Locktober One Year Later

#2 of locktober one year later after cris permanently locked bruce into chastity, he decides to celebrate by taking bruce to a sex club he knows of.

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Road Rovers: A New Start 3

bruce let the balls fall out of his mouth and started licking the base of shag's cock. shag moaned as bruce hit his hot spot and started squirting precum all over bruce's face. bruce lapped up as much of the precum as he could.

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Nev City: Chapter 2; Flashbacks, Questions and a luming battle.

" "that means" "bruce, we are going to be parents" marie started to cry as she hugged bruce bruce was speechless.

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Dirty Dare

Just then ford burst out of the cupboard in front of bruce holding his phone up. "damn bro!" he said "i said come on to him not come over him!" "who cares!" said bruce smiling "still won the dare!" bruce then noticed ford's phone. "did you film us?"

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Heaven and Hell: The Hero From Limbo Ch. 2

The only thing that assured bruce that he wasn't dreaming was the feeling of grass gently brushing against his pants. "you're bruce marlin, son of titus, right?" asked solomon. bruce raised an ear. "yes, but -- wait.

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A Bullseye

bruce moaned still coming down from his own orgasm. not saying a word damien put more force into his thrusts, the sound of his slapping balls were only drowned out by bruce's grunts and moans.

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Better with Sausages

The three have always fooled around and although the relationship between robert and bruce was now a lot more serious, bruce and robert have always had a soft spot for frederick.

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04. Burglar Games

bruce's tail wagged a bit, his hips wiggling in the anticipation which only stopped when the man asserted his pressure and forced bruce to stop. sliding into bruce was much easier than the human had expected.

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Midnight Fucking

All of a sudden bruce knew what had happened as he watched the beast's head snap around and glared directly into bruce's eyes. the beast saw bruce half naked pants around his knees open shirt, sweaty cum body.

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