One Night At The Snuff Brothel

Lilly spread her legs for the coati, her clit already starting to emerge from beneath its hood, then reached forward to lick the tip of garrick's erection.

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I am so apologetic those coatis couldn't accept you for who you truly are," the old pastor comforted me, resting a paw on my back and the other on my leg nearest to him.

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Where Angels Fear

A young-looking coati sticks his muzzle around the door, blinking twice in rapid succession. his nose does a dance while scoping out the room. "okay to clean in here, mister?"

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Qest: Primal - Chapter 17: What You See is What You Get

Cutter said, waving to pocketknife, who had kept silent this whole time; the coati was too busy looking at the environment, taking in how nice the house looked.

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La Curandera IV: The Last Crusade

The coati asked, already suspecting the answer. johnny whined, hunkering down in his seat.

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Chapter Twelve -- Island Idyll

They were unrelated to their "twin brothers" in that the shima researchers had used a different set of adersi leopard, coati, and human genes, kept in the same proportions as those that had created miyatsu.

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The Business Trip

Paw job from a coati with those big feet! i walked into our room to find audrey laying on the bed with a look filled with adoration, and lust. it had been a week and a day since i had seen her last.

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The Midterm Demonstration

The coati put pinched his nose shut. "please...?" the hamster pled again. it might have been a plea for life -- or a plea to rub harder. "ready?" the coati asked. attwater managed a small nod of his head.

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La Curandera - Chapters 1, 2 and 3

Odella was average sized for a coati, or at the very least average height.

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Pray Pt. 3

"you fucking disgust me," the enraged coati snarled to nobody in particular. "mrs. hoyle, would you please watch what you say?" darius said trying to calm my mother.

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Audrey the Coati

I lay in bed covered in pink satin sheets and pillows next to my mate and lover audrey, a white-nosed coatimundi, my south american beauty.

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Qest Primal - Chapter 24: The Ones Who Will Win This Fight

A purple clad coati was quickly approaching. in his hand he held a large pipe wrench. "sorry i took long!" pocketknife shouted. "grabbed some stuff on way here!"

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