Kitai's hope chapter 3

I lapped gently at the sheath, licking around the head of the black member that was slowly falling from its home.

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Meanwhile 3, Part 1

Slowly robin's dick came out of its sheath. licking up and down the hardening shaft, kiva elicited a moan from robin. "see," kiva teased. "i told you that i'd make you feel better." "stop teasing me." robin moaned as kiva licked his shaft.

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Taryn's Tail

He growled softly and traced a claw slowly up the underside of the young rabbit's sheath, licking his lips slowly as a few more centimeters of rabbit cock poked out.

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The Aftermath: 'Friend Or Foe?'

To speed up the process my tongue lovingly seeps into the sheath, licking underside of his cock that isn't yet out and enjoying tightness around my tongue.

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The Back Room

Then i stuck my tongue into his sheath, licking and coaxing the tip of his penis out. he gasped and grabbed the back of my head. i pulled back his sheath and exposed his hardening cock.

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As The Winner Says

After placing the bottle of lube down, snow grabbed both sides of his undies before tugging them down to reveal turbo's black splinter and hard throbbing shaft that had escaped his sheath.

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Getting Tamed. Chapter 4.

He slowly slid the tip of his muzzle into his master's sheath, licking eagerly at the tip of his sheathed cock. the taste was... strange, but he loved it!

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Lazy Wolf

He pressed his tongue into rosco's sheath, licking inside against his knot. rosco's breath came warm and heavy; the pup always loved when joe played with him there--the press of joe's tongue on his sheath alone nearly brought rosco to the edge.

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Lemon Colored Lovers

Slowly, his work progressed upwards, the little ruby organ slurping up higher and higher towards my sheath, licking it gently and coxing the hot, crimson member out of hiding. it didn't take much to do that though, not with pikachu around.

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Chad's Life Chapter 4: Sam's night to shine

Chad did as he was told. chad had to start licking inside the sheath. licking the top, as it staedily arose he ran his tongue up and down it. "that's enough, now get over here where i can suck you."

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Taryn's Tail

He growled softly and traced a claw slowly up the underside of the young rabbit's sheath, licking his lips slowly as a few more centimeters of rabbit cock poked out.

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Toby Gets An Uncle - part 1

He avoided the engorged sheath, licking as closely to it as he could without actually touching it. george moaned and murred his pleasure, scritching toby's head all the while.

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