
How many pup hoods do you own?" josh asked. he cradled the thick bundle of latex and leather in his hands, turning it over in his palms. zeke chuckled and replied, "would it surprise you to learn i have a collection?"

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Flash Fiction: Training the Perfect Puppy

Alex tugged the pup hood down over toby's head and face, hiding the otter under the black and blue neoprene. toby wiggled his waist again, and alex spun him around by the shoulders so he faced the bear, panting with his tongue hanging out.

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Flash Fiction: Do Not Disturb

The stoat turned his head to see a buckskin horse, impossibly well-muscled and dressed in nothing but a leather bulldog harness and an orange pup hood that covered his face, staring at him.

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Droning Occasion

Looking back at him was a red fox wearing an all-black pup hood that covered everything but his eyes--including his ears. his normal pup hood was black with green and open ears, so this had to be new.

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Adrian's Induction - Chapter One

"how did you know we liked pup hoods?" the moment adrian looked away from his computer to see the zebras' puzzled stares, it took everything in him not to wince in guilt.

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Five Stories for Bar Night—Pt. 3

The rat, clad in only his magenta briefs, stood in front of the mostly nude labrador, who wore two leather mitts locked around his wrists (mimicking paws and preventing him from using his fingers), a partial, blue-accented pup hood that covered his snout and

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14 - Post Holiday Pick-Me-Up

"i don't think i want to wear a pup hood ever again," i said. "i looked them up online, and, well, they typically mean certain things that i just don't want to communicate. except maybe to my tiger."

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The Lead Crown: Ch 6c, Ghosts of the Past (Pt 2)

D) roland and joshew are having a wonderful conversation at roland's pup-hood home, but it turns out that they aren't safe there... and, apparently neither is roland's mother. e) henry is not out of the story yet... and, unfortunately, he brings trouble with

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