Shade Hunter

Just as well drag though, he hadn't wanted to waste the effort on what could be his last day alive.

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An Audience with the Emperor

Just as he finished, the male gave her a tactless lick across the snout and began again without delay, thrusting into her as if it were his last day alive. nemyra grunted, then grinned to herself as she began thrusting back into him.

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The Wyrmvault Twins: The Treasure We Find

Maybe it was their carnal task, maybe it was their newfound feelings, but they couldn't help but kiss, adding their cheeks to their embrace of the dragon's malehood as they squeezed tighter than ever and kissed like it was their last day alive.

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The next battle is set as many treat simon as he is on his way to his last day alive. as many treat him as if he was already dead saying many good things about him.

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The griffin gazed down at her current brown-feathered plumage, knowing that this would likely be her last day alive in this body. "living forever?

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The Rune Tapper: Part 1 Fire & Tears

He couldn't help but think that if he were to die during the crimson moon tonight, this would be how he'd spent his last day alive. tek could hear laughter outside the door. "her again!" lita pouted, yanking the door open.

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The Myth and Legend of a Monster: An Assassin in Drewen- Police Shootout

The chief never dreamed that his last day alive would have him being cummed on by the infamous destroyer of wakusa, and now he has to the experience the indignity of being covered in the monster's seed, which smelled and tasted more manly than he could ever

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