The Claiming of Kobold Keep
._ * * * warchief kosuk was skirting the bounds of his authority merely by being so close to the human structure.
Breaking The Siege - Prologue
That was, until the regiment of orcs from warchief's hand-picked personal guard arrived. current warchief - garrosh hellscream was growing weary of waiting and once his patience ran out, he decided to take matters into his hands.
Bayn And Toff, Malicious Conqueriors: Prologue
Bayn said towering over the warchief. "bite me!" the warchief said before spitting into the wolf's face. "son of a-!" bayn kicked the fishman before turning to wipe the slime out of his eyes.
The Warchiefs Favor
"yes my friend, your my first, enjoy the honor of taking the warchiefs virgin ass" thrall said with a groan and a shudder.
Dhryn and the Warhound (part 3)
Dhryn frowned, turning to the warchief for an explanation. she had been so . . .accepting earlier! "for all your deeds, you are still an outsider," the warchief reminded him, stepping closer.
Syngeneia Kathairein part 44
Listen, the tlayouak are the warchief's chimaeric, highly adaptable army, best we can do is have disarria here conduit mutatio magic from warchief and give igor's cure the final step, buuuut....'' you say: "typical, complications!
Chiefly Duties
He asked to their surprise, the massive form of the former warchief emerged from the darkness, prompting all the quilboar to take a step back in shock as a gust of wind almost ominously followed his arrival.
Dhryn and the Warhound (part 2)
The shaman breathed a sigh of gratitude and relief at the warchief's acceptance.
Hellscream and the Concubine
"w-warchief i don't---" his voice was cut off by the larger orc's kiss as garrosh's hand wrapped around behind the general's head and pulled him into it.
Syngeneia Kathairein part 38
''about lysistrata's trial....'' \> you say "well, i told you pyranna was sent by the warchief. sabotaging the trial of temperance was deliberate, i was told by pyranna we need bloodlust to win this war.
Syngeneia Kathairein part 26
\> you say "so...... that second demigod, the warchief we call him, the singularity told us he is a dormant divine to aid in the second apocalion crisis?" nalomuzo nods. "zilikzunarivmotegraknarrok, nalomuzo suggest you forget name. warchief.
Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 1
Right and wrong would be decided by the historians, but the warchief was a practical man that very much lived in the "now".