Send Off

The words came slow, but sure, and final: 'death over life without flight.' she nodded; to be unwinged, to rip off wings--both were abominable, even if done to a 'tal.

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Racehorse's Secret - Part 2

His whole body tensed up hard as pleasure flooded his muscles, and he gritted his teeth, panting hard -- the knowledge that his little cunt bro was finally dead intensifying his orgasm many times over. he'd finally fucking done it.

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Barrett In Action

As the bear fell over, finally dead, barrett looked around her. she had no doubt that kristall had been observing the events somehow, and would send more thugs after her any minute now; it was time for her to leave. "you saw that, you fucking bitch?"

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Scene One: Green

A final, deathly sigh echoed forth from the woman's lips, her painful expression slipping to one of peace. several crimson-tagged bullet pits dotted her chest and abdomen, and blood spilled from the wounds.

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Bleeding Fire: Burning Hearts

I pulled away from him watching him stagger backwards and fall, finally dead. the exact moment the tiger hit the floor i bolted to where kira had fallen at. "is she. . . dead?" chris came up behind me followed shortly by melissa.

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Custodian history lesson.

His final death, coupled with the total loss of the valdari army and navy caused the remaining officials to order a retreat from oondodie space. the empire of valdar was broke, leaderless and on the brink of starvation.


Chapter 8-The Truth Comes Out

The cheering finally dead out and everybody got ready to go home. i had to walk home but i did not care, i was happy that i leaving the school soon with such unexplainable power.

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Chapter 21 - Sacking of the Castle

In her final death throes she made him vow to her to protect his nephews. naar hadn't expected things to turn out the way they did or he would have flat out refused.

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Princess Luna - Chapter 2

_hissing_ at the solar guard in warning - causing them all to back off - nightmare moon swiftly lifted me atop her back and then, with a final deathly glare of warning, transported herself and i to her and luna's shared quarters.

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Execution (parts two and three)

Once my cock was completely drained, i knew then that ainoko was finally dead. one look in his dead, glassy eyes confirmed that he was, in fact dead as the wood stage i was standing on.

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A Night of Forest Fun for Dark Haru

Her body twitched as it went through the final death throes, but there was no life in her anymore. haru used a single claw from his free paw and swiped at her neck, easily and cleanly separating her head from her body.

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