Professor Will Not Face Charges for Sophomoric Acts

His earliest claim to veracity was his likeness in leonardo da vinci's famous and iconic _last supper_.

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Those Grey Steel Nights S1E7: Trouble just for kicks

All i had were vincy's photos to describe the woman i was looking for. i drove back into the dirty brackish streets of skyscraper harbor, figuring it'd be the place to ask.

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Those Grey Steel Nights S1E8: Kill for Me

You're not vincy. i thought vincy was gonna be here!" "vincy doesn't work for miss songdog anymore." it was plain and easy to say. he got a look on his face like he was chewing something foreign.

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A Date at Da Vinci

It didn't take long for the entire staff of da vinci to end up fawning over the two.  they became so absorbed in their meal that they very nearly missed the two men who had entered and had seated themselves in a corner.

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Keeping the Peace, Dousing the Flames

Da vinci needs to paint inside the lines, got it... what else?" doug shifted a bit, eyes falling across pearl's imposing figure, watching sight of the annoyed swish of her stringy black tail. "diesel.

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Chillin After the Battle

Les commandes de maître de vinci."                 another voice came to her ears, and while his words made no sense, she was still glad the master remained alive. then she felt something slip onto her finger. it was one of the rings.                

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Bridging The Years and Confronting Fears

         They group got two suites that were connected. The plan was to have the males in one room and the girls in the other. That was the plan. Edward's plan at least. Funny how life happenes. Maggie was full of questions for the master, and he in...

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Written Love - Part 1

Benjamin's body looked as though da vinci himself sculpted it; had da vinci did indeed build his structure, the rhino would've been among his finest works, no doubt.

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Those Grey Steel Nights S1E3: Opening a Tab

I looked over to vincy, who gave me raised eyebrows and a slip of pink tongue. this wasn't the first time i'd gotten shot, so i knew what i was in for.

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1000 Words: Twice Tied, Double-Knotted

I'm spread out across the entire bed, looking like da vinci's vitruvian man. i chuckle, thinking, "x marks the spot." with ten minutes left, i figure there's no time like the present. i reach with my right hand to close the final clasp.

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