A Reason to Live pt 6

The man stopped to watch what the fur was doing. "what exactly are you doing?" the lioness had found a pair of the wolf's leggings and an old shirt and had put them on.

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The Magic Of The Souls- prolog: The awakening

He was curious for a second and even thought about finding, and following who or what the fur belonged to, but the cold wind blew once more even stronger, rendering his coat all but useless, and changing his mind in an instant.

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Fear Part 1

The brother was hiding his face so he didn't see what the fur looked like. the brother and sister went into therapy. the brother was fine a month later. the sister stayed in therapy for 4 years and never said a word."

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The Princess Canine: Chapter 4: Resolving Issues

"what the fur were you thinking, not telling us that you stripped for a living?" lexter felt very vulnerable right now. he weekly mumbled out "well..." jonnie cut him off. "you signed that damn form when you agreed to dance the part!"

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The Carnivore Party

what the fur is a carnivore party? she saw a rabbit chest deep in a carnivore's mouth slide in deeper. she figured out what bruno meant by 'carnivore party'. sindy interposed herself between bruno and the bookshelf.

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"The Thin Line," Part EE

As to what the furs in lark's rise were thinking, the gist of it was that while they were not enthusiastic about the treaty and closer relations with the empire, at least the empire

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Salty Sea-side

Frosty didn't even have to look down to know what the furred male meant but he couldn't help but instinctive follow the glance, blushing brightly.

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The Carnival

The lion wondered what the fur's problem was. it didn't even seem like he had moved. nait shrugged and as he moved he noticed that his pants were a little bit baggy.

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New Arrival

Nothing too important, just about where the best restaurants were, the best clubs, what the furs around town were like, and so on and so forth. it was when sasha offered to help jace find something to watch, that it became interesting.

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"good to know what the furs are thinking about it, anyway." mason tugged on his ear quickly. "they're really liking it, they really are. everyone's...uh...they're all wondering about a sequel..."

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The Princess Canine: Chapter 1: Auditions

what the fur, he thought. if it's important, then someone will sue me. he handed it back, got his syllabus and schedule for the practice sessions, along with a pass that allowed him into the building and the dance studios.

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Another Gay Furry Romance Story: Day 2: The Romance Continues

what the fur, he said to himself. what was that about? the badger walked a few steps and turned to glare at harold with a cold hatred. harold was struck by familiarity.

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