K-2003 Goes to College
#1 of general k-2003 my living latex rubber fuck toy that runs the big (im)famous toys-4-u adult toy store company needs to go to college.
Human Jealousy: Part 2
Meet me by the closed toy store by the mall. you know which one right?" the voice of jeff comes through, but the sounds of machines come through and make him hard to hear. "wait. what? the toy store?" nate clears his throat now. "yeah! see you there!"
Samantha's Third Chance Chapter 5
"i have to go to work, but when i get back i'll take you to the toy store for being good to tona." "yippee! though i wish you didn't have to go soon. you just got back." samantha hugs jackie and says.
Mall Santa
After a trip through every toy store and a short break in the food court the two spent an hour in a line full of screaming kids and scowling parents.
Welcome Home ch 10
The toy store had been a lot of fun, and tanya had to laugh at the memory. terry's eyes had been wide as saucers as they had gone from aisle to aisle.
Braixen Bookstore: Weird Milk
Milla was invested in this mall being able to make a comeback, literally; she had inherited a toy store, that she and her friend jack -who handled actually running the place -consistently got almost no customers in.
The Kandlin Series - Chapter 3 - Cats and Tigers
Veemon looked at jade as they had found each other again, right in front of the same toy store. oddly enough, no police or even the storeowner was near by.
One Night At Plushies
Erakir would awake a short time later, but this time he found himself getting pulled along the floor of the toy store.
A Perfect Marriage - Chapter 3 (part 2 of 2)
Regardless, he couldn't help but give into distraction as they came across the toy store.
Matriarch, Hiss' Story: Part Three
Truly, it was exactly like a toy store for adults, mimicking the joy that younger furs would have found in going to a more commonly found, typical toy store.
Die Hard
How many toy stores were here? oh well, she'd find her chocolate bunny sooner or later. starting off, lucretia began walking down the hall once more in search of the nearest toy store.
Simon Says
They split up, the two finding few unlocked; a toy store, a pet shop and a conveinance store of sorts (not conveinant enough for alvin as it didn't carry any clothing). "well, i am going to check out toys 'r us, you coming?"