Raped & Erased

He waited just a few seconds for fyrre to 'appreciate' the view before stomping the diminished quadruped into the concrete.

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Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 3

I am of a race that can assume bipedal or quadrupedal form at will. in fact just so i don't startle you later on, i'll show you what i mean."

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The Vore House of Klyneth - Evalion's Backdoor Practice

The slick goo of the quadruped's orifice soaked firon's muzzle and forearms, but he was okay with that.

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Dragwells' Breeding Facility

While the ferals at drawgwells' were more intelligent than their wild counterparts, they did not possess the gift of speech like quadrupeds and anthros did.

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Network Lore - Elshaan Species

Their species includes two subspecies: iturs, who are bipedal, and aturs, quadrupeds who form a special cast inside their community. their society is the first advanced one discovered on their planet.

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Cerberus Day Off...

The four quadruped jackals padded as close to their lord as they could, rubbing against anubis and allowing the deity to reach down and caress them to show his familiars his love and adoration for them in turn.

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"The Ontaro virus" Various TF story

He cried out in pain as his spine forcefully arched, locking him further into the quadrupedal body he found himself changing into.

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Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon’s Slave Interstitial 2: The Duel

The quadrupedal lizard also transformed into a being of fire! it spewed flames from its eyes and mouth directly at diamantopoulous, who absorbed the discharge and sent it right back.

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Pets Side Story: Beginnings

Just a bunch of little quadruped animals running around, burying bones, climbing trees, collecting medicinal herbs, hiding under bushes and... i back tracked my train of thought one item.


Ploughed pony...

"ohooo you like the idea of getting a quadrupedal off huh."

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They discovered on their own that the best way for a biped and a quadruped to make out is for the quadruped to lay on his back, low, against a wall or something (in this case the doorframe) and have the biped lay atop his chest.

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Gryphon milk

The shed was entirely automated - and had to be, for a family of quadrupedal owners.

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