Scott's Remote | Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Scott's mind whirled with questions and excitement. The rabbit had accomplished a project that he'd be sweating over for several years in a matter of a single night! He thought to himself, "Whoever wrote the AI learning for this thing...

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Work Pressures

Tom struggled through the fog of diaper snoof and baby brain, grasping at a thought. something seemed off about this.

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A Perfect Marriage

He always snoofed it when giving her a change. the nice fox disappeared for a moment, and alyssa blinked. where did he go? as soon as the question came to her mind it left, though, and she distracted herself by playing with her messy crotch.

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The Dragon Experience

There was a hotter snoof against his back in response. "a spell? i'm not keen on mages. they tend to enjoy causing trouble for me. are you trouble? just what was this spell?" "no, n-no.

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Daddy Kenny Adopts Puppy You

You didn't know what was happening at first. "There you are, puppy!" All you knew was the sensations of a pair of big fuzzy golden mitts resting on your shoulders, the hot breath of some big hulking predator looming just behind you, and faint...

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Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 6

"i want snoofs, master!" "can we go walkies please, master?" the two adult, bipedal huskies pranced around on all fours, giggling vacantly while nuzzling and petting at the dragon's thighs.

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Losing their Minds

The fox closed his eyes and took a deep, long snoof, drool springing to his lips as the wonderful, heady scent filled his senses.

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Cold Start - Pet Training

Shard was too happy to worry as the canine shoved his nose in the area and snoofed avidly, then quickly began licking at everything in the region. it was a natural response to the fragrant and powerful pheromones the air was laced heavily with.

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Maid for this

Forced him to snoof. snow pawed at the floor helplessly. all thoughts of escape were being pushed out of his head and replaced with master's strong arousing scent.

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A Little Less Experienced [COM]

"now go on and have a snoof of daddy bear's diaper," he ordered. he put his paw on the back of my head and forcefully guided my nostrils into the center of his padded groin. i failed to resist him rubbing my snout against it.

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Changing Time

Despite my orgasm, i got a serious charge shooting up and through my loins when he snoofed me. i felt like i was king. i didn't even order him to do so, but i felt energized to be in a position of control.

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A Crinkle In The Fabric of Reality

No matter how much of a protest that you don't need diapers, that you're a big kid... in the end, you're just a little baby bunny eager to snoof into my diaper, aren't you?" he chuckled. "not even struggling.

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