on top of the patio table he had set up.

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