Fate worse than death

"Zachery, It's time to get up! You'll be late for school!" Yelled the young wolf's mother. Rubbing crud out of his eyes, Zack sprang from his bed. Usually on a school day the young cub would slide out of bed, taking as long as he...

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Taste of Fire: Bad to Worse

Qagan sat silently next to the campfire and listened. He listened for any noise to warn him of potential threats or hostilities. Yet the only sound was the crackling of the fire and Teya's smooth breaths. Qagan relaxed a little and put a piece of wood...

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Bad to Worse (Revised 2018 )

What began as the act of a hero had my son Charles was driving home from where he works when as what he told me later, he heard a horrendous sound! It was late in the evening and as he drove, he was being careful to look for deer along our rural...

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0.5 - Memories of a Worse Time

_"Focus fire, focus fire! Those heavies are advancing!"_ A squad of Aeteri clutched their assorted weapons to their heaving, armoured chests, ranging from basic rifles to heat guns to a single launcher nearly out of ammo. Their leader, a young,...

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Final Exam

I'd all but with the grace of god failed the exam, and worse yet killed forty-one with my own bare hands... but this...    i did as any proper police dog should.  i simply bowed my head and took the folder of papers from his desk.    "thank-you. 

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The Grand Wizard II

(Part II of a series) After a fitful night of sleep, Storm arrived back at the office a little late. He wasn't concerned, however -- even if his new title meant nothing, the fact that he'd been working his tail off for this office damn near his...

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The Grand Wizard I

When technology and magic mix, terrifying things happen. Guns that can send anyone shot to literal, physical Hell fall into the hands of bored and angsty teenagers. Undetectable teleportation devices that can bypass all magic and technological...

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What's Worse Than Being Fired?

**What's Worse Than Getting Fired?** _By: Ash Cinder_ _Featuring: Stroh_ I knew my boss was going to call me into his office that week. My numbers just weren't up to the company's...

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Part 1 - From Bad to Worse.

_Once you walk the path, there is no turning back..._ Thank you, Tim, for the name for the series. My name is Darkstar; I am the third son of King Bloodshadow, king of Akarum. Bloodshadow has always claimed that I am not his son and...

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From Bad to Worse For A Kidnapped Kitten

Everyone has the kind of day at work that leads them to believe that things really can't get worse. " **LET GO OF ME, YOU CREEP!**" Some unfortunate few, however, have those kinds of days, only to have them get a little bit worse when every other...

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Kabuto: Chapter two: A Change for the Worse

I am about one and a half now and my life couldn't be better. I am trying to do the best I can but winter is coming and it is going to be a problem if we don't have the food to last the wonter. So we are now going to town to get food and stock up every...

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For Better or Worse: One - Payment Received

I live with my older brother, our parents having passed a few years back, Marik was pretty nice to me but we rarely talked because I preferred to be alone in the quiet to read my books. I don't hate him, we just aren't close. He spends all day at work...

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