Danceroom Balling

He walked over to the window and looked out, and when he didn't see the gardener, he opened it and poked his head out.

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STar Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 5

You've seen the main garden, of course, and there are additional gardens around the base of the tower, as well as several other public gardens throughout the city. i can arrange for you to visit any of them, if you like." he considered that.

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Well-Deserved Vacation (2/2)

Much like the others in the garden he would be rooted to the spot but his was a completely different transformation from the trees around him.

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A Little Less Counselor, A Little More Concubine 9

This one was the garden of the noonday moon, and it was deliberately kept shrouded in darkness, with a simple pool off-center to the rest of the garden.

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The Hedge Wizard - By Danath

"but i'm the gardener! i'm supposed to garden!" peri said, trying to argue his way out of whatever came next. "nonsense! think of all the time i'll save you!" pherin said.

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A Week's Hobby (Otherwise Untitled)

#66 of short stories after a week in an abandoned depot for repairs, the captain regards the progress of his garden.

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The Royal Harvest, Chapter 1

The garden could use the rain though." david opened the passenger door for riley, closing it when his husband was seated. he walked around and entered the driver's side. "so, anything else you want to plant in the garden this year?

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Searching for Galahad Part Six

Don't you worry, i'll keep cicero as far from the garden as possible." "you're a pal, man. where are you guys anyway?" "the hotel bar.

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A number of central buildings were organized in tiers, with verdant green gardens and ornamental trees filling the spaces between them.

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An Old Fart's Best Breeze

Guess he'll pass the time with his garden. the back door to torgues' house was kicked open, the old dragon stepping out with a twine-woven hat keeping his head shaded.

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Psychic Happenings

Ivy, the gardener of the mansion's rear hedge maze and garden..." they seldom spoke to one another, the rare exception being that he needed new seeds and fertilizer.

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