Candence of a heart

He missed the words to put it in more context due to the origin of the draconic language. arryn gave an almost angry surprised look at dion. "dion what do...?" yet the jarl interrupted herself when she realized the meaning.

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Two Purple Dragons Ch2

Before the purple dragon could regain whatever thoughts he had prior to hearing the voice, mirror-cynder's tongue coiled itself around spyro's right front leg, or_sii_in the ancient draconic language.

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Gotta Be Somebody

Was curious about the draconic language when i first discovered it yes. often enough, i was free to browse their literature after being taught how to read it. i found the draconic language and asked if i could learn it.

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Dragon's bane Pt1

I flicked a switch, and the wolf spoke authoritatively in a draconic language. "dragon, that burst was a warning shot to you. if you do not land immediately the next one will be a little lower. if you agree to our request, drop height."

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1. the bounding

The invention of the written draconic language was still on his mind when the change happened.

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Caution, there be Dragons Pt1

A loud roar of a draconic language. "where is it?" "it went into that cave! what is it?" "i don't know, it just moves so fast!where did you say it was?"

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Sunrise on a new planet... Pt1

Sunrise turned back to the dragon, and muttered something in a draconic language, unaware the translator could pick it up. "we don't mention that with others in the house, clear!" he hissed.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 16: Black-Winged Angels

Just some paces near where yort was resting, a particularly old manuscript grafted to a rock was written in an old draconic language that the argoon was familiar with.

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch2 - Survival

For tecwyn himself, this was reciting the spell in the old draconic language, slowly moving his claws around and drawing symbols in the air. as he finished the incantation, the symbols merged together and bathed him in a warm glow.

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Wyvern's Reward

It wasn't a word of the draconic language. "uh, in the human language that means medicines. i'm working with a doctor human, and normally i just fly her between her house and the university, or between research labs. she's a very nice person!

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 13)

"i will seek out the library," he said after a while, "and see how much i remember of the draconic language."

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Gold Lust

The dragon whispered in ralkan's mind using a combination of the old dwarven and draconic languages. "your body burns with gold lust."

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