A Nice Surprise

That was some fresh air he was breathing, certainly aided by the surrounding forests. god, he loved this place. rod approached the door and rang the doorbell.

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It overtook his whole being, leaving him a slumping fading mess of a drooling deer doing his best to keep adoring the forest goddess.

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Spring Breeding

The forest god lapped deeply up into the feline's sex, allowing her to ride out her orgasm, paws digging into the sofa, cutting up the cushions, though such a minor detail was nothing that any of them cared about in a moment like that.

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A Demon's Time at the Libidinous Luck 2

But the ones that came through strongest, and likely most recently, were from something that gave him forest-god feelings. azorious sniffed the air twice more, then cocked his head to the side. "stag, but you zonked him to virile forest-stud."

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Phoenix Destiny

He had somehow become a forest god. he should be a fire god, really. but then phoenixes always were associated with life and creation as much as with death and fire. he took the time to catch and kill a young deer.

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"The Wild King", chapter 2

I had, unknowingly, though, killed an expectant doe--the bride of a forest god. he cursed me with a wasting disease, a blight that affects his kind, and i struggled to survive. my body decayed and my fur and flesh sloughed off.

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Suel’s Pandaria Adventure

Turning his head suel gasped at the outline of a great beast, and then, as some forest god of old, an immense tiger in the colors of a roaring fire, stepped from the shadows into the dim mottled light.

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Chapter 3: Reunion

He shook his head as he felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the melody that cassie sang the day he met him in the forest; god he felt so happy whenever he heard it.

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Monster Valley: A Kobold Trapper

Now, if you'd like to know who fired off that bolt, i'll tell you that it was some sort of benevolent forest goddess, so now tell me, are you two okay?"

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Asantrea - World, Concepts and Characters

goddess of wilderness _about_ thought to be the closest deity to ammunash the creator, usually depicted as a tall, powerful and somewhat androgynous entity of varying taxa wearing flowing white robes, always glowing with a bright white inner light

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Given to The Goddess

Being chosen as a sacrifice to the forest goddess sounds like the end for laurie.

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