Don't Talk to Strangers - Chapter 1 [Comm]

~ ~ ~ leoroc had been working diligently on the rather stubborn assignment he had been given when his phone buzzed, causing the now stale coffee in his mug to jiggle and splosh.

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Overstretched Pt.1

It was certainly not unpleasant, but he had to wonder what was happening to his toy inside him, the 'splap, splosh' of the dildo sounding quieter and quieter each time he rolled his balls over.

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Lion Tamer... not so much

Leaving only that shiny black and white striped hindie, now sploshed with red sticking up in the air. the young tiger sat up, gulping down the last of his goodies and licking his lip's as he looked up at the crowd who was holding it's breath.

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Marx brothers incest dream I had last night 1

His penis penetrated me on a deeper level as it slid up and down side of me, bashing my cervix and making sploshing sounds. ** ** ** **"does julius's favorite daughter love her fathers cock?"

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Otterly Intimate Space

\*splosh\* out of the lake came a massive furry ass, wet and wiggling, tail raised high above. cinnamon blushed intensely, giggling at the presentation.

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Acipenser -- Here be Sea Monsters

Yet every time he dunked the mop into its bucket, the splosh of soapy water caused a tinge of bile to creep up his throat.

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Honey, It's Time!

There was a twinge under the dragonesse's tail, as a rush of fluid surged from within and sploshed to the floor with a loud splash. her eyes popped wide, her snout trembled, and she glanced up at her mate with fearful confusion.

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An arc of soda sploshed on the ground as patrick snapped bolt upright at the panicked shout. he cast a glance around on the water, and spotted it - a canine, thrashing on the surface nearby. peace and quiet be damned - he had to do his job.

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Chapter 7: The Semi Finals

He squirmed and barked as more sploshes of goo splashed across his body. it quickly became a torrent, thick, warm slime flowing from over-head to squish and roll across his muscular frame.

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Night at the Campsite (2020)

Nbsp; when the climax came, joshia grunted out loudly as his voice carried over the lake, his dick throbbed, jumping about within his warm palm as ropes of his thick seed spat out into the night air before they landed messily over the glades of grass and sploshed

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Collecting pokemon eggs WARNING!!! Castration ahead

The eggs dropped like dead weights into the bucket of seed one by one with a loud splosh. he then walked over to the camera and switched it off. "come on big guy let's go see your master." he said turning around and picking up the leash. "arcanine!"

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Red and Gold

Gold didn't have trouble spotting the miniscule slit that was recessed into its blunt tip sporadically gape to spew out sploshes of some natural prelubricant that went flushing down red's back, the drenching trails glimmering faintly in the red and gold warm

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