New beginnings

All characters are copyright@ Nixs. Ask permission if you wish to use em ^^. Now that I've put that disclaimer on with the show..... I noticed the smell of cinnamon in the air had become stronger as I exited my room. Once I was fully awake I...

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The new Beginning

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP B.....\*CRACK\* His alarm clock made the incessant noise as his fist slammed down upon it. "Damn.... and I was just dreaming...." said Zach as he crawled out of bed, his scales causing tiny...

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Ash, Julian, Josh, Takishia, Alexia, Coda, and Meo all sat in the Front room on the couch as Julian read a letter from Ashley aloud tears swelling in her eyes as she did so. Dear my wonderful family, I don't know where to start really....I...

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A New Beginning

They say your highschool years are the worst of years of your life. I don't know yet, since I'm not in highschool yet. But I'm gonna be after this summer is over. The summer is the best break you have from school, teachers, and bullies. Then it ends...

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New Beginnings

_It has been eighteen years since Chloe and Glaceo met. Sixteen years since their twin daughters were born. Fifteen since their son was born. Ten since she learnt how to control her powers. Sort of..._ \* \* \* \* \* \* "You've grown so...

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New Beginnings

This story is set in a mostly standard Dungeons and Dragons universe, so for those of you unfamiliar with the setting just read the descriptions and try to get by. I haven't been able to think of a good title for this series (I do plan on writing more)...

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A New Beginning

#1 of a new beginning **disclaimer** : this is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. if you do not like m/m, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this.

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A new beginning

Alrighty, the next two chapters of the Knights of Juno are finally done. I hope you will enjoy them. As always, comments are appreciated and...

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New Beginnings

Typical Disclaimer This story is a work of erotic fiction, featuring anthropomorphic (furry) characters. If that disturbs you, don't read it. Any resemblance between characters portrayed here and people or characters elsewhere is both unintentional...

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New beginnings

(June 26, Portland Courthouse) The weekend had passed somewhat uneventfully. The group had relocated back to Hank's cabin and the beauty of the Oregon forests. Hank and the General spent much of the time fishing, while the ladies plotted and practiced...

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A New Beginning

Doctor Sarah Lightpaw sighed to herself as she studied the sight before her. A human had somehow gone through the dimensional rift and had been almost literally dumped in her care. He'd been tranquilized immediately and transported to an observation...

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A new beginning

_This is my first story that I upload to sofurry or any site in fact, so I expect some comments be as descriptive as you can. I really hope you enjoy ~cubby_ _ps if you have any questions just message me or shout; I'm not really good with requests...

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