Carla, the Love Pet

carla was her usual helpful self, and the store was moderately busy. all day long, all i could think of was taking carla home again, and it seemed that the day would never end.

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Bloody Sunrise: Epilouge

carla... yes carla... i once... was... carla!" it said peeking out from behind the door. vic backed up a bit more but the thing showed no signs of aggressiveness. "carla... why aren't you like the other... creatures?"

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The Ticking End Chap 7-9

Atrocities against children had always affected carla deeply.

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Mathew's plans Chapter two: Entertaining the parents: part one

carla asked. "i was in my car." elroy replied simply. "where did you go?" carla continued. "nowhere." he kept his voice low. "elroy what's wrong?" carla placed a hand on his shoulder turning him to face her.

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Carla Cow

carla frowned down at the inner workings of her car and sighed.

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A Plan is Formed

'i'll take care of everything' murmured carla to herself as she licked her lips. 'daddy?' carla cooed as she gently knocked on her father's bedroom door.

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Faux Fur

That's carla! doesn't she look great?" that didn't sound very much like carla. in fact it sounded a lot like some kind of dog.

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The Red Star: Chapter 1

I laid back a bit away from carla, she looked abandoned and wondered what i was doing. she looked at me with a puzzled face, she was almost there, she didn't want me to stop. "carla..."

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Forged in Blood, Sweat and Tears

"well apart from the fact that carla knew that this was going to happen sooner or later. i just acted upon instinct," laura answered, knowing all to well that what she had said only made carla angrier.

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Hang a shining star

He'd explained this before, and carla claimed to understand.

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