Tales of Eorzea: Adventurers From Another World
After his reply the three who had been talking turned and looked to the viera. "it's the same for me." the viera spoke quietly, as if hesitant to contribute to the conversation at all. "okay, so how does that lead to this?"
The Night We Shared, Ivalice Romance One
Vanity is unbecoming, but as a viera, we are known for the unique features that give us our natural beauty. our bodies are long and sinuous, perfect for effectively traveling though the sacred wood.
Journey for Espers - Chapter 3
Though fierce warriors viera were, they were a bit too haughty for his taste, except the few rare viera he had met that had left the wood. he counted them as invaluable allies though, and wouldn't want to cross one.
When Brothers bond
The muscled bangaa laughed loudly with an arm wrapped around a female viera, holding his fifth glass of pinkie-pie in a hand and an entire roasted pork leg in the other.
The Wet Journeys of Mareen, Prologue: The First Hunt
The group consisted of a hume theif, a viera archer, two seeq vikings and a bangaa white monk. mareen regained her composure and approached the group.
American Mustelid Alpha - The Cast (Part 2/3)
_#20 william, least weasel, personal trainer_ william viera, 34, joins ama from orlando, florida, where he works as a personal trainer at a local gym.
El Rey y El Tirano
Pero tampoco queria que cada vez que mi papa viera a james lo viera como un extraño. yo no queria eso. yo queria que al verlo, lo viera como mi pareja, como la persona que pienso amar toda la vida. cuando james volvio, tenia algo oculto en su espalda.
Change of Mood - FtM Chocobo TF
What exactly can you get for a mopey viera who's acting like she doesn't want to be here?" hadou carefully glanced over his shoulder towards l'luna. "let me guess..." the barkeep looked slyly at her.
6 bestias - Capítulo 4: Encuentro mitológico
Los miraba sorprendido, casi se podía decir que hasta asustado, y el grifo agachó más la cabeza para que no le viera el enorme pico. -disculpe. -comenzó el hermano.
Un premio agridulce
Sus dedos alargados sostenían la imagen cuidadosamente recortada para que sólo se viera su carita de ángel durmiendo.
My Sword, My Clan 08 - My Fearful Forest Folly
Cried the viera strongly.
Aquel al que considere un padre
Viejo, tenía tantos sueños, deseaba que me vieras triunfar, quería que me duraras otros 100 años más. pero te fuiste, y ahora se que me observas desde haya arriba, a donde algún día te alcanzare y podré ver a tu lado la creación.