Delayed Gratification

Nathan's hands and lips lovingly serviced every hard hunk of meat he was offered: fat cocks and skinny cocks, plump lil' peckers and monstrous pork poles that made his cheeks balloon like a chipmunk's; cocks with wide, flared ends and tapered tips, with and

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Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny Part 1 Chapter 1

The fat cocked bunny shot an ugly glance at his brother as he walked off, peering down to the briefs he had just caught. he stared at the face of the cowboy for a bit. it was almost as if that smile was mocking him.

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They would soon be getting to know those fat cocks intimately, the thought sending a thrill through them. making those small human cock bounce up and down in excitement, drops of slimy pre-cum dripping every where.

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New Trunks: It's a Date!

"big fat cocks for you to suck, i might even let em' fuck you." "you're so hot." you whisper, his words bring you close. just imagining more men like him using you however they please. he seems to catch onto how your dick gets harder whenever he talks.

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Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny: The Rebootening

Would the reputation of being a virgin loser, or a fat-cocked pervert follow him? what about those dreams? did they mean anything? were they a sign of what was to come? dylan inhaled and exhaled sharply, shaking his head.

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Fat Dogs (2020)

Both fat hands continued to milk the other fat cocks as the thick cum slopped out from the piss slits until slowly both males felt their climax die off and then that is when they broke the kiss with thick lines of saliva stretch before it broke away

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Perfect Fit For Dual Dicks

Xan sat up on the couch so the weight of his massive, fat cocks caused them to fall forwards instead, angled towards the boy's head. "open those pretty eyes for me, then.

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Slut Butt

"but you should be able to take some fat cocks already." there was a definite edge of glee in her voice as she said that.

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What the Hell

Rakishki gasped and moaned as shi fell forward, both fat cocks slapping against karmel's backside. after one bounce, they began to erupt, shooting thick waves of seed in unison across the mare's back.

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Substitute Girlfriend 2

So many big, hot, juicy, fat cocks and those big, powerful muscles... my fingers stretched into the pouch of the tight jock strap around my hips. i still couldn't believe that had happened, let alone when i'd been wearing my most girly panties.

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True Hearts 2 A Tore Between Hearts part 3

Once he looked up again he gasp in shock seeing muscles and dominet staring at him, chuckling at him while naked and stroking their big fat cocks that are just throbbing for some wet attention from either smokey's ass or mouth.

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Foxslut (full) (NSFW)

Time flies by and stands still all the same; the only thing you can focus on are the three fat cocks around you, constantly clumping your fur with dribbles of precum.

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