A Flame in your heart:: Ch. 3 Taming her ghoul

Adult for adult situations and romance my lone wanderer, serach, is an anthromorph. anthromorphs are the people of the capital wasteland who instead of turning into radioactive feral zombies, turned into great big furry beasts.

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Yellow Feathers and Black Scales Part 2

A lone wanderer makes his way back to his palace, tired, but more then pleased with himself. a dirty and satisfied grin on his muzzle shows his sharp fangs. maybe he will visit that gryphon again, it was just way too fun to play with him a little.

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Dogs of War - Chapter 3 - Witch hunter

Most mages in the empire were either lone wandering mystics or else bondsmen of the noble classes, serving as bodyguards and advisors, shadowy figures of intrigue who worked their mysterious business behind the scenes such as the fearsome mage-praetorians

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A spell to forget

Not that i mind, tho "it's a dangerous forest for a lone wanderer," said the innkeeper, an old lynx who missed part of his left ear decades ago, back when he was the one drinking at the other side of the table.

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First and Last

Things that kept out of the light and away from armed men and women, but who were all too happy to stalk and prey upon lone wanderers. especially ones that were half mad with fear.

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For Love of Love 1: A Meeting in the Woods

The lone wandering digimon was himself a virus-type, but he didn't carry himself like the typical virus-type.

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ch 39 days of rest

Rukaria could hardly believe that after so many decades of lonely wandering, she had found love anew. she was equally shocked when she confirmed from ruby and pearl that they openly supported her bond with their lover.

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Counting the Night.

"i've noticed a lone wanderer heading towards my home, and..." her teeth is licked, her arms folding. "it turns out to be you, huh?" rammy gazes at her physique, admiring the plump and curvy figures.

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Story Inspired By Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: "A Khajiit in the Capital Wasteland"

The story also takes place in an alternative universe to whats told in the game story, a break away from the lone wanders tale and with my own ideal twist! lol! characters are made up and not taken from the story. anyway...let me know what you think!

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Loneliness -Wolf TF-

And the obvious lone wandering female shows up to bring good cheer and arousing excitement to our wayward dog. anyways; hope someone gets a kick out of this.

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The Beginning of Appreciation...

Every hour went by and i grew more lonely, wandering if anyone out there even cared. i kept to myself as the fingers pointed themselves and the whispers floated through the air. "he's strange." "why is he such a weirdo?"

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