Classroom Secrets Ch 1

Uchida wasn't looking before he started doodling. he didn't really study at all, and thought as long as he erased it later that it wasn't a big deal to draw on the desk. just to be safe he tried to hide it behind the book while he doodled.

Ranger does Fluffy

Stripping off his t-shirt and shorts, ranger stood as naked as his doodle, the hose turned onto his firm, strong doggie body. rounding the corner to his backyard, fluffy stopped suddenly stopped and gasped.

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The King's Odd Bath

#1 of word doodles a king has a strange request for one of his subjects. i've never really been into paws that much myself, but this idea popped into my head and i just had to write it. it was fun to do.

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Friendly Encounter: coming clean (chap. 1)

He handed the paper to max and he blushed as he saw a doodle he'd erased. "this was one of the rough drafts for english we did right before summer...i saw that doodle and gave it some thought.

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Minerva gets a man at last!!! part 1.

Until suddenly there is a lovely singing voice going "le dum dum dee de de, doodle doodle dee" as there's a beautiful anthropomorphic mink shows up and her name is minerva as she has long blonde hair, a yellow colored tail and a body to die for in a purple

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Dear Dogie...Another toontown story

You could see something was bothering, so you invited me back to your house to boost my laff points with your doodles. i followed you home. we played with your doodles for a bit, and then we went inside. i was so tired and i wanted to relax.

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Spending New Year's Chapter 1

He pulled up a stool on the other side of the island, doodling on a piece of paper aimlessly while he waited for his mother to finish. "here we are."

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Chapter 1 - The Caprian Tales - The Day My World Ended

How about i pull up this rather impressive doodle featuring upon your holo-notes? i'm sure the class would like a display of your formidable art talents."

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Chapter XXXIV: And last

The wolf looked up from his sketchbook and stopped doodling. "at least for a while. i think it won't hurt if we talk some more after my graduation.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 8 - Meant to be broken...

I noticed she passed a doodle of him pulling a really stupid face with big eyes, sniffing a butt... i couldn't help but to snicker quietly but it was so difficult not to burst into a hysterical laugh fit...

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Another bus-stop rhyme-doodle. hadn't been sleeping very well when i wrote it. still not, really. i lay w'in the darkness, trying in vain to sleep as tiredness makes me weep, and aches upon me press.

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Short, silly, weird thing i write-doodled up for lack of anything else. i really dislike moths in the house. pity a bug-zapper wouldn't handle the problem. they keep coming out of the pantry from some kind of moth-dimension.

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