The Blue Marble - Tales from the Other World

I take the white glider out, and direct her toward a distant shore. my mate awaits in those distant waters.

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[Tetsudra] Special Delivery

Like the faraway sound of a distant shore, he could make out the primal roar of a dragon in release, and he felt the warm knot of his master's seed explode into his belly, radiating through his body in a wonderful, healing wave, taking with it all of

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Born to Serve - 01

Running through the jungles of a distant shore and basking in the glow of kinach ahau ... or maybe it was k'inich ajaw ... she could no longer remember. the words of her mother's tongue had been forbidden when the slavers took her.

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Total Trust Chapter Four: A Whole New World

Lugia turned towards a distant shore where a lighthouse shone in the sunlight. the waves far below us lent a peaceful atmosphere to our trip and our winged companion stayed silent as he flew us towards the shore.

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Guardian of Time: Chapter II

The stallion found the _titanic_ on one, a world war one battle, a siege of a medieval castle; explorer's landing on a distant shore... "this," nikolai started in a hushed tone, "is the chamber of events.

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The Planet of The Dolphins

But herman could hear things that weren't quite there - the beating of waves on a distant shore, the scream of a cartwheeling gull, the swish of kelp rolling in the swells, and always the whale songs. the songs filled his head.

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He Walks As My Shadow 6 - To The Old World

a distant shore as black as oil. soundless waves of dark amethyst gently lapping at his feet. giant gears half-sunken within the sea.

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An Era of Chivalry 3 - A Reluctant Raptor

Is it not better for them to wait a few years whilst thou trains to become a better warrior, than for them to wait forever whilst thy body rots in death upon a distant shore?" the frog's words stung james at that instant.

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Beloved (Your Lancer Part 3)

Unlike the small skirmish alexis had seen, it would be a war on a distant shore to the east. pyrrhos and other wards had known the possibility of that conflict for a while, so they were partially prepared.

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EndBringer - Verse Fifteen - Demons

The subtle noise intensified and welled up, gradually and rhythmically, like the sound of waves lapping at a distant shore. gradually the sound took form as a deep, throaty chuckle.

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Just Shadow

Its cars passing the paved roadway, sounding like crashing metallic waves against a distant shore; its people wandering as insignificant shadows where they busied themselves in their stress-inducing lives; and its buildings that reached closely to the pinnacle

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