Hard Discipline in the Navy
Hard discipline in the navy \* heheh...a maritime commission for [
[http://kulkum.deviantart.com/art/the-savage-dark-tribute-629782500](http://kulkum.deviantart.com/art/the-savage-dark-tribute-629782500) discipline (or the lack thereof) he felt very much like a kit who had been sent to the principal's office for getting
Pokemon Discipline Center
Ash said holding a struggling pikachu as he entered the discipline pokemon center. dpc for short. ash walked in the door. a nurse joy with a stern look on her face asked. "how can i help you?" "my pokemon need some discipline."
Lesson in Discipline (Commission)
"Hnngh... Where in the infinite galaxy am I...?" Fox McCloud cooed, dazed and dizzy, barely able to make out his surroundings. He found himself in a small, dimly lit room, aboard an unknown spaceship. Trying to move his hands, he felt his wrists bound...
Firefox Chapter 05
"we have two women being disciplined for you tonight, afterwards, we'll be breaking up into five games of poker. winners will be enjoying victoria on the struggle board." victoria flinched visibly, looked angrily at tigre.
Jem's Bad Week (Part 1)
**The Jem Snippets** ...
Falling in Hate - Fatherly Discipline
He was a bit old school in his expectations of discipline and respect, the lesson carrying over in holly's reactions even at her age. she couldn't look him in the eye. "dad, i'm a grown hen now. stop treating me like a child, ok? i'm fine."
Escape from Discipline Hall
discipline hall" his tone was soothing, yet slightly menacing. chloe didnt know what to think of the whole mess, but gulped and expected the worst. the portal burned up, and in a flash it was gone.
Ratchet headed down the corridor after leaving med-bay, the old medic was quite tired after having worked a seemingly endless shift. and was looking forward to a quiet night to himself. But unfortunately for the medic, fate had other plans for...
Draconic Discipline: The Burden of Failure
Makaidos swallowed hard, struggling to find the words to explain himself, struggling to keep the pain of his improper position sheathed behind the same iron-like discipline the chastity plug was made from. "i...
.** **"c'mon onslaught, surely the leader of the combaticons can take a little discipline" chuckled brawl with a lack of respect for authority, clearly enjoying having the other mech thrash around on his lap like a naughty sparkling.** **"brawl!
The Importance of Discipline (Chap 1)
_Like fragile bubbles, the universes press close together, touching yet separate. In one, starships roam the galaxy, seeking, exploring... in another, those same starships fare forth bent on conquest... the ships of the Empire._ Lt. Tamerlane...